Showing posts with label expanded multiplication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expanded multiplication. Show all posts

Sunday, January 24, 2016

1/25/16 - 1/29/16

Our testing is done and we are excited to get back to our classroom routine!

In math this week, we will continue to work on multiplying two digit numbers by a one digit number. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we learned about the pictorial method when we multiply. This week, we will be learning about the expanded method and box method for multiplying larger numbers. On Friday, we will begin our unit on metric measurement. For homework this week, we will have a worksheet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. A problem of the week will go home on Monday and it will be due on Friday. Our normal fast facts quiz will be on Friday.

Expanded Method

Box Method


Reading: This week we will focus on the genre of poetry.  Your children come with loads of background knowledge about this genre.  I'm including both classes anchor charts to show off all that they already know.  We will work more at examining the mechanics and meaning of poetry during the week.
Writing: We are wrapping up our work with narratives.  Students will finish mapping out their own stories as we critique what elements add value to narratives.  We will focus on critiquing authors' uses of inner thinking and backstory this week.
Word Work/Spelling: Monday through Wednesday of this week we will be taking an application grade on last week's words.  Wednesday, students will receive new spelling words.  The next test will be on Wednesday, February 3.
Fun Focus Fridays: You may have heard that we are trying out something new for Fridays.  On Fridays, for our Reading and Writing block, we will move through work stations.  Stations will focus on word work, writing, reading skills and strategies we have learned throughout the week and cursive.  Station work will be presented in a game or group work manner in hopes to make our show what you know time engaging and worthwhile.
SOCIAL STUDIES: During our unit on Story of America, we will learn about the following explorers over the next few days:
Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)-An Italian explorer working for Spain who sailed to the Americas while trying to reach Asia from Europe.
William Clark and Meriwether Lewis – American explorers who, in 1803, led The Corps of Discovery in exploring the land west of the Mississippi River. They journeyed overland across North America to the Pacific Coast and back.
Daniel Boone (1734-1820)-An American pioneer leader who helped settle the state of Kentucky and created the Wilderness Road, a trail in the Appalachian Mountains that early settlers used to move west.

Juan de OƱate (ca. 1550-1626) A Spanish explorer who founded the first European settlements in the upper Rio Grande Valley, including the city of El Paso.