Sunday, April 3, 2011
Ask Gauss
Before Cata, I had a great time, every time I joined your weekend For The Horde raids. I was wondering when you planned to resume it.
I have been asked this quite a few times so I will put it up here so we will have something concrete. For The Horde raids when I started them in Wrath were in the ToC days. Meaning we already outgeared the world leaders by a significant margin. Also there was the matter that the leaders were in unpopulated regions so if we had the element of surprise then you could be in and out without much issue with a massive amount of defence. Now, of course, with killing all 4 Alliance would catch on, but still you would be ready for that. So this means that I need to get a set group of organized group, which I have now, who are geared to a level where they can control the boss and that "the mob of Alliance" can be contained by the trade chat crowd. I am not saying it is going to be easy at all, because I don't think it will be, but I think we have it down. So look for the raids to be up and running as early as next weekend.
Do you think it is important for raiders to know how other classes work?
I believe it is. Now if you are a raid leader then you really need to understand what every class is capable of. What classes are best suited to tank such and such, what raid buffs each class/spec brings, which healers heal the raid, which healer tanks heals, what classes have very good AoE DPS, and so on and so forth. Now if you are just an everyday raider you don't need to know the ins and outs of every class, but you should know how particular classes complement you. Meaning the buffs they bring vs the ones you do, CC they have, movement capability, is there overlap? Understanding this will help you be the best possible raider you can be. Think of it this way, if you can help the other members of your raid be better then you are helping your raid as a whole, and that means success is coming your way, which is the point isn't it?
What do you consider an epic death moment?
One that years later everyone remembers and never lets you live down.
That is it for this week. Hope you all got the answers you were looking for. Next week's Reader Post I want to know about all your Epic Death Moments. I know you have them and I know everyone wants to hear about them. As always you have until Thursday Night to get them in so take your time, but don't waste time.
Enjoy what is left of your weekend.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A Wrath Of For The Horde
Death From Above: Using the levitate bug we were able to get 3 people, one being a warlock above the kings room in Ironforge. We summoned a raid of 40 people up there and once everyone was assembled and buffed we dropped down like a raid of paratroopers and owned the King flawlessly.
Ultimate For The Horde: One weekend on both Saturday and Sunday I assembled multiple raids to not only kill the leaders of the cities but to control them. On the Saturday we held Ironforge for almost an hour causing havoc I don't think the server had ever seen. On the Sunday we started in Ironforge, held it for 15 minutes before making our way to Stormwind and holding the entire city for over an hour before many in the group ran out of time.
The Yeti Cave: The perfect place to assemble without notice. What all those level 5 toons were thinking when they saw an army of Horde I can only imagine. Come Cataclysm we won't need spots like this, since we can just fly around. Sad panda.
Death to Gimm: Nothing like a rivalry, which has developed between defender and assaulter. This will be something I hope keeps going even if the raids will be changed quite a bit.
"The Fail is Strong Today": Everyone's favourite phrase that everyone waits and waits for me to say every single raid. The people that come back each week know it is coming and the newbies get something to remember.
The Crazy Mexican Kid: Oh yes how can we forget the kid that made me never want to give out my vent info again. He obviously never took a breath and obviously had a lot to say even if there wasn't anything of substance in what he was saying.
Bagellord: How can we ever forget Bagellord. The champion of fail himself who will always give us those "remember that time..."
So be here have some fun and let's make the last For The Horde raids before 4.0 be something to remember as well. LOK'TAR OGAR!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Motivational Speech
Sons and Daughters of the Horde, I am here today High Warlord Gauss, of the Horde to lead you to slay the leaders of the Alliance, because for some reason they are alive again even if we killed them last week. We shall do this and be rewarded by our Warchief for our undeniable loyalty to the Horde. We will prevail! We will prevail despite the fact many of you will die in fires, we will prevail regardless of many of your inabilities to follow simple instructions, we will prevail even if many of you will require 10 summons to keep up, we will prevail even if many of you are here to be cannon fodder, we will prevail even if many of you will have trouble not falling off a boat, we will prevail regardless of the fact that you don't have a flight path, we will prevail regardless of your computers inability to stay connected, we will prevail without many of you understanding the concept of line of sight, and finally we will prevail even if many you have to leave because your mother is mad at you. So unsheathe your weapons and charge LOK'TAR OGAR FOR THE HORDE!!!!
Hmmm maybe I should macro that
Saturday, August 28, 2010
What I enjoyed most was how 12 people seemed to cause quite the uproar in the Trade District when it was all over. Gimm, pretty sure my axe met your face quite a few times. I wanted you to get up close and personal with the wrath of my purple swirlies. Running into the house at the end when it was getting crazy was quite amusing also. Apparently, I got hit by 63 different people in span 5 minutes while we were in that house. So eventually after pissing the Alliance off enough killing everything they brought the rain and took us to the ground. I couldn't see a damn thing in there stupid with it being a human building, being a Tauren, and of course the mob of alliance all in that little tiny space.
Hopefully if we get it up and running again tomorrow and there be some good resistance and wipe the floor with the Alliance in their house all over again. Lok'tar Ogar!!!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Super FTH Fail
Regardless there will be hell to pay tomorrow. I will bring the main crew tomorrow then fill in with the people I find in trade. Don't want the crap that happened today to happen again. So to the resisters I will be back and with a vengeance. Hope you are also there tomorrow to fight back for we all know it is much more fun that way than roflstomping through city to city.
Congrats on your victory today for it will be short lived come tomorrow.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Gauss Down
What I find hilarious is when obviously enough people leave the raid and then we are down to smaller numbers then the Alliance finally decide to try and do something about it. Well then I finally go down. This is when it becomes this thing for all these Alliance who didn't try to stop me in the first place until it was 10 or more on one decide to do everything. Laugh, teabag, spit, or use their mount in "special" ways. Now I am not going to lie knowing that they feel the need to do this in masses makes me feel at least I pissed them off enough to get a reaction. Why not use this to actually stand up to me in the first place rather than acting all tough when it is all said and done.
Give it a go tomorrow when I show up and have a whole ton of people for the holiday!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Death From Above
Since people had sent me all the screenshots of all the places where they have seen in WoW. We decided to go exploring. We first headed to the Kara Crypt and it was just as awesome looking as I remember it. After seeing it again I really hope Blizzard does something with it. The design, the features and the whole feeling of the place is very epic. "The Upside down Sinners" is truly a site to see. To get out we had to duel and then kill ourselves from fall damage. Since we had to get rid of our hearthstones to get inside in the first place.
Next Vin, Whirl, and myself tried to gain access to the Emerald Dream. Sadly we couldn't and couldn't even find a workable way how. So it will be left for another day. To Elwynn!
It was surprisingly easy to get to the base of the falls with the real challenge finding a way to climb up the falls in order to get to the Cabin. But doing that was quite an achievement and well here is the pic of Vin, Whirl, and Myself up there.

After we made our way to Ironforge in order to get into Old Ironforge. Except we took the mountain route. Was pretty scenic with lots of graphic glitches. Eventually Vin and I got into Old Ironforge where we started having an epic battle with some alliance through the door in the King's room. Yes through the door. I was about to hit people through the door and they were able to send pets through to attack us. Eventually this Gnome Mage named Foulacy came in and died a few times which brought a smile to Vin and my face. When he came back the second time and ended up falling and dying from the damage, it was pretty amusing. But our travels would end there for the day. Still need to go to many other of the places people sent me screens of and I will be sure to let you all know about it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday it started. Gimmlette our good friend from Spectacular Death had got some people to Ironforge. It was a smaller force and was a little late. They didn't pull off the wipe, but they downed me not too long after the king had fallen. That was just the beginning. Yesterday, Gimm had messaged me while I was setting up the raid, "see you in Ironforge" was the plan. I saw here on the docks in Auberdine and thought nothing of it. That was my mistake. Darnasuss and Exodar went off like a hitch, Stormwind though was another story. I ran into that keep like it was any other day. Let's just say I had never seen so many alliance in the keep at one time. I was not prepared, as Illidan would say. I was taken and made to kiss the floor without a kill. The game was on as I saw it. I was expecting the defence to be in Ironforge and not Stormwind. Therefore I had not prepared the group for anything other than 20 defenders.
We were moving to Ironforge and we would be ready. I would not fail twice in one day, it wouldn't happen. From Badlands we rode. Stormed through the gates. Of course running through the front gates isn't the most stealth thing to do and we were discovered quickly. We ended up having 5 waves of alliance all controlled and killed perfectly. Sure it was the slowest boss burn I have ever had, but they came to defend their king. How I have waited for this kind of fight. King went down, and looking at the doors and I knew we were done for. What to do at a time like this? Charge the bastards screaming Pi. If I am going down I am taking some with me.
So thanks Gimm for getting people to put up a fight. It makes the runs so much more excited. Getting 200+ kills in Ironforge taking down the king is the way it should be. Nothing should be easy, and I won't make the mistake of not being ready again.
Another reminder to send me your snowball targets. You only have till Wednesday night because of Christmas. Happy Winter Veil!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Why Are We Doing This?
One thing which was quite humorous during the kite was the bombs that would random own people for 14k+ or the questing people who were wondering what the hell we were doing? Then when they started whispering and complaining that they died. At least they are learning at a low level not to stand in fire.
So it was decided mid kite that we were going to bring him in through the sewers and introduce him to the Banshee Queen herself. When we got him in was pretty funny to see all the guards rush him. On the bombs even NPCs aren't smart enough to move out of the way. Low level people died some more and we all laughed. So there we were in front of Lady Sylvanas and we brought her the little gift that was the High Tinker. Let's just say it wasn't much of a fair fight but who the hell cares the little dude took the beating like a champ.
Up next King Varian. How fun is that going to be... Also we have Zyto to thank for the Video so take a look.
Also since the Screen Shot post got some great reviews on Sunday next Fridays post I am asking for your own Screens of you and your mount. I will post a bunch of them and I want to get as much variety as possible.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Not Feeling Well and Morons is a Bad Combo
So the group gets full and as always when I tell people to head to Zoram they still don't even if they had 10 minutes to do so. This is why I bring a warlock to summon the slackers here and help out getting people together after each city. It makes the run go smooth and I wouldn't do a run without one. So upon people landing in Zoram I asked the warlocks their was 2 of them to drop a portal. One warlock refused to summon people and when I called him a useless twit he disconnected before he could see that I was kicking him. Then we had another warlock who decided to go afk at Zoram for god knows what and didn't even both dropping a portal. Idiots I tell you. So now no warlock is available to summon. As I said above the raid cannot be done without a warlock. At this point people are STILL sitting in Dalaran or even Orgrimmar waiting for a summon. What a bunch of useless retards. Someone in raid then announces they have a warlock friend. I obviously knew he didn't have friends but he had a warlock, which was enough not to make me flip out.
I invited him to the raid and told him his job and what was expected of him. I did this in raid chat to make sure you wasn't a dumbass. He started to fly. Of course at this point some people STILL hadn't started making their way. Morons I tell you. They make Bagellord look like a great example of a WoW player. So to say the least I was beyond pissed off at this point. The warlock arrives and I tell him to drop a portal. When the idiot can't because he has no shards! Are you kidding me? Like honestly? Let's just say it was the last straw. People expecting summons, idiots refusing to listen, going afk, and finally a warlock who told he was invited for the one person of getting summons throughout the run has no shards...
With that I pressed my magic button which basically just does /radisband and then I hearthed. Ya that was an asshole thing to do. But I do these runs to help people and to get their achievements. I gain nothing from them. They work because people listen and follow directions. So I wasn't feeling well was pissed off and wasn't about to waste my time with a bunch of people who don't realize I was doing them a favour.
I logged off but was still on vent an was being told that a bunch of people were pissed off about it all. The best part I heard was that people fired back at the complainers, because they knew I wouldn't do it without a reason. Maybe they should be pissed of at themselves or the people who couldn't do simple tasks.
If you got issues with the way things work on my runs do your own. Otherwise you have no right to complain that I am doing you a favour.
Reminder to send in your stories of people who have had those "Bagellord Moments". They need to be in Thursday night so I can have them ready for Friday's post.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Record That Cannot Be Broken!
When I started the invites I was asked to try something to see if it was possible. A level 1. A bank toon Magbank to be exact. He was even going to turn off his xp earning to ensure he would be level one for the entire run. I told him I wasn't going to make any promises and that the lowest level ever to complete it was a level 30. It was understood and we were going to give it a go.
Darnassus was where it almost ended he died upon entering the portal. Thankfully we had some people in the raid who were supporting the cause, and he was able to squeak but getting the first city.
Exodar went a lot smoother for Sx the newly draenei shaman(how could you?) thunderstormed have the raid off the boat leaving Darnassus. Then the only warlock who made it refused to summon those who got knocked off. Let's just say that warlock didn't finish out the run... By the way Sx I know you read this and it made me laugh so I approve!
What I don't understand though was how Mag made it through Stormwind without dying. So many guards were being pulled from aggroing to him. It was pretty funny. I guess it helped though that there were other low levels aggroing things as well. All of you who don't agree with my killing guards as you go strat let it be known that this got Mag to the keep.
We took the UC port from Stormwind then headed to Stonard. Of course Mag was going to need the summons to Kagarth how would he have the flight path? Anyways I dropped the Fish Feast and laughed when it raised his hp from 88 fully buffed to 488. Apparently anyone can get well fed from a fish feast.
Mag died like 3 times on the run to Ironforge through the Badlands into Loch Modan and finally into Dun Morogh. Those patrolling dwarfs really hated him. At this point there was no stopping Mag was getting the achieve. We stopped and rezzed him each time. I knew it was going to be tough getting him into the kings room since we were mounting the entire way but he made it. In fact he almost lived through the entire encounter.
Gauss gets a Level 1 For The Horde!!! For the doubters here is Mag's Screen Shot
For The Horde Level 1
So we have a record that cannot be broken. Now we need to think of other records to do for the runs. Remember to start sending your emails about crazy happenings on vent for next Friday. Till tomorrow!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Let's Make City Raids Better
This has got me thinking about what Blizzard could add to the game to make these city raids occur more, and give people a reason to do them besides achievements. Besides even people who ahte PvP love a good ass kicking. Like yesterday for example when were owning everyone in site in Ironforge in from of the Bank and the Auction house corpses were everywhere, but when I finally went down, and I will say it seemed to take them forever I actually enjoyed how I was instantly teabagged to no end by the mass of alliance not to mention spiked with quite a number of banners. This is why these raids are fun I want the alliance to hate me with a passion. So to all you alliance yesterday I am glad my death made your day. I will be sure to pay you all back next weekend.
Getting back on topic. So Kùsh and I were talking as I was running back to my corpse yesterday and were discussing things which could be added to city raids to make them have a pretty epic feel and of course for them to occur more often.
Recording Leader Kills: They record everything else so I am quite surprised this isn't recorded. Something so simple and yet something which would allow people to brag how they owned that bitch so many times. Get this done!
Fire: So how awesome would it be to be able to set fire to a city? Buildings, monuments, bridges, walk ways, and so on. Not to mention this could also cause damage to anyone or anything running through it. Think about it your supposed to be at war of course you want to see that place be burned to the ground. Extra bonus if you can set fire to your own factions cities as I would be right there on patch day ready to burn Silvermoon.
Destructible Buildings: They have these in Battlegrounds, in Raid instances, so why not incorporate them into the major cities? So instead of just killing the auctioneers and the bankers you take the building down on their asses. That was from a movie and now I wish I knew what it was. Anyways think about how epic something like this would be. Of course you would have to work in respawns and such, but it could be done.
Pillage: When you attack or take over a city you take and use everything you can find. This would have to be worked out so that it wasn't overpowered, but almost marking it a reward for attacking a city just like loot you get for killing a boss. Simple thing to add just needs to be added correctly.
Bounty for Players: Just think if you could post rewards for killing specific players. Would not only be entertaining to know who is after you but even better when these people try and fail at killing you.
Siege Vehicles: Let us buy them. People like Wintergasp because of the feeling behind assaulting with these things. Imagine a line of these outside a major city ready to kill anything and everything in its path. This certainly would bring back the War in Warcraft.
Theft: You know in University when you went into said departments building and took something form them. Could have been a statue, a pet, or some silly trinket. It didn't matter, what mattered was that you were successful in taking it and you now had bragging rights. Imagine displaying something like this like we do the heads of dragons this would really get peoples attention.
my favourite
Graffiti: Ya I want to spray paint "GAUSS OWNED YOUR ASS" or "GAUSS WAS HERE" all over your city. The satisfaction I would get out of this would be the same as downing a boss. Not to mention the reminder it would give people as they walked by till it "despawned"
These are just some of my ideas. As I am sure you have more. World PvP is something I love to do when I am not doing anything else so ways to make it more engaging and hence creating more participation is something I would look forward to. As always tell me what you think and be sure to tell me your own ideas.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Change It Up
So here I was in IF and nothing to complain about and nothing to tell this group that they really messed up. This is not to say that everything was perfect. There was someone without epic riding.... Ya you actually saw me type that. There was also someone who kept yelling even when I told him to stop maybe his call centre is in India or something. Anyways so what did I decide to do when the king died? I did what I always wanted to do. BURN IRONFORGE TO THE GROUND!!!!
We purged the city of everything even that stupid gnome king. I want his shrink-ray by the way. Been a long time since I went to the explorers hall. This actually got me thinking you need to actually be able to burn things. How about Bliz makes that happen. That would be some cool stuff wouldn't you say? Where was I? Oh yes BURNING IRONFORGE TO THE GROUND!!! So we went around killing everything when sadly the ground slowly started to dwindle.
This apparently was happening quicker than I notice as when we were in the mystic ward and they finally came and killed us. At this point we were down to 10... So 10 vs 30+ wasn't really a good thing. I must thank all the alliance for the teabags I receive I know you guys are awesome for killing me you can now go tell all your friends you got to teabag Gauss. At least you will have a story you can rewrite so that it makes you sound like you achieved something.
I will say though when I rezzed and killed that druid, lock, and pally in my tank gear and prot spec was pretty epic. So maybe dancing on their corpses and spamming Pi wasn't the best of ideas. The raid comes back and I get owned mauled. Sorry Irule you rezzed into a mess.
So to spirit rez or not to spirit rez? Course not! I went back and Irule and I killed in the basement of one of the houses drinking our kegs. Might I say Ironforge needs to taurenize their homes it would really increase the value. Anyways this got boring especially when some how I got killed through a wall, like wtf Bliz. So I ported out. Good fun and thanks Irule for sticking around hope you had some fun. When your somewhere with Gauss its always an adventure!
Friday, October 9, 2009
How to do a Gauss For The Horde Run
First off no one likes an asshole, but they will listen to one. I tend to do this by basically telling everyone what I think about them right off the bat. Lines you might see me say are "I know your all a bunch of retards", "Yes, I know you that special kind of stupid", or "This group really is a bunch of morons" this sets the stage for the rest of the raid.
Next make sure people with shitty computers know that you will make fun of them endlessly and most importantly you won't let their lag end up slowly the group. Common line here would be "If you have a shitty computer turn your settings down. If your not sure it's shitty so turn them down. If you don't know how you are a failure and please leave before you cry to your mother because I kicked you" I find this works well. Feel free to use this or come up with your own.
I like to meet at Zoram Strand because if people don't know where it is it amuses me to make fun of them as well as when can unite the group by all making fun of person X. Also this is also a good way to find the slackers in the group because they will ask over and over for a summon. This is a good time to remove these people and laugh at them when they complain about it in whispers to you.
Running up the coast of Darkshore is fun because you can see how much fail people are bringing to the group. Apparently following is a hard thing to do. Be sure to make fun of the people that lag behind by instructing the raid to point and laugh at these people. The goal is to teach they they are horrible and that you don't give two shits about any of them. This also enforces the point that you are indeed an asshole.
Go to Darnassus first because if people fail there you can get out of it with ease. Make sure everyone kills guards and stays back. I joke around saying "no one is too awesome to kill guards" Be sure to summon the failures before you get on the boat and laugh at all the people who fell off the dock.
After Darnassus head back out the same way and make fun of anyone who died. Because in order to die they had to be a) low level and in this case they fail already, b)went the wrong way therefore an idiot and lucky to still be in the group, or c) just a complete retard who somehow died there they know its coming.
Do Exodar next because its a joke to do and its close by. If people actually came to defend I would be pretty impressed. Pull Velen to the bottom of the stairs and if the raid somehow stays at the bottom I will be quite impressed because I have yet to see this happen.
Stormwind is next and it gets much harder. Assign groups for the defence in the Keep. The low levels are good for this job because you could careless if they die anyway, and they will feel special that you are actually giving them something worth while to do. Make some comment about Bagellord and not jumping off the boat. If people are talking like they know crap make fun of them because they are horrible if this group has just been thrown together and they got in on it.
I used to warn melee about the kings whirlwind now I just /facepalm when they stand in and get hit by it and get themselves killed. I realized that yes WoW is full of retards and there is nothing I can do about it so enjoy their failure and have fun with it. Once the king goes down have all the tools who died release and spirit rez and when they complain about having to do so make fun of them for dying and crying to you about it.
Ironforge is next and last and I suggest reorganizing you raid and not assaulting through the Tram. Because this seems to lend itself to people doing there own thing and you can be easily ambushed using this method. Of course don't tell people where you are meeting up the less dumbass' that know the better.
Once you reorganize let the retards know they can can do it if they listen. Arrange a path that doesn't run through the centre of the city and you will be fine. Remind them all to Line of sight the and nuke the boss with alliance that come and join the fray as first priority for killing. Also when people are obviously not LoS of the doorway remind the bunch of morons what LoS actually. This is when I usually reflect at how these bunch of tools made it this far. After they kill him give the morons their grats and how it took like 20 minutes to kill a boss with 5 million HP. Get a mage to port out and then get the hell out of there. And that all is how Gauss runs For The Horde.
So Fridays FTH is canceled at least at myself running it and Saturdays is up in the air. Saturday night should be good for Old School remember to message Kùsh if you want to know what we are running that evening. Enjoy your Thanksgiving long weekend, and to all you Americans who don't know when Thanksgiving is learn that Canada owns you. That is all!