The person in me just cannot allow myself to be second best.
Seeing people who are much greater and doing things much better,
only pushes me to be better and better and better.
I seemed to have lost that trait, but I'm getting it back, to my old self, insyaAllah.
That's what Rasulullah peace be upon him preaches.
Do everything to the best of your ability!
And when you think about it, our abilities are abundant.
If we put Allah as our 'ghayatuna'
mode: semangat untuk skripsi, halaqah&usrah, fammed, BAIK, semua! pokoknya d&t lah.
semangat semangat semangat
semangat semangat semangat
reminder: doing your best doesn't mean that you are better than others. maintain your niat. clear your conscience.
(tak ada gambar hiasan sebab nak cepat. *senyum* )
Kita hanya manusia, dan manusia sering terlupa. Marilah mengingatkan sesama kita, moga berjumpa di syurga~
i want to be the best too~