Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Enemy

It's hard to lose weight when you get to be my age.    

I need to learn how to recognize and have the 
willpower to resist the enemy
They look sweet and innocent.  
But they are pushers.  

The enemy used to be easy to recognize because
 of their attire.

  But now there are unmarked uniforms involved a.k.a. grandparents, aunts, uncles, and yes...  
even mom's and dad's.   

This is not my fault. 

 I didn't order them.  Hubby ordered them from...  ahem...  a grandparent.

  You can't trust anyone these days. 

Someone needs to be held accountable.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Every Bite Counts

Just another attempt at losing the weight. You know, the extra 10 lb. I've gained in the past year. The 20 lb. I've packed on in the last two years. Ahemmm... okay... the fifty lb. since I became pregnant and gave birth to my first kid over thirty years ago.

Weight gain is something us women have
a real problem getting over...

"I used to weigh 100 lb. Honest."

Okay. Now the ingredients:

Arnold's Whole Wheat Sandwich Thin

One Egg,
Scrambled with onion
and mushroom and a tiny bit of olive oil.

fat free cool whip

An estimated 4 pts. on Weight Watchers.