Showing posts with label roundups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roundups. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fedora Mafia Judges Reform Awesome

Friday, Smitty added some significant members to the Axis of Fedora. Thus, it's time to roll out a new FMJRA roundup.
Smitty rolled into Richmond and snagged a picture of SWACgirl.
Later in the day, he posted photos of
Just a Conservative Girl
Cathouse Chat and
Debbie Lee from America's Mighty Warriors.
Obviously, the fedora survived being pictured with me.
Chris Cassone got the honor of a Fedora photo Saturday.
It's been a busy weekend, so I haven't had time to find more fedora pictures. As long as I post one of the Fedora founding father, I'm okay.
Enjoy the week ahead. Because very few Democrats will be enjoying the month of October.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fishersville Mike to Just Relax Already

I think I'll take a hiatus from the roundup world for the rest of the summer, planning to be energized with the fall.
Until then, you know which blogs to check. The sidebar sensations.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Have a burger, check the phone, see the light and follow a winner.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Flyers' March Just Retro Anarchy

We begin Sunday with a FMJRA roundup. We'll end the day watching Game 5 of the Stanley Cup finals as Philadelphia looks for its first ice hockey title since 1974-75. The Broad Street Bullies are looking for some championship company.
DaTech Guy continues his campaign for cash.
The Blog Prof hits lots of items with the daily linkaround.
Pat bids farewell to some friends and highlights the work of her many friends in the blogosphere. The Other McCain closes on four million hits, with some help from Will Folks. I guess he's good for something.
Carol finds some scum on the surface of the water.
Troglopundit sends a high school graduate into the world.
Pundette offers the best of Mark Steyn.
The Classic Liberal spreads the joy.
Wyblog finds the Obama administration doing something before it's supposed to happen.
Grandpa John has pride in his family.
Naked Villainy lists the ways we're doomed.
Camp of the Saints bids farewell to ads.
The Daley Gator has your sign.
Eye of Polyphemus proves there are good bloggers in South Carolina.
Pirates Cove enjoyed water views on his vacation.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Enjoy some morning sunshine, avoid scary people and live your dream.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fishersville Mike's Jovial Redneck Abuse

Happy Memorial Day weekend. In the spirit of the season, I've headed to the beach. The water may still be cool, but hey, it's the beach.
So it's a short roundup this week. Enjoy the sunshine, since the internet will be there when it's rainy and cold.
It's always hot around the Other McCain.
Camp of the Saints has important swimsuit advice for the ladies.
DaTech Guy has had a big week in Georgia.
Troglopundit takes aim at some important stats.
Wyblog finds time for a quick roundup.
Pundette has all the links.
Carol remembers the reason for the weekend.
Mind Numbed Robot offers the Robo-Love.
Virginia Right's News Hound rarely takes a holiday.
School's out for Pat. Those are dirty words for a stay-at-home dad.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Be a bright light, remember our troops and think about your choices.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fiesta Makes Job Really Attractive

Mexican president in Washington? It's a fiesta.
Read these blogs, then take a siesta.
The Other McCain wasn't impressed by Calderon's comments. Maybe if we put him in a cauldron.
Carol's roundup is a ride in the garden.
Camp of the Saints finds some interesting stuff while cleaning out the cache.
Wyblog finds out what happens when you use the word Mohammed in your FMJRA headline.
In Carol's Closet, there's lots of drawings.
Pat sends her teenager out into the world. Watch out, world!
Pundette whipped up the links and waffle batter.
Naked Villiany liked my post on Justice Scalia.
Mind Numbed Robot brings some love from the Beatles.
The Daley Gator has a picture that makes a big splash.
Dustbury offers an interesting history lesson.
Datech Guy is headed to Atlanta for on the ground reporting.
Troglopundit is thinking about Brett Favre. What else is new?
Obi's Sister has the latest in fashion for the younger set.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Spice up your life with some Thyme, help your friends and sharpen your focus on the future.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Free Mulberry Jam Rescues Aviator

It's a beautiful weekend here in Fishersville. Summer is just around the corner.
So are some great blogs and roundups.
Wyblog takes his spot among the blogosphere's best.
Carol musters up a fine roundup.
Pat sees the end of the school year looming.
Adrienne sends the linky love.
Paco finds a bad spot in Bananas.
Shout First brings the roundup after a day at the circus.
Reaganite Republican is smokin'. At least Iceland is.
Naked Villiany has his eyes on the Nationals.
Pundette enjoy Mark Steyn's Saturday column, as usual.
Sundries Shack keeps getting more popular.
Troglopundit finds some history.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Think efficiency, enjoy the season and celebrate success.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fine Mothers Join Roundup Algorithm

Happy Mothers Day. Time to celebrate our great mothers, along with grandmothers and all the women who have made our lives possible.
What about blog mothers? This blog started with the help of SWACgirl in Augusta County.
Looking for some more bloggers who are mothers? You can't go wrong by visiting the Potluck group blog.
Pat has a Mother's Day roundup and the flowers to prove it.
Pundette offers a great supply of links, and knows crap when she sees it.
Political Junkie Mom is in the midst of a move.
Obi's Sister likes the Lego's Star Wars video.
Fuzzy Logic checks in on the British elections.
Carol's Closet looks at holidays around the world.
Carol at No Sheeples is fixing up the house. And I think ewe will like her roundup.
Ruby Slippers had remorse before the buyers began showing remorse.
Retriever thinks about marriage proposals.
Bread upon the Waters has a classic picture.
Backyard Conservative salutes moms who like tea.
Shout First, Ask Questions Later links to a story about a dam problem.
Nice Deb salutes a nice honor.
Coffee Milk Conservative has a scary picture.
Chocolate on your Brain has good news from the home.
Adrienne has been dealing with a cranky computer.
Moving on to the guy's side, the Other McCain has six kids. That's keeping the mother of his children very busy. So Smitty's got the roundup covered.
Wyblog has the good news from New Jersey.
Grandpa John swings for the fences.
The Camp of the Saints reaches its second birthday.
Troglopundit offers news you can use.
Don Surber surpassed a million visits for 2010.
Dustbury is thinking NASCAR.
Mind Numbed Robot is having a blast.
Carl knows a hot shot when he sees one.
The Classic Liberal would be happy if you talk nerdy.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Think about breakfast and say a prayer.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Full Moon Juices Real Anger

The full moon rose over the mountain this week, and Sunday rises with a new roundup of the roundups.
Smitty's roundup marches on.
Pat's roundup is off and running.
The Daley Gator's roundup starts the weekend right.
Wyblog puts together a flashy roundup.
Mind Numbed Robot celebrates his move with a super roundup.
Obi's Sister joins the roundup fun.
Camp of the Saints cleans out the cache.
Pundette says it with pictures.
No Sheeples Here knows who blows.
Sundries Shack has had a week to celebrate.
Troglopundit celebrates a fine April.
The Classic Liberal camps with beautiful women.
Grandpa John finds out who's young at heart.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Get your hands in the dirt, think about the future and enjoy the outdoors.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fishersville Mike's Jellyfish & Rigatoni Appetizer

For Earth Day, Spongebob Squarepants saved Jellyfish Fields. Time to find another use for jellyfish - FMJRA headline, of course. "J" can be the toughest letter to complete a headline.
Smitty continues his string of FMJRA headlines.
Carol kicked off the roundup week.
Wyblog has a special roundup shirt.
Pat flies through her roundup.
Reaganite Republican retorts the news.
Troglopundit goes to the DNA.
Obi's Sister finds a shop that shells out common sense.
DaTech Guy branches out.
Naked Villiany discusses the important issues of the day.
The Daley Gator is feelin' groovy.
Camp of the Saints can post quickly. And hopefully will for many more.
Pundette posts quickly also.
Virginia Right hounds the news.
Dan Riehl finds some bad spellers.
Mind Numbed Robot finds a protest that went up in smoke.
Legal Insurrection has a-"nutter" reason to watch the British elections.
The Classic Liberal has an important conversation.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take your children someplace important, remember important words and enjoy a nice lunch.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally, Mystery Judge Runs Away

Tax day is done, but the energy still moves through the blogosphere. Time to check the roundups.
Smitty liked my headline idea for this week's roundup. And DaTech Guy is still posting his files.
Wyblog extends his roundup.
Carol marches through her linkbacks.
Daley Gator worked up the energy to crank out his roundup.
Pat deals with relatives and roundups.
The Classic Liberal lets fly with the links.
Reaganite Republican keeps up with Tea Party news.
Mind Numbed Robot finds some scary extremists.
Pundette caught the action in D.C.
Naked Villiany enjoys his bread.
Dan Riehl looks at Perot vs. Tea.
Troglopundit stays on the right side.
Grandpa John finds some weird signs.
Camp of the Saints looks for some good advice.
Carl is on the road again.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hang out with friends, offer thanks and remember you can't spell eat without AT.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fishersville Mike's Joyous, Rowdy April

Four days until tax day. And the protesters are gearing up for Thursday's big events.
With the Other McCain in New Orleans, Smitty puts out the roundup.
Carol's got the pre-tea party roundup.
Pat charges up her roundup.
Reaganite Republican Resistance finds the best of new media.
Ruby Slippers rides in with a great roundup.
Camp of the Saints cleaned out the cache.
Classic Liberal knows the roundup rules.
Carl shines a light on hardworkers.
Virginia Right has his Tea Party covered.
Dustbury turns 14.
DaTech Guy remembers a special day.
Lonely Conservative says "Yes, we Cain."
Troglopundit claims credit for sending Bart Stupak to retirement.
Wyblog joined Chipanddales.
Grandpa John wasn't happy Saturday night.
Naked Villiany ponders the beginning of the Nationals' season.
Paco stocks up.
Doug Ross has some hot news.
Daley Gator gives the seal of approval to a blog post.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Find a good place to blog, prepare for the future and get inspired.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Federal Medical Jurisdication Runs Amuck

You may not know this, but the health care reform bill declared blog roundups a medical procedure. (In a 2,000-plus page bill, who knows exactly what's in there.) Blog therapy is the next big thing.
I don't have a tip jar, but you can send your copay to one of the following bloggers.
Smitty at the Other McCain is the high efficiency, high quality roundup blogger that we should aspire to. Or else.
Interesting fact - after the House vote Sunday, three bloggers noted being sick - Little Miss Attila, Pat in Shreveport and Ruby Slippers. Their health care costs didn't decrease after the Democrats acted.
Pat finished her roundup through the illness.
Carol keeps cheering as Duke keeps winning.
Wyblog has more good words for New Jersey governor Chris Christie.
Daley Gator cruises the world for news.
Camp of the Saints looks at a scary future.
Grandpa John celebrated his great achievement.
The Classic Liberal explains medical socialism.
Another Black Conservative reached a year on the web.
Troglopundit has too many scary pictures.
Pundette brings the real information.
Ruby Slippers says repent, the end is near.
Dustbury saves money by nevering printing out emails.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. See an eye on dangerous situations, embrace your friends, help a good cause and share a great story.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Find Me Jim's Roundup Anxiety

It's been an anxious week, with what's going on in Washington.
Try not to be anxious. It's Sunday and time for another roundup.
Carol's "sweater puppy" contest ought to help ease your mind. Or the collected roundup of the week.
While Smitty was out hitting the streets, the Other McCain collects links to the Code Red rally coverage.
Daley Gator features cold beer and hot blogs.
Fuzzy Logic joins the FMJRA fun.
GrandpaJohn reports on the antics aboard Air Force One.
Troglopundit celebrates a national championship.
Jamie Jeffords tries to make sense of the whole health care thing.
Mindnumbed Robot features a Looney Goon.
Adrienne has a good idea for St. Patrick's Day.
Carl went looking for a friend.
This week, Don Surber hosted visitor number 6,666,666.
Little Miss Atilla remembers the Rockford Files. Now I have the theme song playing in my head.
Paco lists the sad legacy of Barack Obama so far.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Read something important, enjoy the outdoors and listen to radio announcers.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

For March's Ides, Read Always

Okay, I'm going to cheat this week - using I instead of J for today's headline since the Romans didn't have the letter J during the time of Christ.
Time to check out the roundups, starting with those bloggers who'll get the first invitations to the wedding - when my 9-year-old marries Megan Fox someday.
Smitty spread the word quickly Tuesday, and has the best of the Other McCain.
Daley Gator was impressed, and puts together a fine roundup.
Troglopundit had words of wisdom
GrandpaJohn had a point of concern.
Elsewhere among the roundups, Wyblog is fighting off the crazies, while Carol wants to join the Cameron Crazies at the ACC tournament.
Virginia Right has unleashed the News Hound.
Pat's on Spring Break.
Ruby Slippers continues keeping an eye on health care.
The Classic Liberal links some friends.
There's interesting news in Farmville, for you Facebook players.
Pundette reached a half-million hits Friday night, and has sent over 1,000 visitors from her site to mine.
Naked Villiany finds a new favorite girl.
Dustbury checks out the ruins.
Camp of the Saints found a great quote.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take in the warmer weather (when it's not raining), read a good magazine, and get a stylish shirt.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally, March Joyously Resurrects Attitude

It's March. Leftover snow is melting.
Four weeks until baseball starts. One week until the NCAA tournament field is announced.
Time to enjoy a roundup of the weekend's roundups.
Smitty finds J the hardest letter to make FMJRA headlines work. Fortunately, Congress inspired him this week.
Wyblog joins the backronym generation.
The Classic Liberal caught up with some of the best stories on the web. So did Obi's Sister.
Reaganite Republican Resistance does its part for spreading the links.
Pat's roundup is music to our ears.
The award for the best roundup goes to No Sheeples Here.
The blogprof checks the best of Michigan and beyond.
Elsewhere on the internet, Caught Him with a Corndog plans to hang it up. Even though National Corndog Day is less than two weeks away.
DaTech Guy ought to copyright "Da" name.
Camp of the Saints finds something under the sink.
Potluck keeps cooking.
Left Coast Rebel reached his first anniversary.
Troglopundit thinks about making a change to the rules.
GrandpaJohn has an idea for a cool garage.
Dustbury explains his logo photo.
Pundette wonders if the House has enough true believers.
The Daley Gator posts about a prick in China.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Have a good breakfast, dinner and get to work.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fishersville Mike Junks Reprogrammed Androids

Will the United States ice hockey team win the gold today? While waiting, check out these golden links.
Smitty at the Other McCain clears out the leftovers from CPAC weekend.
Carol keeps up the Olympic theme with her roundup.
Ruby Slippers checks out the action at "Weekend at Barry's."
Wyblog has a big roundup.
Daley Gator stitches together links about the health care summit.
Pat shells out her weekly roundup.
Troglopundit picks the best motivational posters.
Grandpa John picks up on a security threat.
Another Black Conservative spills the beans on the Coffee Party.
Pundette looks at the wreck of reconciliation.
Reading Potluck is like a day at the beach.
Beard or no beard, that is DaTech Guy's question.
Dustbury won an Okie Blogger award for Best Veteran.
Don Surber is looking forward to fantasy baseball season.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Know your blog facts, and remember the winter snows or high school days.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fantastic Man Jets 'Round America

Happy CPAC weekend. The annual gathering brought together bloggers from across the country. Thanks for those who hit the tip jar.
The Other McCain features CPAC and Smitty's Cthulhu mini-series.
Wyblog posts a "somewhat respectable" roundup.
No Sheeples Here has a roundup that's going downhill.
American Power has a sweet roundup.
Pat is ready for spring. I'd be ready for spring also, if it weren't for all the snow in my backyard.
Camp of the Saints cleared out the cache, and there's always plenty of good stuff there.
Grandpa John's shares some Wisconsin pride.
Troglopundit celebrated one year and 330,000 visits to his site.
Pundette shares a happy ending.
Naked Villiany would like to see more Olympic sports and less Olympic sportscasters.
Carol finds a disturbing picture in her closet.
DaTech Guy posted a special video from CPAC. And met that Cuba guy.
Dustbury describes a major feet.
Daley Gator supports the local gunfighter.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Remember to use caution, watch out for turkeys and look out below.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fishersville Mike's Jury-Rigged Activities

For some people, this day is important as Valentine's Day.
For others, it's important as race day in Daytona.
For bloggers, it's been a year since we received wisdom from on high - how to get a million hits on your blog.
What's up with the Other McCain? Smitty looks like he's trying for a million-word roundup.
Ruby Slippers goes for the gold with her roundup.
Carol has somethin' for Mutton.
Pat has a Mardi Gras parade of links.
Wyblog got energized by his local government cleanup crew - really!
Little Miss Attila has the rules and the views.
Naked Villiany dealt with the D.C. area snows.
DaTech Guy is headed to CPAC next weekend.
Grandpa John's knows the Vikings always go the wrong way.
Jules Crittenden watches the dominos.
Legal Insurrection looks fondly at some old pictures.
Dustbury lets you know what players have "lacktion."
Troglopundit had one eye on Daytona, and the other on bloggers trying to steal his page views.
American Power talks about a poll on the right side.
Another Black Conservative breaks out the popcorn.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Catch a video, keep on trucking, enjoy the scenery and celebrate a milestone.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fumble, mumble, jumble, rumble a-bumble

It's Super Sunday. Plenty of time to read the roundup before kickoff. Especially if you're snowed in.
Smitty puts together an epic roundup. Dig in.
Wyblog previewed the big storm. Daley Gator liked the roundup so much, he went in reverse alphabetical order for his roundup.
Carol roots for the Colts. Pat's the one "who dat" likes the Saints. Check out both of their roundups.
Ruby Slippers has lots of good reading for a snowy weekend.
Want to know what's up with Danica Patrick? Troglopundit can tell you.
Want marshmallows? Pundette got the last bag at her store.
Legal Insurrection has selected his next project.
GrandpaJohn's has the latest in cool caskets.
Reaganite Republican Resistance has the best cartoons of the week.
American Power is keeping an eye on the Tea Party convention.
Interesting News Items mixes big snow and global warming.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Catch up with your friends, be thankful for mail delivery and the power company, and thank the saints it will be spring soon.