Showing posts with label Bully. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bully. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Just Another Stupid Story By A Boring Adult

Keeping with the school theme since it really is the first week of school almost everywhere I figured for this week's list I would do one based on schools. You know those places of "learning" we always find in video games. So here are my top 5 schools in gaming.

5. Midwich Elementary School - Silent Hill

There are not much things scarier than an abandoned elementary school and that is exactly what you will find in this classic horror game.

4. College of Winterhold - Skyrim

Show me some magic in this place in the north and you will have a good time learning a whole bunch of new things. Leave it to Skyrim to make a frozen Hogwarts 

3. The Heroes Guild - Fable

So let's meet some friends and have fans within the guild all to impress the guild master. This truly Fable expierence gives you all of that and more

2. Bullworth Academy - Bully

So maybe not your normal everyday boarding school, but who wants that in a video game. This place is the extreme of everything you ever came across in high school and that's why it is a whole lot of fun to be a part of.

1. Balamb Garden - Final Fantasy VIII

So this place is not only massive, but has tons of things to do. All so you can learn to be an amazing mercenary you were born to be. This school though has something all the others don't it can fly all across the map!

There you have it my choices for the best schools in video games. Agree/Disagree let me know some way or another.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I Really Shot The Hell Out Of That Guy, Huh?

Wednesday! Yes your week is right in the middle of it again. Which means if you are not sure by now it is time for a list. Now when thinking about what I was going to do for my list this week I thought about what time of year it was. That being getting close to school starting itself up again. So what about if I went with my favourite teenage characters. Originally I thought this list was going to have not that much of a good selection, but with more thought it was the exact opposite. So tough choices aside here is the list.

5. Squall - Final Fantasy VII

The guy who didn't need anyone, well at least so it seemed. Many argue is the foundation for the best cinematic story of all the Final Fantasy games. Game just wouldn't be the same without this character.

4. Sora - Kingdom Hearts

So for a game that when I first played I assumed it was going to be a joke turned out to be tons of fun. Also a game I love replaying again and again because of Sora and his journey.

3. Little Mac - Punch Out

Who doesn't love Little Mac? A story which is all about the underdog making his way up it just is impossible not to cheer for this guy to be the champ.

2. Jimmy Hopkins - Bully

Everyone who knows video games looks highly on the game Bully. It doesn't have all the cheese of the GTA games, which takes away from the actual story trying to be told. Jimmy Hopkins isn't only one of the best Teen characters out there is one of the best in general.

1. Ellie - The Last of Us

For one of the greatest games of all time you have to have one of the greatest characters of all time. Elle isn't just some secondary fodder to Joel is the important piece to the story which keeps Joel focused on maintaining what is left of his humanity. Joel is a really amazing character, but without Elle there he wouldn't be so.

There it is this week's List. Agree of disagree as always let me know what you think. Happy arguing!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Price You Pay May Be Heavy Indeed

Here we are in the middle of the week once again. Last week we talked about games where sequels are something which would be of benefit to their respective series. This week the list is for games that don't need sequels so much that I think it would ruin the base game. Now this isn't a list of games I don't like that keep getting sequels regardless. Have a look and see if you agree.

5. Bully

Sometimes refered to as GTA: Highschool, but to me far from it. To me the GTA series lacks depth and now is just selling now based on its name and not the final product. Bully on the other hand had a marvelous setting and although not everything took care of itself I feel going back would turn it really into GTA: Highschool

4. Altered Beast

A game from my childhood that I played endless even downloaded it when it became available on PSN to relive all those times. Going back into the shapeshifting universe would just seem so wrong to a game that felt so right every time I got my hands on it.

3. Heavy Rain

With a story that is left open but done in such a way that you can decide on your own what happened. Some will point to the characters and how going back would give us an opportunity to be with them all again. To me this would ruin everything Heavy Rain gave up.

2.  Red Dead Redemption 

Sadly there is a sequel planned for this game. It doesn't need one and it shouldn't have one. When games are next level amazing releasing sequels really can destroy everything the series was built on. Can anyone say Devil May Cry?

1. Shadow of the Colossus

Sure there really is no room for a sequel to be made in my eyes, but truly one of those games when I completed it I got this feeling it was going to be milked forever. The game had everything and really is one of my favourite games ever with a twist ending I am still having trouble getting over.

There you have it this week's list. Is there any games you feel should never have sequels? Let me know as always!