Week 14: November 27th - December 1st
Reminders:12/5 - Toys for Tots Please send a new and unwrapped gift to donate. Children will get a chance to drop their toy with local firefighters and Santa Claus.
December 8- HCE Spelling Bee. We wish out third grade classroom winners luck as they compete against winners from the 4th and 5th grade classes.
12/15 - Noon Dismissal for Winter Break
READING: We will spend the week reviewing the concepts we have been working on for the past few weeks: fictional story elements, character development, character changes and theme. We will look at how this type of reading and thinking shows up in selections students will see on STAAR. Knowing how to apply these skills in our guided reading and independent reading is key to developing a love and understanding of literature. Taking a step back and analyzing how they can be worded and displayed in testing is also important for our smart readers to understand.
WRITING: We will finish up our study on Author's Craft. Students have looked at a variety of mentor texts and tried their hand at a number of concepts: repetition, onomatopoeia, metaphor, dialogue, font style, punctuation, and using our sense to add descriptive details. Writer's will use this week to choose a piece to take through publication. We will then work through our first official revision process. We are excited for the many stories from our lives that will soon be published and archived for the world to read.
WORD WORK: Students have been working with their guided reading teacher to tackle words that are developmentally appropriate for where they are writing and reading. Keep your eye out for emails from you child's guided reading teacher to know when test and application grades are coming.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Having just finished time off for celebration, we will focus our work this week learning about the many different Cultural Celebrations that Texans observe. Students will complete their 2nd 9 weeks Social Studies Project by choosing the celebration that they find most interesting and planning an imaginary event to honor the occasion. Remember that Social Studies Weekly is always available to students at home. Log in information can be found in your students green binder. Information can also be found in the Social Studies Website Resources on the right hand side of the blog.
Math: During our math time this week, we will be wrapping up our unit on graphing. We will pair up and spend Monday and Tuesday creating each type of graph that we learned about last week using data that came from a survey given to other third grade students. Each class will get to pair up with another class to get a larger set of data. On Wednesday, we will review each type of graph for the last time during our unit. The rest of the week, we will begin our next unit on geometry. We will be working to identify 2D shapes. We will identify sides and vertices on these polygons. This week, we will have our usual homework on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Our fast facts quiz will be on Friday.
Science: On Monday, your child will create vocabulary cards for the energy unit. The review sheet and vocabulary cards are given in preparation of the energy test. The date of test is undetermined at this time as we have not completed the unit yet. On Tuesday through Thursday, we will learn about light energy. We will learn about the sources and uses of light energy. On Friday, we will move onto sound energy. We will ask ourselves questions about how sound is made and how it travels. With sound energy, we will also discuss pitch and volume.
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Monday, November 27, 2017
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Week 16: December 5-9
Upcoming dates to put on your calendars:
12/7 - Toys for Tots- Please send a new and unwrapped gift to donate. Children will get a chance to drop their toy with local firefighters and Santa Claus.
12/9 - Fun Run at Woodview. Permissions slips are required for students to ride the bus for this event. All donations will help support the SPARK PARK at our sister school, Woodview Elementary.
12/16 - Noon Dismissal- Please make arrangements for this different dismissal time. Teachers will need hand written notes if you are making a change in your child's transportation schedule.
1/6 - Third Grade Recognition Ceremony for the Second Nine Weeks, 9:00-9:30a.m. in the HCE Cafe
1/10 - STAARY STAARY NIGHT - Informational Parent Meeting covering information on the STAAR test. We will meet in the library from 6:00 - 7:00p.m.
Reading: Readers will continue to read poetry this week. We will focus our attention on what information in the poem pulls at the reader's sense of hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling, and tasting. Descriptive details that pull at our senses help the reader visualize while reading. Later in the week, we will use these sensory details to also help us infer more about the character and situations we read about in poems.
Writing: This is PUBLICATION WEEK. Writer's will focus on fine tuning their stories to help the reader. Developmentally, this is a hard skill for third graders. It's hard to admit that our first attempts are perfect. Encourage your child at home, by sharing times that you changed your thinking after your first impression or effort.
Spelling: Spelling tests are this Wednesday, December 7. An application grade of words in daily work will take place between 12/8-12/14. We will also give the spelling inventory again between 12/8-12/16. The information gathered will help us readjust spelling groups based on learner's needs.
Social Studies: Jane Addams will be added to our bank of Good Citizens. Her work in Chicago made a difference for so many men, women and children as she founded and worked at the Hull House. We will discuss the many reasons she was a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Students will also learn about various ways that people are honored and remembered. Pointing our monuments, plaques, road markers, and awards that are created in memory and honor of those who make a difference will help our students understand ways we remember and recognize good citizens.
Math:In math this week, we will continue practicing our strategies for multiplication. We will decode word problems to pick out the important parts. We will identify what number in a multiplication sentence tells us the groups and which number shows how many in each group. We will use word problems to reiterate these skills.
For example: There are 4 groups with 3 strawberries in each group
On Thursday, we will practice creating our own multiplication word problems to help us understand multiplication even more. On Friday, we will get to solve the multiplication word problems we created the day before. We will have our normal math homework on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Our fast facts quiz will be on Friday. We will not have a problem of the week this week.
Science: On Monday and Tuesday during science time, we will participate in an energy lab. We will apply the information we know about mechanical, thermal, light, and sound energy. On Wednesday, the third graders will take the Science PSA (Priority Standard Assessment). This assessment is created by the district and gives us information on how your child is progressing through the concepts that we have taught so far in science. On Thursday, we will take the Energy Test. We will review in class before the test is given.
descriptive details,
hull house,
Jane Addams,
Spelling test,
word problems
Friday, October 28, 2016
Week 11: October 31st - November 4th
Thank you for supporting our classes during Field Day. It
was a fun filled day and we appreciate your added spirit.
Reminders for this week:
Mrs. Ramos spoke with students on
Friday and told them about how children in her court celebrate adoption day.
She encouraged them to bring a stuffed animal from home to donate to
children serviced in the courts. Mrs. Ramos explained to us how this day
becomes just as special as a birthday for many children. This is often
also the first toy the child will have ever received. We appreciate any
and all stuffed animal donations.. Donations
due 11/4. We love when the real world and our learning tie
together. This is a BEAUTIFUL real world example of what good citizens
do- something we will study in Social Studies over the next few weeks.
- Friday, November 4th is
a Noon Dismissal. Please remember to send a note with any change of
transportation on that day. We will have an alternate schedule that day.
Reading: Good readers use context clues to help them make meaning of
the words in the text. This week we will work together in a variety of
text to notice the many ways an author uses context clues to help readers
make sense of the story. The example on the left shows you some of the things
reader can use to help make meaning of new terms and vocabulary. Be sure
to talk to your reader about new, multilple meaning and difficult vocabulary
words as they read at home each night.
Writing: We continue to analyze stories from our
lives to make sure they are a story worth telling. Stories worth telling
follow the narrative structure. We will read, summarize, analyze and
determine theme for a few more stories this week. Practicing storytelling
at home can be a fun and meaningful way to connect learning at school to home.
This also helps when students move to write in workshop-- this way they
have stories to pull from!
Spelling: Continue to practice spelling words
from last week at home. At the beginning of this week, in class, teachers
will be observing and assessing how students are able to apply spelling
patterns in their work. New spelling words will come home on November 2
and be assessed on November 9.
Social Studies: We've
wrapped up our learning on early explorers and will spend the next few weeks
thinking about what GOOD CITIZENS do! Good citizens work to make their
communities a great place to be. We will discuss many ideas over the next
few weeks like-- voting, obeying laws, keeping promises, serving on a jury and
Students will have a chance to learn about why it is
important for citizens to vote this week. We hope to give them a small
taste of what Election Day is like with our very own HCE favorite book
election. We will hear from people supporting both the candidates (book
choices!). Stay tuned, as November 9 we will learn which book of the
month students have enjoyed most!
Math: In math this week, we will be finishing
up our unit on subtraction. On Monday and Tuesday, we will walk through the
steps for a two-step problems. Here is an example of a two-step problem that
you can expect your child to see: There were a total of 689 fans who came to
the first three basketball games. One hundred forty-two came to the first game
and 136 came to the second game. How many fans came to the third game?
On Wednesday and Thursday, we will
review all of our subtraction skills. On Friday, we will take our subtraction
We will NOT have homework on Monday!
Happy Halloween! On Tuesday, a worksheet will go home that reviews analog
clocks. On Wednesday, a worksheet with subtraction practice will go home.
Please study for fast facts on Friday. We will NOT have a Problem of the Week
this week.
Science: During science this week, we will complete our discussion on
Mixtures. Later in the week we will begin our unit on Energy. Energy is the
ability to move and do work. We will review four forms of energy: sound, light,
heat, and mechanical. We will begin with Mechanical Energy and discover that
there are two types of Mechanical Energy: Potential and Kinetic.
*mechanical energy- the energy
of moving objects
*kinetic energy-
the energy of motion
*potential energy- the stored energy or possible energy
depending on its position
context clues,
early release,
good citizens,
two-step problems
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Week of October 17-21
Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week: October 19-21. Use the links below to secure your spot. We can't wait to celebrate the successes of your child and discuss their goals moving forward. Please remember that Thursday, October 20th and Friday, October 21st are early dismissal days. Students will be let out at 12:00 pm so please plan accordingly!
Reading: Readers will continue exploring theme in both familiar and non-familiar texts. Each day, we will focus on a new theme and brainstorm books that model each lesson. Themes/lessons we will focus on next week:
- Believing in yourself
- Being happy with what you have
- Accepting others' differences
- Always acting kind to others
We will also spend time discussing and writing about the differences between plot and theme. We want our learners to be able to not only identify them, but to support it with text evidence.
Writing: Writers will be introduced to new Stories From My Life (or SFML for short) this week to focus on our core questions with unfamiliar texts. We will work on concise retelling through Q1 (What is happening in this story?) and identifying theme/lesson through Q2 (What does this story mean?). Finally, we will map the story on the narrative arc to identify all of the important elements. Writers will continue exploring SFML narratives in their own writing.
Example Story Arc
Spelling: Students will get new sorts/words on Wednesday, October 19th. The assessment on those words will be the following Wednesday, October 26th. Remember to utilize the at-home spelling practice if your child could benefit from additional practice at home.
Math: Last week we began our study of subtraction with simple subtraction without any regrouping and regrouping in the hundreds and thousands places. This week we will review and then begin to subtract over zeros where multiple regrouping is necessary. As they progress right to left from the ones place, to the tens, to the hundreds and then to the thousands, students have to continually ask themselves "Can I do that?" in order to assure that the top number take away the bottom number actually works. If not, then regrouping or borrowing has to be done. Many are familiar with the rhyme "More on the floor, go next door" as a way to help determine if regrouping is needed. In applying subtraction to everyday life, students will examine word problems and differentiate among the three types of subtraction. "Take away" subtraction is the one with which kids are most familiar. Given a total number of items, a part is taken away leaving a remaining part. "Compare" subtraction presents students with two numbers where they are to find the difference between them. Words such as "how many more", "how much longer", and "how many fewer" are our key to this kind of subtraction. Often times, the comparative or "er" form of an adjective is used, such as taller, heavier, shorter, and farther. The third kind, "Missing Part" subtraction, gives the student the total number of items and describes a part and then asks what the other part might be. Here are some examples:
Take away: 643 students attend Hunters Creek Elementary. If 97 students transfer to another school, how many students will remain at the school? 643 - 97 = _____
Compare: HCE has 643 student and MDE only has 477. How many more students does Hunters Creek have than Memorial Drive? 643 - 477 = _____
Missing Part: Ms. Rozzell has 41 students in both Math classes. 17 of them are girls. How many boys are in her classes? 41 - 17 = _____
Whether your child is on addition, subtraction, or multiplication facts, always study daily for FFW and/or FFF. Addition and subtraction have an extra opportunity for success on Wednesday and will not have to study for a Friday quiz if they make a 90% or above mid week. There is a POW that is due on Friday. Please take this opportunity to work with your child and discuss strategies for finding a solution.
Science: We wrap up our study of Matter this week with a review of vocabulary and concepts and a unit test on Wednesday. Students have had vocabulary cards and a study guide for almost two weeks and we hope they have reviewed them nightly. After parent conferences, we will take a look at mixtures and then it is on to an extensive study of the different kinds of energy around us.
Fast facts,
Lewis & Clark,
science test,
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Week of November 2nd - 6th
11/2/15 - 11/6/15
Happy November Parents! October flew by! Thank you to all of the parents who have come to parent teacher conferences so far! We have enjoyed meeting and visiting with each of you.
As a reminder, this Friday is Field Day. the theme for Mrs. Duncan's homeroom is Duncan's Donuts and we will be dressed in white. Mrs. Ford's homeroom will be Ford's Fugitives and we will be wearing camo. This will be a fun filled day! Before we participate in the Field Day activities, all of third grade will complete their Classroom Spelling Bee with their homeroom teacher.
MATH-During math this week, we will wrap up our unit on subtraction with regrouping. Last week, we studied the three types of subtraction- take away, missing part, and comparison subtraction. This week we will complete a circuit in class with subtraction word problems. We are continuing to work on decoding word problems and pulling out information that is needed to solve the problems. Your child will not have a problem of the week due for this week. You can expect homework on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. Due to the activities on Field Day, your child will take their Addition and Subtraction Fast Facts quiz on Thursday.
SCIENCE- In our science time this week, we will continue to study energy. On Friday, we began our study of energy. This week, we are discussing mechanical energy, we will learn about kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic Energy is the energy in motion while potential energy is the stored energy.
Happy November Parents! October flew by! Thank you to all of the parents who have come to parent teacher conferences so far! We have enjoyed meeting and visiting with each of you.
As a reminder, this Friday is Field Day. the theme for Mrs. Duncan's homeroom is Duncan's Donuts and we will be dressed in white. Mrs. Ford's homeroom will be Ford's Fugitives and we will be wearing camo. This will be a fun filled day! Before we participate in the Field Day activities, all of third grade will complete their Classroom Spelling Bee with their homeroom teacher.
MATH-During math this week, we will wrap up our unit on subtraction with regrouping. Last week, we studied the three types of subtraction- take away, missing part, and comparison subtraction. This week we will complete a circuit in class with subtraction word problems. We are continuing to work on decoding word problems and pulling out information that is needed to solve the problems. Your child will not have a problem of the week due for this week. You can expect homework on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. Due to the activities on Field Day, your child will take their Addition and Subtraction Fast Facts quiz on Thursday.
SCIENCE- In our science time this week, we will continue to study energy. On Friday, we began our study of energy. This week, we are discussing mechanical energy, we will learn about kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic Energy is the energy in motion while potential energy is the stored energy.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Week of 10/26-10/30
Week of October 26 - October 30
RED RIBBON WEEK THIS WEEK. We will participate in theme days and school wide discussion on the importance of making healthy choices.Monday- Wear red. We are "RED"y to lead a healthy life.
Tuesday- Wear pink. "New Friends are all around you."
Wednesday- Wear a college shirt. "My future is bright."
Thursday- Wear a crazy hair style. "Wild about being healthy."Friday- Wear a HCE shirt. We will give each child a mustache. I "mustache" you not to bully or do drugs.
READING-We will continue our genre study of realistic fiction. As we read this week we will learn the difference between a first person and third person narrative.
WRITING-We will continue to map narrative stories. This week we will look into the author's craft of dialogue. We will learn to identify dialogue in a story and then begin to critique how and why an author uses dialogue to move the story.
WORD WORK-Students received new words last Tuesday. On October, 27th we will take an assessment on these words and then work over the next week to accurately apply these new words to our writing.
SOCIAL STUDIES-Our unit of study, geography, continues. This week we will work to learn about the four regions of Texas and what landforms can be found in each region of the state. On Wednesday, we will be shaping our own landforms and noting the differences and similarities between the various shapes in the land.
MATH- This week during our math time, we will continue learning about subtraction. Last week we subtracted numbers with regrouping in the ones, tens, and hundreds. This week, we will be subtracting across zeros. Later in the week, we will be using our subtraction strategies in word problems. We will decode word problems and decide if we will be "taking away," "comparing," or find the "missing part." I was SO impressed by the math facts quiz last Friday. Keep up the GREAT work and study every night for 5 to 10 minutes. This week, we will have another addition and subtraction quiz. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night your child will bring home a subtraction worksheet. The problem of the week will be due on Friday.
SCIENCE-During science this week, we will complete our discussion on Mixtures. Later in the week we will begin our unit on Energy. Energy is the ability to move and do work. We will review four forms of energy: sound, light, heat, and mechanical. We will begin with Mechanical Energy and discover that there are two types of Mechanical Energy: Potential and Kinetic.
We have enjoyed conferencing with some parents on Thursday and Friday and we look forward to meeting with more of you this week!
landform song,
realistic fiction,
red ribbon week,
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