We hope that you enjoyed your time off and got some rest! We have a couple of reminders for this week:
1) On Wednesday, your child will be participating in the Fun Run with Woodview Elementary. Your child should wear tennis shoes and their white HCE Cougar Pride T-Shirt. The third graders from Woodview will be coming over to run with our third graders from 9:10 - 10:00. We are helping Woodview raise money to build a Spark Park. Please send $5 - $10 as a donation.
2) Thursday will be a 1:30 Dismissal Day. This day is set aside as a staff development day. Please send a handwritten note with any change of transportation for this day. Thursday is also the day for Toys for Tots Donations. A fire truck and Santa will be here to collect any toy donations.
MATH:In math this week, we will continuing working on multiplication. This week, we will learn strategies from multiplying by 6,7,8, and 9. Your child has three Mangahigh assignments for homework. The specific assignments can be found on the Weekly Planner page as well as in your child's planner. The problem of the week is coming home today and it will be due on Friday. Your child has a Fast Facts Quiz on Friday that will be a grade. Please check their Multiplication Checklist in their green binder if you are unsure of which multiplication quiz they will be taking.
SCIENCE: During our science time today, your child will be creating a flow chart as a review for their science test. The Energy Test will be tomorrow. Please continue to study the study guide and vocabulary cards. The flowchart will be coming home as an additional resource for studying.

WRITING- Our craft element focus for this week is called SHOW, DON'T TELL. The writer's we love best use their words to paint a picture and show us what is happening in a story. Simply reading -- "Mary was sad." isn't as interesting as reading-- "Mary walked into the room with her head hung and tears still running down her face." We will start the week off playing emotion charades. We will jot down the movements and facial expressions our friends use to show and not tell us about emotion. Then, we will work on moving this element into our own writing. Finally, we will review some familiar texts to see how the authors we love and know most use this element in their stories.
WORD WORK-New spelling words will come home by 12/2. We will assess on 12/9. We work for 10-15 minutes each day to practice our word sorts. A white copy of your child's words should come home for you to spend time working on at your convenience.
SOCIAL STUDIES- We will work this week to finish our comparison of maps and globes. We will introduce the vocabulary word compass and talk about how you can use a compass and map together to help you locate and travel places. The compass allows us time to review cardinal directions (north, south, east and west) and introduce intermediate directions (northwest, southwest, northeast and southeast). This is a great time to play some Simon Says at home using cardinal and intermediate directions.
Always remember that you have access to our online resource www.studiesweekly.com to help your child review what we have learned in class.