Showing posts with label pack mule generation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pack mule generation. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Promise Keepers

You may remember PromiseKeepers from the 1990s - they held gatherings of Christian men in stadiums around the country. They are still around, with a big event planned for Colorado this summer.
Who do I call the New Promise Keepers. All children in every school in the country. They will be called on to keep promises made by politicians of current day and years past. Promises to pay social security benefits, Medicare, Medicaid and other benefits. Promises the politicians should have backed with savings, but instead they spent. Making promises for votes, because "A penny saved is a vote lost" in the world of politics.
Megan McArdle has a take on the latest reports on the health of our entitlement programs. So you students who heard President Obama at Arizona State last night, get a job. Work hard. You've got the promises of politicians to keep.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In the cereal aisle

While in college, I spent a summer in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. To save money, we didn't buy the Cheerios, but instead Toasted Oats (promptly renamed Toasted Goats).
Reminds me of the thoughts of David Brooks, David Frum, Colin Powell et. al. Just be more like the Democrats and you'll have a chance. I can surely see the kids passing Froot Loops with the Star Trek toy for Fruitie Tooties with a toy from the Howard the Duck movie.
Republicans have a view that's something to chew on. It's not sugary-sweet empty calories. And as the years go by, the Democrats won't be able to give away all these toys. The wallet will be empty.
The young generation will be paying the bill for today's budget for years to come. We owe it to them to keep the bill as low as possible. We don't wanted Toasted Oats to be the luxury meal for the Pack Mule generation.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Bunny vs. Wolverines

Update: I make McCain's linky love all-stars, in a supporting role. Instapundit gets an update all to himself.

The Other McCain takes a great whack at the government-job loving, Beck-Limbaugh hating Republicans ("If those rubes would stop worrying so much about abortion, I could get a house in Loudoun County').
His highlighted sentence is "The GOP succeeded without ever having to forge a partisan consensus on domestic policy."
Why? Well, you can't out-Easter Bunny the Easter Bunny. You see coverage on local news about the stimulus, and it's always "Look at how the government money is going to help us out here. Thank you Democratic congressman for doing this for us."
On the other side, we're offering Wolverines. Which means fighting for your freedom in the cold and desolate mountains, while watching your friends and family get picked off one by one.
Why would anyone decide to be a Wolverine? Because we're adults. We know the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. It's adults who buy the candy and stuff for kids. It doesn't just magically appear.
We're the adults who will be paying taxes while Democrats take the credit for the spending. And try to make us look bad for raining on their parade.
The Wolverines are fighting for the children too. So they will have freedom and possibilities for their future. Instead of loading them up with debt like a pack mule and kicking them out into the government-controlled world.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Prodigal government

As the discussions continue about the bailout and proposed stimulus package, my thought turned to the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Not the end that we all know, or the beginning. The middle. The son, with all his money, goes to town. And really goes to town. He has lots of friends to help him spend his money. Then, one day, the money's gone. And so are his so-called friends.
Our government has been spending like the son when he got to town. When the government runs out of money, who will be its friend. The Prodigal Son had to hit bottom with the pigs. And we don't have the luxury of watching the Prodigal government sink to the bottom from afar.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey, pack mule generation

Hey, pack mule generation. Yeah, you guys under 30 who voted for Obama.
The House wants to another $819 billion you're responsible for paying back. Not the Republicans in the House, but the Democrats. That oughta stimulate you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The young vote

Obama beat McCain by two-to-one among voters under 30, according to exit polls. And his team is trying to keep that momentum alive.
But will economic realities overcome the flash-and-dash of knowing how to blog and use facebook. The auto bailout and looming social security shortfalls are built on decisions made long before these voters were born. The automakers and the unions made deals in the '50s and '60s that they can't keep up with today.
Social security is really pay as you go, and as the youth go to work they will be paying higher and higher taxes to meet promises made by lawmakers long gone. Will the young stay Democrats when they're being asked to be pack mules.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pack Mule generation

We've had "notch babies" in Social Security and "doughnut holes" in the Medicare drug benefit. Time for something new - Pack Mule generation.
It's the generation that will be paying high taxes for promises of the past. Who's going to pay social security when the baby boomers retire? The Pack Mule generation.
Who's on the hook for all the bailout money being tossed about now - the Pack Mule generation.
Those under 30 who voted for Obama, you're part of the Pack Mule generation. How much do you want to put in your pack?