
the NAKBA ... الـنـكـبــَـة حـق يـآبــى الـنـسـيــَـان

Showing posts with label Aïcha Redouane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aïcha Redouane. Show all posts

Friday, 2 March 2012

Stabat Mater الـعـذراء كــانـت واقـفــة ♪ Bruno Coulais بــرونــو كــولـيــه

Album :
Stabat Mater الـعـذراء كــانـت واقـفــة

Artist :
Bruno Coulais بــرونــو كــولـيــه
•» Orchestra: String quartet; Christophe Guiot, violin Elisabeth Pallas, violinFrancoise Gneri, viola Jean Philippe Audin, cello .. Laurent Korcia, violin solo Claire Désert, clavecimble, piano Slim Pezin, guitar Marc Chantereau, percussions
•» Soloists: Marie Kobayashi, mezzo-soprano Aïcha Redouane, chant Guillaume Depardieu, chant Robert Wyatt, voice
•» Choir: Chamber choir Mikrokosmos
•» Conductor: Loïc Pierre

Note :
The Stabat Mater was commissioned from Bruno Coulais by The Festival of Saint Denis. The concerts of 28 and 29 june 2005 owe their genesis to the celebrated photograph, by Houcine Zaourar, known as "the Madonna of Bentalha", taken in Algeria after a nocturnal massacre of the population, perpetrated by he FIS in 1997. The Madonna of Bentalha is a mother weeping for her son, the very same story as the Stabat Mater, two thousand years later

Index :

Language : Vocal - Arabic - French - Others - Instrumental

Country : Algeria - Morocco - France

Melodies :
[.01.] Yâ man (ô celui) - invocation • [.02.] Fac ut ardeat cor meum • [.03.] Quis non posset contristari • [.04.] Quis est homo qui non fleret • [.05.] Prélude : dolente • [.06.] Dolente • [.07.] Juxta crucem tecum stare • [.08.] O quam tristis et afflicta • [.09.] Sous les fouets, meurtri • [.10.] Christe, cum sit hinc exire • [.11.] Fac ut portem christi mortem • [.12.] Pro peccatis suae gentis • [.13.] Debout avec toi • [.14.] Vidit suum dulcem natum • [.15.] Wa zâdî qalîlun (faible est ma provision) • [.16.] Eia mater, fons amoris • [.17.] Chemin • [.18.] Stabat mater dolorosa • [.19.] Virgo virginum praeclara • [.20.] Quando corpus morietur • [.21.] Yâ habîba l-qalbi (ô aimé de mon coeur)

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [155 Mo]

‹ N/L : 785 ›

Monday, 2 January 2012

Maqâm d'amour مــقــَام الــحـب ♪ Aïcha Redouane عــائــشــة رضــوان

Album :
Maqâm d'amour مــقــام الــحــبّ

Artist :
Aïcha Redouane عــائــشــة رضــوان
•» Aïcha Redouane: vocal, daff •» Habib Yammine: riqq & daff , vocal •» Salah El-Dine Mohamed: qânûn , vocal •» Nabil Abdemouleh: nây , daff, vocal •» Safwan Kenani: kamân (violin), daff, vocal

Index :

Note :
"The Diva of Arab song", "A voice of molten gold", "A vestal of Arab song", "All the perfumes of the Orient": so many different titles honour the voice and artistic talents of Aïcha Redouane, who continues to delight Arab and Western audiences as she has done since the 90s. Of Moroccan origin, but resident in France since her earliest childhood, Aïcha has sung in various styles (Berber, jazz-blues, Western and Arabic songs…) In the late 80s she abandoned architecture to devote herself to the musical tradition of the Arab maqãm, (plural maqãmãt), carving herself a place not only as a singer but also as a qãnun (zither) player, all by her own means. Her encounter with Habib Yammine was a major factor in her decision to specialise in the art of Arab song, poetry, composition and improvisation. The French Ministry of Culture awarded her a research grant.
The album "Maqãm d'amour" (Maqãm of Love) is based on pomes written by the Sufi saint named Rãbi’a Al-'Adawiyya. "Out of the stellar names of women whose intelligence and learning have left their mark on Arabo-Muslim history, her name was the one we chose. After a first show in Paris that was attended by a warm, receptive, and enthusiastic audience, and in tribute to this woman who devoted her whole life to Divine Love, several festivals and theatres kept a special place for it on their programme. Rãbi'a's words of Love are timeless; they are so forceful, so suave in the purity and light they emanate, they seem utterly modern and could have been said in the 21st century. Today, as in the 8th century, these poems offer a cure for all hearts that suffer, balm for spirits in search of illumination, a guiding star and appeasing force for all human beings, over and above any cultural, religious or other differences of opinion

Language : Arabic - Vocal - Instrumental

Country : Morocco - Palestine - Syria

Melodies :
[.01.] Cheminement / Masîr Start• [.02.] Salut à Salmâ / Salâmun ' alâ Salmâ • [.03.] Souffle / Nafas • [.04.] Ma coupe, mon vin / Ka ' sî wa-khamrî • [.05.] Commensaux / Nudmân • [.06.] O aimé de mon coeur / Yâ habîb al-galb • [.07.] De deux amours je t'aime / Uhibbuka hubbazu • [.08.] Faible est ma provision / Wa zâdî galîlun • [.09.] Mon repos, ô frères / Râhatî yâ ikhwatî • [.10.] Oh, aie pitié / Wâ rahmatâ • [.11.] O majoie / Yâ surûrî

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [161 Mo]

‹ N/L : 691 ›

Friday, 30 September 2011

Art Vocal and Instrumental of the Nineteenth Century الغـنـاء و الـموسـيـقـى الـعربـية في الـقرن الـتـاسـع عـشر ♪ Aïcha Redouane عـائــشـة رضـوان

Album :
Morocco الــمـغـرب Maroc
Art Vocal and Instrumental of the Nineteenth Century
الـغـنـاء و الــموسـيــقـى الــعـربـيـة في الـقـرن الـتــاســع عــشــر
Art Vocal et Instrumental du XIXe Siècle

Artist :
Aïcha Redouane عــائــشـــة رضــوان
•» Aïcha Redouane (voice) •» Salâh El Dine Mohamed (qânûn) •» Brahim Meziane El-Otmani ('ud) •» Osama Hantira (kamân) •» Habib Yammine (riqq)

Index :

Language : Arabic - Vocals - Instrumental

Melodies :
Wasla en Maqâm sigah / 'irâq
[.01.] Samâ'i'irâq • [.02.] Dûlâb huzâm • [.03.] Mûwashshah "Anâ min wajdî anâ 'abkî wa 'aghannî" • [.04.] Taqsîm qânûn-layâlî-mawwâl • [.05.] Dawr "Matta' hayâtak"
Wasla en Maqâm râst
[.06.] Tahmîla râst • [.07.] Dûlâb râst • [.08.] Mûwashshah "Hayyara-l-'afkâra badrî" • [.09.] Qasîda mursala "Waqfatan ayyûha-l-qamar natashâkâ" • [.10.] Dûlâb râst - introduisant la qasîda • [.11.] Qasîda mûwaqq'a "Kam ba'athnâ m'a'-n-nasîmi salâmâ"
Wasla en Maqâm nahawand
[.12.] Dûlâb • [.13.] Taqâsîm-layâlî bamb • [.14.] Dawr "Kâdnî-l-hawâ

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [139 Mo]

‹ N/L : 546 ›

Saturday, 19 July 2008

World Of Traditional Music ♪ North Africa - West Asia

Album :
Le Monde des Musique Traditionnelles
World Of Traditional Music

Afrique Du Nord - Asie De L'Ouest
North Africa - West Asia


Melodies, Artists & Country :
.[1]. Nûba Mâya
Hadj Mohamed Tahar Ensemble {Algeria}
.[2]. Rabbi Moulay
Gnaoua Of Essaouira {Morocco}
.[3]. Dawr Matta Hayâtak
Aïcha Redouane And The Al-Adwar Ensemble {Egypt-Morocco}
.[4]. Muwashshash Yâ Rasûl Llah Yâ Man
The Muezzins Of Aleppo {Syria}
.[5]. Gurbet: Gut Gut Bogazi Özkan
Talip Özkan {Turkey}
.[6]. Élégie À Akagündünz Kutbay
Tanrikorur Cinuçen {Turkey}
.[7]. Segah
Alim Qasimov {Azerbaidjan}
.[8]. Douze Séquences du Reng-E Shahr Ashub
Kiani Majid {Iran}
.[9]. Böbö {Iran}

Download From Here. [89.7 Mo]


Friday, 26 October 2007

Aïcha Redouane et l'ensemble al-Adwar

Album : Aïcha Redouane et l'ensemble al-Adwar
Nahda du Proche-Orient
Artists :
Aïcha Redouane - voice, musical direction
Habib Yammine - RiqqSalah el-Din
Mohammad - QânunOussama
Hantira - Kamâa

Songs :
Wasla en maqâm bayyâtî
01. Hâta ayyuha s-sâqî
02. Lî habîbun
03. Lâ tukhfî
Wasla en maqâm sigâ
04. Bashraf-tahmîla Karabatâk (instrumental)
05. Jalla man06. Taqsîm qânun (instrumental)
07. Ghayri 'alâ s-silwân
Wasla en maqâm bayyâtî
08. Solo riqq
09. Samâ'î Muhayyar (instrumental)
10. An'im bi-waslika
11. Gaddidî yâ nafsî

Née berbère à Ait Attab une localité du Moyen-Atlas marocain, sa famille s'installe en France et poursuit des études d'architecture et se prend de passion pour le répertoire musical classique égyptien, en effet, très précoce dans sa découverte cette musique, elle manifeste déjà une passion pour la musique arabo-andalouse en découvrant de vieux 78 tours de la Nahda et elle écoute avec passion et assiduité les grands maîtres du style classique fondé sur les Maqâms comme Al Hamuli, Mohammed Othman, Salama Higazi, Yusuf Al Manyalawi. Avec Habib Yammine, un célèbre musicologue et pédagogue libanais, elle crée la formation musicale Al-Adwâr qui présente l'art du Qanoun, et met en avant l'oud, les percussions, la flûte ney.
Aïcha Redouane chante dès sa plus tendre enfance. D’un répertoire festif utilisé dans les veillées, elle passe, à l’âge de six ans, à l’apprentissage de la musique d’Oum Kaltoum. Puis elle s’installe très jeune dans le sud de la France et entreprend des études d’architecture.
Aïcha Redouane, dont l’année 1993 marque un tournant dans sa carrière avec un premier triomphe au Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, un premier album distingué d’un Choc de la Musique et d’un Diapason d’Or, s’est produite également au Festival des Musiques Sacrées de Fès aux côtés de Monserrat Figuerras et de Françoise Atlan.
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