September 18-22- MAP TESTING (Please reference the blog post for more information.)
September 18-22- MAP TESTING (Please reference the blog post for more information.)
Columbus Day - October 9th - Student Holiday (No School)
Open House - October 10th from 6:00-6:45p.m.
Reading: We will focus our attention on Metacognition this week. We will think about what we
think while we read. Good readers are able to monitor their thinking while read. Making connections and predictions while reading improves reading comprehension and enjoyment! Please share with your child what you are thinking while reading a book together this week.
Writing: Thank you for equipping your students to share and create with Writer's Notebooks last week. We have created personal treasure chests that we will now begin to fill full of personal and creative stories. This week, we will begin by trying on a variety of writing techniques that get writer's thinking and ideas flowing!
Spelling: Teachers have given the developmental Words Their Way Spelling Inventory and will work together during extended planning this week to make a plan for how to reach a variety of needs and challenges. Look for more to come home in spelling in a few weeks!
Social Studies: Third graders have the opportunity to be part of the HCE leadership council. In classes this week students will learn about how we elect representatives. We will make connections back to our local and state governments. We look for students who demonstrate good conduct, have all passing grades, show leadership characteristics, are well respected by his or her peers and are motivated to help our school think of new and fun ways to serve the community. Election results from 3rd, 4th and 5th grades will be shared on the morning announcements on Friday, September 29.
Math: Due to the MAP testing this week, your the day to day schedule may look different in each class. This week, our objective is to learn how to compose and decompose numbers. This helps your child understand the many ways that numbers can be built and created. We will practice decomposing on Monday, composing on Tuesday and then we will combine the two on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will work to understand the relationships between numbers in each place that they hold.
We will have paper homework come home on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please return the homework the next day as we check it together in class. We hope you will make time and encourage your child to do their homework, it is great practice.
Science: During our science block this week, we will be reminded how to make observations. When we make observations, we use our five senses - touch, taste, smell, see, and hear. We will practice making observations in class with items. Your child will come up with examples of objects or items in which they use their five senses.