Showing posts with label whispers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whispers. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Gauss Whisperer

So I probably get whispered more than most people. I actually have a mod that sorts whispers based upon if they are in guild, on my friends list, Real ID, or their respective level. I also have this thing with not ignoring people. I always give people the chance to say what they have to say. If I don't agree with it then that is life. This includes even those farmers talking to me like they are my bud then try to sell me gold. You would be surprised how fun these people are to talk to. So without awaiting any longer I have decided to define some types of the people that whisper me.

The Clueless: This is the type of person that whispers me right when I log on no matter what time or day of the week and ask me if I am doing invites for For The Horde. These are also the people who whisper me what "that" is when I put Pi up in trade chat. The cake is when these people ask you to tank the weekly when you are in ICC. These are the people that cause you to fear for the future existence of the world.

The Follower: These are the people that whisper you in the city and follow you around while they are talking to you. It is as if these people have the need to be right beside you while the whisper is going on. This is not only pointless, but is rather creepy and makes me want to distance myself from you in the quickest way possible.

The Oops: These are the people that "accidentally" invite you instead of inspect you. They then whisper you sorry and then begin talking to you and explaining their life story. The proceed to have a story about every piece of gear they have or need and relate it to every piece of yours. These are the people that I wouldn't be surprised to hear they shot up a shopping mall because someone reminded them of that Boomkin that took his cloth boots.

The Fanboy: These are the people that whisper me and ask "are you really Gauss?" I always try to think of interesting ways to answer this question. I don't know what gave it away besides the fact that you had to type /w Gauss. They proceed to tell me about all the things they think I do which they think is awesome, which is great, but I really can't get passed the fact they asked if I was really Gauss.

The Long Lost: These conversations always start with "Do you remember me?" Now I have come into a lot of contact with people over the years and I can't be expected to remember everyone. Now I obviously don't want to make people feel like crap if I don't remember them. Well that is not always true. If I had a bad day just hope you are not one of these people. So I try in most cases to get them to carry the conversation to see if I can actually jog something. Now when it gets to something like "I did the daily with you once", "Or this one time you did FTH", "I came to an old school run with you", "You laughed at me for being a noob". These are the times I honestly think how am I supposed to be expected to remember you. These are the people are mislead by the world revolving around something that is not them.

The WTFer: These are the people that whisper me instantly after I say something which they cannot believe I have said. They go on to say "I can't say that" and go on and on about how they are going to report me and make sure I get banned. These people are the people that complain they are offended by calling a Christmas tree a Christmas tree.

The Cheerleader: These are the people that applaud or cheer me on to keep going when I am on a roll. These are the people that are most likely members of the Nation and want to see the gold keep flowing and wouldn't be hear without them.

That is it for today and summer is just about officially over so maybe that will bring you some luck in your raids tonight.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Account Hackers

So like anyone who plays WoW I can name a bunch of people I know who have gotten hacked. They may have got hacked in a variety of ways. Go to websites they shouldn't have, guild website was logged, bugged addon, keyloggers, bought gold, or even responded to an email they shouldn't have. Now I don't think I have ever heard of someone who has been hacked because they believed one of those whispers everyone is sent in game. Why? Well I think you all know the English is absolutely horrible and even someone who only speaks broken English can obviously tell it is fake. Think for a second, if the language made sense would you think twice about it? Now I would tend to argue many would. Regardless, you might pick up on the name and clue in to the fact that why wouldn't Blizzard just cut off your account. The point being some people are idiots, but even idiots can tell when someone cannot speak English.

So what is this all about? Well I fear for the day that these account hackers learn how to at least type sentences that make a moderate amount of sense. Also this brings me to the point that, they should know this. They should know that you could basically fool 50% of the WoW population by typing in a form of English that at least that 50% would see as correct enough. They would of course get the result they were in fact looking for.

Guess I just gave a pro tip to the hackers. Long weekend starts tomorrow!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Do I Know You?

I really try not to say this phrase to people. First off I don't really go out of my way to directly insult people, well most of the time. Mainly though because if I ask this, sometimes if not most of the time, I get into some one's life story of "this one time I did such and such with you and you said such and such and then you call someone this and then they said that". Ah yes how I love these conversations. So as to avoid this I have developed the following strategies when I encounter a random person and I have absolutely no clue who they are. Feel free to use any of the following.

Oh its you, but sorry I don't have time to catch up right now.

This makes the person feel good, and gives the impression that I would speak with them. This also gives me time to actually think if I know who the hell this person is. If I remember and its good, which in most cases its not then all is well. If I remember and they were some idiot then I of course have the option of never speaking with them again or if it was so idiotic-- I have the perfect opportunity to relive this persons special kind of stupid.

Of course I know you.

You say this when you need to take an afk or you are doing something, which is obviously occupying your attention. They will either a)go on and on and you won't be there to hear it or be able to pay attention, or b)Get so pissed off from you not responding that they will stop talking to you all together. So in either case this is win win for you.

Just play along with whatever they are saying.

This is very fun an effective if you are bored. You will also make their day by actually talking to them. They will go home happy and you will get your own laughs. Also you maybe even remember them by the end. Then could apply all the things from the first one.

Offend them so they will stop talking.

If just flat out ignoring them doesn't work then this is the route you may have to take. Yes this is a real asshole thing to do, but then you if you cared you would have known who they were in the first place. The sky is the limit to how you can insult them. Just make sure its to the point and they actually understand you are making fun of them and not joking around. Since if they think you are joking they will just keep going on.

Make up a story about them being awful.

You really don't need to even say something untrue. It could be something about someone else that you are using to make them look like a tool. This can be amusing on your end and get whoever they are to stop talking. It's a game we play this for fun right? And making some random person spaz out about them not doing something is extremely fun.

Log out.

Perfect way to get someone to stop talking to you. Log out then back in and they probably won't even notice, since they will probably be trying to talk to other people they "knew".

That is it for today. Congrats Canada on its first Gold Medal on home soil! Enjoy your last day before reset.