Showing posts with label mechanical energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mechanical energy. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Week 13: November 13-17

Week 13: November 13-17

11/20 -11/24 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)

12/7 - Toys for Tots Please send a new and unwrapped gift to donate.  Children will get a chance to drop their toy with local firefighters and Santa Claus.  

12/15 - Noon Dismissal for Winter Break

Reading: CHARACTER TRAITS and CHARACTER FEELINGS will be our big work in reading this week.  We will focus on reading carefully and thinking about what a character does, says and thinks to determine how they feel AND what kind of person they are.  This big thinking is called an inference.  

In class, students have worked wordless books to focus on character actions.  Wordless books are a great way to practice inferring character traits and feelings as the reader have to look closely and read the body language and actions of the characters to draw a conclusion.  

Homework:  We looked at this video clip and talked about what the words...
EVERY SINGLE DAY, NO MATTER WHAT would mean for our reading lives.  Volume matters.  Please make sure that reading happens at home, every single day- not matter what.  

Writing: Descriptive details will be one element of craft we will focus on this week.  We will look at how authors use simile, metaphor and beautiful adjectives to describe in great detail the parts of their story that they want a reader to experience.  Then, we will look at how an author might use a comeback line or repetition to drive home an idea in a story.  Friday, we shared America's White Table to talk about Veteran's Day.  We will revisit this text as one of mentor texts next week.  We are thankful to the Veteran's and families who joined us in celebrating and honoring those who have served our country.  They are inspiration to our learning and our writing.

Social Studies: We will wrap up our work on community and citizenship with lessons on DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP.  Students will complete these lesson on itsLearning (the districts digital curriculum platform).The lessons focus on the important BEs of being online..

be kind... be safe... be yourself.

Spelling:  Spelling tests are staggered this year.  If you haven't yet, you will soon receive an email from your child's spelling teacher letting you know about your child's spelling sort and test date.

Math: This week in math we will learn about graphs. We will study and understand the difference between a bar graph, double bar graph, pictograph, dot plot, frequency table, and tally chart. We will work to pull information from the graphs and draw conclusions based on the data. Each day, we will create one or more of these graphs to practice. Below, are pictures of each type of graph we will learn this week:

                  Bar Graph                                                          Double Bar Graph

              Dot Plot                                                                  



Frequency Table and Tally Chart

For homework this week, we will have a worksheet come home on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. We will have our usual fast facts on Friday.

Science: In science this week, we will continue discussing potential and kinetic energy. We have been discussing mechanical energy using real world examples. During the later part of the week we will get into thermal energy. The important information that we will learn about Thermal (Heat) Energy are the sources of heat, insulators, and conductors. An insulator is a material that does not allow heat to pass along it easily. A conductor is a material that allows heat to pass along it easily. We will discuss examples of each. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week 12: November 6th - 10th

11/10 - Veteran's Day Program in the Cafeteria at 9:00am.  Doors open to get a good seat at 8:50a.m.

11/20 -11/24 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)

12/7 - Toys for Tots Please send a new and unwrapped gift to donate.  Children will get a chance to drop their toy with local firefighters and Santa Claus.  

12/15 - Noon Dismissal for Winter Break

Homework:  Remember that we ask that your child read for at least 20 minutes each day (outside of regular school hours).  You can also always check out our grade level weekly planner using the link on the right hand side of the blog.

Image result for infer character traitsReading: Monday students will work to show what they know about inferring theme in fiction texts.  We have had some great conversations about what lessons or messages an author might be trying to share with an audience.  Your children are critical thinkers with big hearts.  Please continue to talk to them at home about what lessons we can learn from the stories we read.

Tuesday through Friday, we will introduce the idea of character traits and character feelings and model how readers use text evidence to infer what a character is feeling.  We will also infer character traits using text evidence.  While this is something that adults have internalized, this is something that third graders need to think through and talk through each time they meet a new character.  Please continue our discussions at home by talking about characters in books you are reading, movies you are watching or television shows you see. Here are some question prompts:
What word would you use to describe the character?
Why is that a word that comes to mind?
What did the character say, do or think that helped you?

Writing: We have started our study on authors as mentors.  Over the next two weeks we will focus on craft elements that effective writers use to help readers understand and experience their story. We will create a class anchor chart to record our learning and serve as a reminder of strategies we can now try out as we write about stories from our lives.
This week we will look at how dialogue moves a story and helps the reader know more about the characters.  We will also learn about ellipse and how they help slow down parts of a story to either build tension or transition from one event to another.  Finally, we will conclude the week learning about how onomatopoeia can be used to add sensory details that help the reader feel like they are in the story. 

Social Studies: This week students will read about resources a community uses to help keep its citizens safe.  Specifically, they will learn about  police departments (and K-9 cops), fire fighters, and paramedics. They will then reflect on ways that these people help in our local community.

Math: On Monday and Tuesday, we will walk through the steps for a two-step problems. Here is an example of a two-step problem that you can expect your child to see: There were a total of 689 fans who came to the first three basketball games. One hundred forty-two came to the first game and 136 came to the second game. How many fans came to the third game?

On Wednesday, we will work to create two step problems to understand the importance of the two parts found in the word problem. On Thursday, we will solve the word problems that we created on Wednesday. On Friday, we will continue working to create word problems when given a number sentence. Reference the video below for more information on how we will teach this in class:

Two-Step Word Problem Video

We will have worksheets come home on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. We will also have a fast facts quiz on Friday. Thank you for continuing to support your child at home with fast facts and the worksheet. 

Science: In our science time this week, we will begin our study on energy. This week, we are discussing mechanical energy, we will learn about kinetic and potential energy. Below are the terms we will study during this unit:

*energy- what is needed to do work or cause change

*work - when a force moves an object
*force- a push or pull
*mechanical energy- the energy of moving objects
*kinetic energy- the energy of motion
*potential energy- the stored energy or possible energy depending on its position

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Week 12: November 7 - 11

Reminders for November 7-11:
11/7 - Third Grade Recognition Ceremony at 11:00 in the Discovery Center - we will be recognizing students who receive attendance or honor roll awards based on their 1st 9 weeks report card.  Parents and family members are welcome to attend.

11/8 - Election Day at HCE 
Please pack a nut free lunch this day.  
We will be eating in our classrooms 
while voting is taking place in the cafeteria.

11/11 - Veterans Day Program at 9:00 in the cafeteria - please have your child wear red, white, and blue. Progress Reports for the 2nd 9 weeks will be sent home this day.

Reading:  Students will start to learn to notice when they infer while reading.  Inferring is something we do ALL the time.  You notice that your friend isn’t as talkative and you ask what’s wrong.  You see a picture of people bundled up and comment that the weather must have been cold.  These sorts of thoughts are what we call an inference.
In third grade, we use our schema (background knowledge), plus text clues to help us make an inference about characters, settings and events in the stories we read.  Some sentence stems we use to help us organize our thinking are:
I see (or I read) ________________________.  I know ____________________.  So, I can infer_______________________.

Writing: We’ve worked hard to understand the structure needed to share a story worth telling and writing.  The next few weeks we will begin to dig into mentor texts to examine author’s craft (the author’s style of writing). Each day we will either focus on a particular author or craft and to read, notice, analyze and then try to apply in our own writing.

Spelling words went home on 11/2.  Spelling test on 11/9.  An application of spelling grade will be given sometime between 11/10-11/22, so please keep practicing words at home.  We don’t want students to just memorize words, but we hope they will internalize spelling patterns and begin to apply them in their daily work.

Social Studies: HCE
students will participate in our first book election.  Our two candidates are the Book of the Month stories – Fine, Fine School and “Let’s Get A Pup!” said Kate.  Students will individually vote electronically on November 8 and the winner will be on the morning announcements on Wednesday, the 9th. The winning book will be displayed in library! 
Students will also be practicing for and performing in a Veteran’s Day performance this week.  This a wonderful way to learn about and honor the men and women who defend and protect our country.  This will help us move into our work on Good Citizen’s for the rest of the 9 weeks grading period.

On Monday, your child will take their subtraction test to finish our subtraction unit. We will continue to practice subtraction in class with our daily problem solving as well as through homework. The rest of the week we will begin learning about rounding numbers. We will round two and three digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. Along with rounding, we will also learn strategies for adding and subtracting rounded numbers.

Numbers rounded to the nearest 10: 24 is rounded to 20. 78 is rounded to 80. 312 is rounded to 310.

Numbers rounded to the nearest 100: 345 is rounded to 300. 876 is rounded to 900.

We will have a problem of the week come home on Monday and it will be due on Friday. Please study fast facts daily. A review worksheet will come home on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Science: In science this week, we will learn about mechanical energy and thermal energy. We will review kinetic and potential and discuss examples of what each type of energy looks like. As a class we will go to the playground and discuss when potential and kinetic energy is used while we are on the playground each day. We will have groups discussing when potential and kinetic energy is used on the swings, slide, monkey bars, soccer, and football. For thermal energy we will discuss the sources of heat that we use and things that are insulators and conductors.