Showing posts with label daughters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daughters. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Disclaimer.  I am about to bore you with lots of photos.

February 9, 1988.  I was so ready!  Our 4 room house had been turned into 5 rooms when my *then husband* petitioned off the boys room so we could make a little 'nursery' for our soon-to-be arrival.   There was no door on the room, basically it was like a part of the hall but we fixed that hall up to be a happy little place. 

.... shhhhh...  baby sleeping.

We did not know, boy or girl.  

Since we had 2 boys already...  we were elated!

I thought...  Life does not get any better than this!

Steak dinner was served to the proud parents.

And lots of gifts and flowers poured in. 

Unlike the constant attention the boys needed as infants, Lindsey was all about 'alone time'.  When she cried it was usually because she wanted to be put into her bed and not pressured into entertaining others with her smiles, coos and cuteness.  

"Just leave me alone"

The brothers took to her right away.  A little person they could control.

We didn't need to go on vacations.  
Our back yard served as some of the best moments life could offer.

This week of her 32nd birthday I reminisce about my little girl...

And stop to think about what a beautiful young lady she has become...

And I am 

Lindsey with her girls Rissi and Summer

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Daughters and Dogs

Me, with my daughter....

Me, with her daughter...

Gracie, with her accomplishment. 

 Yes, she can now jump on the highest chair in the living room.  I would say she's healed 100% from her ACL injury back in May 2019.  

Dear Diary,
Good news and bad news.  I can jump just fine now and so I'm back to my window world.  That is the good news.  The bad news:  Mom and Dad are on to me.  I still try to get help whenever I am lazy tired or weak.  I'll attempt to jump.  stop.  look to the left (at dad).  look to the right (at mom).  repeat.  And get little sympathy, usually having to proceed with the jump on my own.  Sometimes when they are not lazy  they have compassion they pick me up and put me on the couch.  One day at a time, I tell ya.  One day at a time.  Gracie.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


A Message To My Daughter

 Psalm 139: 13 - 14

For You formed my inward parts;

         You covered me in my mother’s womb.
  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
         Marvelous are Your works, 
         And that my soul knows very well.

 07/09/87  I could see your form growing inside of me.  I couldn't believe how blessed I was. 
 Baby #3.  

Our house was small.  Four rooms and a bath.  So we made the hall you're nursery.  Your dad hung the wallpaper and I took what was left over and cut out little bears and stuck them onto your lamp.  
Then we waited.  

Feb. 9, 1988  You were born.

Your brothers couldn't wait to hold you.  Our little house was warm with love on that cold, blustery February day when we brought you home....  I remember thinking that life could never be any better than it was at that moment. And it never has been.

Fast Forward 18 years.  

The Circle of Life.  


 Left - you and me. 
 Right- You and Rissa.


Left= you
Right= Rissa

(Same dress)


 Left = you
Right = Rissa


Left = Rissa
Right = You 

Do you remember Mr. Clown?  

You said you would marry him someday. LOL> 

And do you remember Carol???  Your alter-ego?  She was so outgoing and always ready to give hugs... unlike the more reserved and shy Lindsey.

 Do you remember all the times we would take care of Grandma?  The long days we spent at the dialysis center as I learned how to take care of her, and you would sit quietly coloring and reading for sometimes six hours at a time.  You always wanted to be right by my side when I took care of Grandma.  
She loved you so much!

Now what you might not know is that...  when you were just a few days old, and decided  you didn't want to sleep in the middle of the night, I dressed you up in silly clothes and took pictures of you.  ((HUGs))

Then you'd get tired and fall asleep.

 Do you remember your first car?  Oh, how that car took a beating!  I'll bet you didn't know that I prayed for you earnestly day and night.  
Thank God He protected you.

I guess He had a plan for you...  

And then you brought the
 beautiful Marissa into my life.

Happy Birthday Lindsey!  I love you!!