Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

In The Summertime

In the summertime when the weather is hot

You can stretch right up and touch the sky

When the weather's fine, you got swimming you got swimming on your mind

Have a drink (of water) have a drive
Go out and see what you can find

If you're face is cute find a mirror that's fit

If you're in PopPop's lap take a picture of it

Eat the crabs and the shrimp and the pizza and fries
Don't forget them when you dine

We're all glad people
We're having fun last day
of vaycay before school starts.... tomorrow!!!

Oh When the weather's fine..  we got swimming
We got swimming on our mind...
Luck, blessings and especially prayers over all back-to-school kiddies heading out tomorrow!!

In the meantime, Have a drink have a drive
Go out and see what you can find...

Don't blink!  Before you know it the song will be SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Scrapbook of Easter Day

Gary got me a new iPhone 10X for my birthday... yay!  I needed it.. my phone had gotten s-o s-l-o-w. The camera is awesome, but for some reason my photo's are showing up blurred as I post them to blogger.  The better the technology, the more complicated.  Or maybe it's just blogger.  I'm losing interest.....  

but... anyway... 

I finally got my Easter pictures downloaded (that too, was an issue) 

 and I can now share... blurred and all.  

Those of us that went to church dressed up all purdddddy....

Then we came home and dressed down for the easter egg hunt.

Every single one of our grandkids were present!

I am amazed at how they have grown through the years.

I note the changes in each one and I am in awe.

It's funny how life is.  A lot of changes can take place but if we look for the good in those changes life just keeps on getting better.

 Eggs, eggs and more eggs were found.

This was Greyson's first time here for the egg hunt...  and Silas's first time here.  We were truly grateful for this family coming all the way from NJ for Easter.

Jake tries to play Mr. Cool leaning against the golden ear.

I did mention how I can't believe how these kiddies have grown, didn't I?

We had a delightful time!

Cousins bonded....

Laughter and joy filled the air...

And when all was said and done we had some pretty tired bunnies on our hands...

I was glad to see Jake enjoying the book I made for each of them..  "The Lamb and Me" to go with their plush stuffed lambs.  The book was a reminder of Easter's real celebration of Jesus.

Later it was dinner at Rocky Gap with Gary's uncle and all the rest.

The food was fabulous and ....

just look at the smile on that face...

Ahhhhh...  dinner on the lake.  What a perfect ending to a perfect day....

Gracie enjoyed the chaos and loved the attention she got from all the kids.  She was the first one to hit the bed and ... she ... was.......     out!

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter day.  We are now thinking through the bitter cold winds and repeated snow accumulations...  of spring.  We know it's somewhere out there...  if you locate it could you send it our way?

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Two Things

The audiobook is now available through Audible!!  So excited!  Sheree Wichard did a wonderful job at bringing this book to life.  Try Audible for one month FREE and listen to Gracie's Diary a Memoir

ALSO > You can read my new book "LET'S BE FRIENDS" to your children or grandchildren (ages 4-10) Kindle version FREE with kindle unlimited membership HERE!!

What a great time to be an author!!!!

Even if you are not famous or well-known -   It's just plain fun!

Thanks for stopping by...

Gracie says, Good morning and Good night ....

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Let's Be Friends

It is like spring here today!  I like it.  But here's the problem.  We are supposed to have warmer temps for days on end and then BAM winter again!

Last year this happened and our beautiful trees out front did not bloom because they budded during the warm and died when the cold came.

*sad face here*

Here is what I like to do to pass time in the winter months:

* watch tv
* go to bed early
* wear pjs when not working
* sleep late
* watch more tv

And speaking of doodling, My granddaughters (especially Summer) love when I draw pictures on there.  Summer climbs up into my lap and wants to watch and then she'll draw too.  It is calming.  And fun.  We name the characters we draw according to how their look turns out.

So.  I decided to take many of my winter iPad creations and put together a book for kids.  I can't wait to show it to Summer and Marissa!

Do you have a kid in your life and a device where you can read an ebook?  Then be sure and buy a copy of LETS BE FRIENDS from Blurb for just $1.99!  This will be coming out on Amazon in a couple of days (hard copy) but it is very costly to buy that way (34.99).

I hope everyone is staying warm and safe.  There is so much bad stuff going on in this world...  we need to pray and to think positive thoughts.

Cupcake Marissa,  me,  and angel Summer

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Forever On My Mind

Camp Serenity is coming along nicely.  After our first full night there, I realized I would need some change, such as an air mattress for comfort in hopes of a good night's sleep.  And so, we took our air mattress down and tried it in a spot that would work (the booth/table that pulls out into a bed).  I no sooner laid down on that newly blowed up mattress than a giant bee zoomed past me causing me to scream and run for cover... well... outside was my safe place at that point.  

Bees in a camper = not cool.

G is taking care of that for me.  For us.

So, when I was pretty sure all was safe inside I decided to sit on the sofa that pulls out into a bed (the hard one that I cannot sleep on) and check out the new TV/DVD player that G had purchased and hooked up.  As I was sitting there trying to figure out the remote, a tickling on my leg and then a spider siting on that same leg caused yet another blood curdling scream.  G thought it was another bee.  No, worse.  

A spider!!!!!

It got away.  It will be forever on my mind.

On our way home we noticed (compliments of G having left his car window's open) a plump and huge red ant crawling the inside windshield.  My seat belt prevented me from killing it, and it disappeared.  For a while.  In the corner of my eye I saw him.  This time, I unhooked the seat belt and got him!  RIP Mr. Huge RedAnt.

But that Spider.  He will be forever on my mind.  Him and his family and friends.  Forever.  On my mind.

But I will need to suck it up, buttercup if I wish to enjoy Camp Serenity in the future.  My only hope is that I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, NEVER see a snake inside that camper.   I don't want to have to change the name of our place to Little Camp of Horrors.  

Meanwhile, back at home my little Chicklets ready themselves for Bible School.  They are having a great week with lot's of fun learning about Jesus.  

And in other news!  The pool is now open!!

And me?  I'm busy these days chasing baby bunnies away from eating the clover in my yard.  One day soon I hope to catch one of those little critters and bring it inside.  Dad loves new toys.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Hatchimals Kind of Christmas

 Just some of the days highlights...

Gracie...  tell all of our bloggy friends about the trouble you got into today...

  Mom and Dad had to leave for a while and this one package that presumably belongs to Jasper who was not here to open it...  well...  it started taunting me and teasing me and since I was forced to wear jingle bells all day today I was in a bad mood anyways and so...   I didn't do it.  New toy fox did it.