Showing posts with label president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label president. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Clinton + Trump = Circus... and now My New Thoughts on It.....

So how many of you will be watching the presidential debate tomorrow night?   
It's a circus, right?

My choice for Republican candidate was either Rubio or Cruz.  Unfortunately that was not meant to be.   In my opinion, Trump is a pig who is full of himself.   Don't get me wrong.  He will have my vote.  

Putting all propaganda aside,  Hilary stands for all that I am against.  She will likely be an extension of Obama.  Obama stood for everything I was against as well.  So Hilary is 100% out!  

And since Trump is the other candidate,  I see him as the better of the two evils.  Will he follow through on his promises?  Who knows.  They both lie.  

I have prayed for direction. 

And I am sure between now and the vote there will be lots more propaganda on both sides and a continuation of lies and lots of money spent to 'entertain' us by bashing the other candidate.  

There is a time and season for everything I suppose...

And if we vote our conscience and for what we believe to be the best for our country moving forward...

 God will take care of the rest.  And all will work together for good.  

Our country seems to have become so divided since Obama took office.  Everywhere I go I hear the same thing. We used to love our fellow man and have respect for our leaders.  We lived by a rule of common sense.

Just as the seasons come and go...  our leaders will come and go as well.

Maybe we should not take it all so seriously.  Maybe we should just watch, listen, and vote...  leaving the rest to God and trusting Him.  One thing is for sure.  The judging, bickering, fighting, hating, backstabbing, and accusations against one another needs to come to an end and we need to stand united once again.

Matthew 12:25
    And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:



    The proud man, #DonaldJTrump has showed humility and repentance in regards to this latest skeleton which has been dug up from his past. Who would have thought the phrases "I was wrong" and "I am sorry" would ever come from this proud, arrogant man before. I have noticed photo's going around where his 'team' have been praying around him and praying with him and over him... and it is in my opinion for the moment anyway, that God has allowed all of this junk to come out in order to humble him. How else would he emerge victorious in last night's debate? How could he have pulled off last night's assault on him with such humility, dignity, repentance and grace after what was released recently? And... went on to put Clinton back on the defense... ?? Only by the grace of God. Trump was believable ... Clinton was not. Now, I am sure more dirt will be dug up and more skeletons revealed between now and then (the election) but I will remain on the Trump Train as long as Trump appears to stay humbled, truly repentant and focused. I can see God working.. Keep looking up #DonaldJTrump! #election2016#MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Political Post! Beware! Read at Your own Discretion!

I heard all the propaganda from both sides.   Obama was evil, and the possible anti-christ and Romney was only interested in rich people.  Obama stood up for many of the things I felt were biblically wrong.  But then again, with Romney... we all know that just because one seems Christian doesn’t mean he holds true to his faith.  I decided I would observe both parties more closely.  I am, after all, a girl who has been known to change her mind a time or two. 

The TV ads were all the same.  First Obama put Romney down, then visa versa.  Ugh!

The presidential debates were more enlightening.  There I saw our president lie.  I’m sure the other candidate told some whoppers as well…  but I couldn’t prove it.    But Romney seemed more like a leader.  He talked about the importance of jobs and how he was going to create more jobs.  To me, this is important.  I have too many family members living off of welfare, food stamps, and government help.  It’s more profitable for them to ‘not work’ than to work.  It kills their self esteem.  One told me just yesterday, “I get up.  I eat.  I play some video games.  I eat again.  I watch TV.  Then I go to bed.”  Very sad.

Is it really beneficial to our country to have 15 million more people on food stamps in the last 4 years?  If this trend continues...  God help our country.

Would Romney have created more jobs had he been elected president?  I guess we’ll never know.

Then there’s the moral issue.

I have friends and family who:  have had abortions, who are gay, who live off the government, who believe our president has done a good job and has decided to re-elect him. etc.  

I may not believe or think the way that they do, but I love them just the same and I respect their right to believe what they believe and think the way they think.  If everyone thought the same way we wouldn’t need an election now, would we? 

Here it comes….

This is ONE of the BIG reasons why I voted for Romney:  I saw our president over and over again arrogantly mock, disrespect, and make fun of the ‘other party’.    That would be me.  And yes, I take that personally. 

Facebook has been inundated with voters who mirror the acts of our president.   WHAT?!

Where is our country’s class?  What has happened to our leadership?  Where are we headed as a nation? 

To those of you who are my friends and disagree with me:  It’s okay.  We can respectfully disagree and still be friends.   

To those of you who agree with me:  Let’s be sure and not fall into the same trap as many others and ‘put down’ those we do not agree with. 

As a Christian, I have read posts that have been hurtful and labeled ‘me’ as a Christian, stupid for believing what I believe.  My decision to follow Christ did not come from brainwashing or lies.  It came from a heart that was changed…  and the Word.  Can’t you as an unbeliever respect my stand as a Christian?   I would not put you down for what you believe.  I may not agree…  but we each need to come to our own conclusions. 

I try to be careful and not post about political stuff…  but I need to stand up for what I believe in.

LUKE 12:51   Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

May God be with us!