Showing posts with label Skyrim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skyrim. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

You Fail At Knowing What Happened At E3 If...

Fail Day! Yes it is that day of the week. It is actually the first Fail Day of the summer, well that is if you are joining me in the Northern Hemisphere, which if I am to believe the numbers to the blog it isn't always the case. E3 was last week hopefully you were aware of it. If not then this blog kind of explains itself. So let's take a look back and see how much you really took in.

You Fail At Knowing What Happened At E3 If...

  • You didn't learn anything new about the VR market
  • You are not in the least bit curious about the new Zelda game
  • You didn't catch Prey is finally coming
  • You did not like what you saw from "For Honor"
  • You are not pumped for a new Skyrim
  • You are not happy Norman Reedus is finally getting to be a main character in a game
  • You missed the Playstation branding
  • You didn't see EA is not against pumping their own tires
  • You are not curious about the "new" God of War
  • You didn't catch the Playstation Neo announcement
  • You didn't think Battlefield 1 lost something
  • You cared about any xbox announcements

And Finally

  • You don't care in the least about E3

There you have it this week's edition of fail. Hope you all enjoyed it in some form or another. If not then oh well, you are probably morning Ramsay's death.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Just Another Stupid Story By A Boring Adult

Keeping with the school theme since it really is the first week of school almost everywhere I figured for this week's list I would do one based on schools. You know those places of "learning" we always find in video games. So here are my top 5 schools in gaming.

5. Midwich Elementary School - Silent Hill

There are not much things scarier than an abandoned elementary school and that is exactly what you will find in this classic horror game.

4. College of Winterhold - Skyrim

Show me some magic in this place in the north and you will have a good time learning a whole bunch of new things. Leave it to Skyrim to make a frozen Hogwarts 

3. The Heroes Guild - Fable

So let's meet some friends and have fans within the guild all to impress the guild master. This truly Fable expierence gives you all of that and more

2. Bullworth Academy - Bully

So maybe not your normal everyday boarding school, but who wants that in a video game. This place is the extreme of everything you ever came across in high school and that's why it is a whole lot of fun to be a part of.

1. Balamb Garden - Final Fantasy VIII

So this place is not only massive, but has tons of things to do. All so you can learn to be an amazing mercenary you were born to be. This school though has something all the others don't it can fly all across the map!

There you have it my choices for the best schools in video games. Agree/Disagree let me know some way or another.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

You Must Defeat My Dragon Punch

Happy Wednesday! Yes here we are right in the middle of the week thinking about something to argue over. So what better time to have a list in which people will have opinions for days about. So what is this list then? Well the most recognizable signature moves in video games. So here we go let the arguments begin!

5. Spin Dash - Sonic

So we have seen the little blue ball rolling around collecting coins for years. He was always going to be on this list it was just a question over where.

4. Spin Attack - Link

Now I was thinking of putting the yelp in, but that doesn't really count as a "move". Every Zelda game though we see Link with his sword and shield preform this again and again.

3. Fus Ro Dah - Dovahkiin

Who doesn't love this battlecry? Like really? How many people scream this and have no idea where it comes from?

2. Get Over Here - Scorpion

Now when I thought about this list I knew this was going to be number 1 or number 2 but it came in at number 2. That doesn't mean that it isn't recognizable as I am sure all of you know. Just means that it just falls short.

1. Hadouken - Ryu and Ken

Now I am sure some of you have your doubts, but hey it is my list. I scream this randomly when I throw a ball just for laughs. Always a great time.

There you have it. This week's list. Feel free to argue till the cows come home about it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Is His Majesty Albert Alright?

Armor? Check. Sword? Check? Noble Birth? Does that really even matter? Well if you haven't guessed I am referring to something you cannot escape when it comes to fantasy games at all. That is the knight. Everyone has their favourites and with today being a day for a list well here is the perfect opportunity for you to know mine!

5. Cecil Harvey - Final Fantasy IV

The main character in an often forgotten Final Fantasy game. He is the definition of everything a knight should be even if he rebelled against what were supposed to be his knightly duties. Honorable, driven, and there to save the day when needed!

4. Esbern - Skyrim

He is one of the last surviving member of the blades. He is there as an archivist and has made it his goal to predict the return of the dragons. He then is their when the prophecy unfolds and takes you under his wing to prepare you for the war ahead.

3. Sir Arthur - Ghosts N Goblins

What does one do when the princess is captured? Well what any good knight would do. Grab your lance and be off to save her. On the way be sure to kill anything you see to make sure the blue haired princess is yours when it is all over.

2.Siegfried - Soul Calibur Series

So not only does he have noble goals in mind for his quest to avenge his father's death he has a big ass sword! His quest is one which rips him apart and spawns Nightmare a being of pure hatred and evil based upon the emotions he has gone through. In the end though he is able to defeat Nightmare and maintain his purity and honor.

1. Lavitz - Legend of the Dragoon

Was there really any doubt? This is someone who gave his life for those he was sworn to protect. He was always honorable from day one and stood up for everything he believed in. Still get the feels when i watch his death scene.

There it is my favourite and what I believe to also be the greatest knights in video games. Think otherwise? Well be sure to let me know even if I won't agree

Monday, February 23, 2015

Tale of Tongues

So many of you may be aware I am a big fan of Cranius. Ever since Big Blue Dress was a thing I just couldn't have got enough. Then when he paired himself with Legs they have created countless great machinima for all of us to enjoy. So when I saw Tale of Tongue their new song and video I just couldn't help and share it with all of you. So enjoy!

Trust me I know.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Game of Thrones in Skyrim

So here we are the Monday after the Game of Thrones release and I am here thinking what I am going to show you all today. That was then I realized the perfect choice. Skyrim has a world that is epic in all ways. The universe is expansion the cities and towns are recognizable it really is an extremely well constructed world. The the other day I saw this video which I am still unsure if it is a Game of Thrones tribute to Skyrim or a Skyrim tribute to Game of Thrones. I will let all of you be the judge.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

For It Be As It Must

So here we are waiting for Friday to all go see the new Hobbit movie. So in thinking about this with today being Wednesday I thought what better topic could I come up for this week's list then the best Dragons in gaming. Now there are many awesome dragons and this was actually more difficult then I actually thought it would be when I started to list them off to myself and found out my list needed to be trimmed down quite a bit. So with that in mind here are my choices for the best dragons in gaming.

5. The Divine Dragon - Legend of the Dragoon

The was something just simply epic and awe inspiring about the divine dragon. Not to mention the fact that he was a total bitch of a boss when you were just learning and he was even an ass when you knew what you were doing. Then of course when you got to use his powers there was nothing more satisfying then "DIVINE DRAGON CANNON"

4. Spyro - Spyro Series

Spyro might not be scary or evil but is definitely one of the most iconic dragons in all of gaming. Older gamers will recognize him in all of his PS1 glory days while the younger crowd will know him in the handheld glory. Spyro shows you don't have to be a vicious killing machine to be awesome.

3. Bahamut - Final Fantasy Series

A staple in the Final Fantasy series he always makes a grand entrance. There is nothing quite as terrifying as a Megaflare  about to rain down on you or when you are in control nothing more fist pumping. Even non Final Fantasy fans have to agree this guy is worth mentioning.

2. Alduin - Skyrim

Skyrim is full of Epic dragons but when your name is "the world eater" you are just a cut above the rest of them. This dragon has godlike powers and really just wants to detroy the entire world.He is always trash talking you and constantly fighting until you have that final rage inducing showdown.

1. Deathwing - Warcraft Series

There are dragons and then their is Deathwing. He used to be one of the most revered dragons in all of creation but fell into madness caused by the old gods. He is not only a massive being that cause unless destruction but he has the mind to defeat his foes even by outsmarting them to trick them into being involved in his plans. Sure he was eventually taken down but nothing will ever change my mind on his epicness.

There you have it my best dragons. As always agree or disagree let me know.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Warm Memory

Happy Labour Day! If not then Happy Monday! Either or works sure would be better if you were having a long weekend like me, but if not let me quote a marauder and say "SUCKS TO BE YOU!". Yes that joke was lame but who cares really? Even if it is a long weekend though it is Monday which means it is Machinima Monday! What do we do on Machinima Monday? Well I showcase a machinima or animation which I think all of you would be interested in. I always get comments about why is it pretty much just WoW machinima? Well that is mostly because most of the ones I believe are well done and all of you would be interested in would be WoW realted. There are others though and today we have one. It is "A Warm Memory" done by a pretty well known WoW machinimator Erunno. I have featured some before so if you check out his channel you may recognized some of those you see. Anyways, this Machinima is Skyrim based and I know there are a lot of you Skyrim fans out there. If you aren't well this is an excellently prepared machinima which I know you will enjoy. So here it is.

Hope you enjoyed it. Now try to enjoy your Monday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Little Things

So here we are on another Wednesday. Or should I say Wist Wednesday? Yes it seems without evern trying Wednesday have become a day of lists. I don't mind at all making them and they always seem to spark conversation so I say why not? This week I decided to make a list of the games that have done an amazing job at the setting of within their games. It often goes unnoticed but it is something which truly makes a game what it is. Honestly newer games are going to dominate this list but that is really because graphics does play a role in such a thing.

5 SimCity

When playing SimCity it is hard not to notice how the landscape flows and blends together. Even before any cities are made in a region the detail to just the most minor of things is always evident.

4. Civilizations 5

I don't there has ever been a Civilization game which has looked bad. They always scream beauty in every landscape, building or just random details. Always are something special to look at.

3 Skyrim

Skyrim contains a massive world with tons of things to do at any moment. Even kill chickens, which could ruin the game for you. The attention to detail is seen in every zone and every screenshot you see. This really makes exploring that much more of an enjoyable thing.

2. Final Fantasy XIII-2

It is pretty much impossible to find a Final Fantasy game that doesn't the scencery and backgrounds that are quite simply amazing. They do it better than anyone else. This is one of the reasons I am so excited for each and every Final Fantasy game just because I know they always push the limits each and every time.

1.The Last Of Us

The Last Of Us had a vision and did it. They understood and created the world in which we are all fearing. The attention to detail is evident in every Naughty Dog game, but The Last Of Us set an entirely new level to games out there. It was in one word a masterpiece.

There you have it your list for the week. As always tell me what you think if you agree or not I am always happy to hear from you.