Fail Day! Yes it is that day of the week. It is actually the first Fail Day of the summer, well that is if you are joining me in the Northern Hemisphere, which if I am to believe the numbers to the blog it isn't always the case. E3 was last week hopefully you were aware of it. If not then this blog kind of explains itself. So let's take a look back and see how much you really took in.
You Fail At Knowing What Happened At E3 If...
- You didn't learn anything new about the VR market
- You are not in the least bit curious about the new Zelda game
- You didn't catch Prey is finally coming
- You did not like what you saw from "For Honor"
- You are not pumped for a new Skyrim
- You are not happy Norman Reedus is finally getting to be a main character in a game
- You missed the Playstation branding
- You didn't see EA is not against pumping their own tires
- You are not curious about the "new" God of War
- You didn't catch the Playstation Neo announcement
- You didn't think Battlefield 1 lost something
- You cared about any xbox announcements
And Finally
- You don't care in the least about E3
There you have it this week's edition of fail. Hope you all enjoyed it in some form or another. If not then oh well, you are probably morning Ramsay's death.