Saturday, September 17, 2005
The source is a friend of source of a friend of...
Jose Mourinho [short video]
Oh and checkout these ads. Looks like the 'Champions' are getting desperate. Also, MAGIC and HOT aren't two words you associate with Chelski's style of play. Try 'bore' or 'fuckin dull as a turd'.
Oh and checkout these ads. Looks like the 'Champions' are getting desperate. Also, MAGIC and HOT aren't two words you associate with Chelski's style of play. Try 'bore' or 'fuckin dull as a turd'.


The Writing on the Wall

Some of the writings found on the walls in the loos at the office/schools can be hilarious. The one above is from ours, at work.
Whats the funniest ones you've seen? There was a thread recently on F365 on the exact same topic and it drew some cracking responses...
here I sit and contimplate
should I shit or mastibate
*On a Durex machine*
British Standard Approved
undeneath was scrawled
So was the Titanic
Here's the F365 Thread
Here's an site dedicated to the writings on the stalls
Sexy Foreign Phrases

Have you ever noticed how much sexier things sound when they're said in a foreign language? Given that fact, you could probably seduce somebody just by whispering the ingredients of a croque-monsieur in their ear -- provided they don't know their jambon from their fromage.
But if you really want to sound impressive, you'll want to be able to do more than just recite a grocery list. You'll want words filled with amor, fuego, and passione. And we're here to help.
When You Want To Start a Conversation
Say you're in a bar in Milan. You see someone attractive across the room. Start with one of these. Of course, when they start speaking to you fluently in Italian, you're on your own.
Hello, beautiful (or handsome). Can I buy you a drink?
French: Bonjour, ma belle (mon beau). Pourrais-je vous offrir a boire?
Spanish: Hola, guapo/bonito (guapa/ bonita). Puedo comprarle una bebida?
Italian: Ciao, bella (bello). Posso offrirti qualcosa da bere?
Hungarian: Szia jokepu. Fizethetek Neked egy piat?
Would you like to dance with me?
French: Voulez-vous danser avec moi?
Spanish: Te gustaria bailar conmigo?
Italian: Balliamo?
Hungarian: Akarsz velem tancolni?
Has anyone ever told you you look like ______.
French: Est-ce qu'on t'as deja dit que tu ressembles vachement a Gerard Depardieu?
Spanish: Nadie te a dichg que te parecerse a Antonio Banderas?
Italian: Ti hanno mai detto che sei identica ad Sophia Loren?
Hungarian: Mondtak mar neked, hogy ugy nezel ki mint a Zsazsa Gabor?
When You Need a Handy Pick-Up Line
Let's be honest: glib pick-up lines sound cheesy in English. But hey, you never know. They might sound fabulous when uttered in a romance language-especially if the recipient doesn't know what you're saying.
Come here often?
French: Venez-vous ici souvent?
Spanish: Viene aqui a menudo o seguido?
Italian: Vieni spesso qui?
Hungarian: Gyakran jarsz ide?
Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
French: Fait-il chaud ici, ou c'est juste vous?
Spanish: Hace calor aqui o eres tu el que esta caliente?
Italian: Fa cosi caldo qui o e la tua presenza?
Hungarian: Itt ilyen meleg van vagy Te futesz engem?
Kiss me, I speak ________. (The "_______," of course, being whatever language you happen to be speaking).
French: Embrassez-moi, je parle francais.
Spanish: Besame, yo hablo espanol.
Italian: Baciami, parlo italiano.
Hungarian: Csokolj meg, en beszelek magyarul.
When You Want To Express Your Affection
These sweet nothings are definitely not first-date material. When you're a little further along in your relationship, however, you may use them with abandon to make your partner swoon.
I love you.
French: Je t'aime.
Spanish: Te amo.
Italian: Ti amo.
Hungarian: Szeretlek.
You're my soulmate.
French: Vous êtes mon soulmate.
Spanish: Tu es mi compañero del alma.
Italian: Sei la mia anima gemella.
Hungarian: Ugy erzem, hogy a lelki testverem vagy.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
French: Je veux passer la reste de ma vie avec vous.
Spanish: Quiero compartir el resto de mi vida contigo.
Italian: Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te.
Hungarian: En Veled szeretnem leelni az eletem hatralevo reszet.
Do you know what a pre-nuptial agreement is?
French: Connais-tu les contrats de mariage?
Spanish: Sabes que es un acuerdo prenupcial?
Italian: Sai cos'e un accordo prematrimoniale?
Hungarian: Akarsz csinalni hazassag elotti szerzodest?
When You're Not Afraid of Getting Slapped
Okay, so nobody really slaps anymore. But these bon mots will leave little doubt of your intentions. Use them wisely.
I'd sure like to see you naked!
French: Je voudrais vous voir a poil!
Spanish: Me gustaria verte desnudo!
Italian: Mi piacerebbe da pazzi vederti nuda (nudo)!
Hungarian: Szeretnelek latni ruha nelkul!
Your place or mine?
French: On va chez toi ou chez moi?
Spanish: En tu casa o en la mia?
Italian: Da te o da me?
Hungarian: Hozzad vagy hozzam megyunk?
There's a party in my pants and you're invited!
French: Il y a une fete dans mon slip et je t'y invite!
Spanish: Hay una fiesta en mi pantalones, y estas invitanda/do!
Italian: C'e un party nelle mie mutande e sei invitata (invitato)!
Hungarian: Az en nadragomban tortenik valami amire szivesen meghivnalak!
When It's Time To Get Down To Business
Okay. So it's time. You've gotten past all the formalities and it's just the two of you. (Or three, whatever). This is where the real seduction begins.
I want you (desperately). "Desperately" is optional; use as needed to indicate urgence).
French: J'ai envie de toi (desesperement).
Spanish: Te quiero (desesperadamente).
Italian: Ti desidero (disperatamente).
Hungarian: En nagyon kivanlak teged.
Make love to me.
French: Fais-moi l'amour.
Spanish: Hazme el amor.
Italian: Facciamo l'amore.
Hungarian: Szeretnek lefekudni veled.
Of course I brought condoms!
French: Bien sur j'ai apporte des preservatifs!
Spanish: Por supuesto yo traje los condones!
Italian: Certo che ho portato i preservativi!
Hungarian: Termeszetesen hoztam gumit!
When It's Time To Put Your Clothes Back On.
No more awkward moments when the fun is over and it's time to go home! Now you'll know the perfect thing to say for the perfect end to a romantic evening.
That was amazing. Will you please untie me now?
French: C'etait formidable! Pourrais-tu defaire les attaches, s'il te plait?
Spanish: Esto fue asombraso. Por favor puedes desatarme ahora?
Italian: E stato stupendo. Ora mi sleghi per favore?
Hungarian: Ez csodalatos volt. Legy szives most mar kosd ki a csomokat?
Would you mind handing me that towel?
French: Sois gentil et donne-moi une serviette?
Spanish: Me pasas la toalla por favor?
Italian: Mi passeresti quell'asciugamani?
Hungarian: Legy szives add ide nekem azt a turulkozot?
So, same time tomorrow?
French: A la meme heure demain?
Spanish: Nos vemos a la misma hora manana?
Italian: Domani alla stessa ora?
Hungarian: Holnap ugyanebben az idoben, ugye?
So there you have it. You should be so well versed in foreign seduction that you could run your own United Nations of love. So get out there, make some new friends and do your part for world peace!

A sixteen-year-old girl sits in a chair in a Russian Orthodox Church. She is being held down by her mother. Light filters in from high windows and the air is thick with tension and the smell of holy incense. A priest stands over her reading the rite of exorcism. The girl squirms in her mother’s arms, groaning and growling as if the priest’s words were a torment to her mind and soul. The girl struggles violently, her groans becoming inhuman howls and deep, guttural moans of psychological pain. Then she lashes out at the priest, and in a voice that seems not to be her own, spits words of defiance.
This is not a scene from a Hollywood production. This is a partial description of an actual exorcism that took place in a Russian parish on May 1, 2004.
You can hear an actual recorded excerpt from this exorcism here
WARNING: Do not listen if you are easily upset or disturbed by such things. Although there is no foul language, in English anyway, the sounds may be disturbing to some.)
This recording was made by Eugene Safronov, who is an assistant to one of the exorcists in the Russian Orthodox Church. Although he did not assist in this particular case, he was a witness, and has assisted another priest in many other instances. SOURCE
Ever wondered why...

... Luis Garcia sucks his thumb as his goal celebration?
"I have a son who was born last year and I like to celebrate like I do because it is for him. I have also seen the supporters copy me and join in when I score and I like it very much." - Says the man himself. Read the exclusive interview.
"I have a son who was born last year and I like to celebrate like I do because it is for him. I have also seen the supporters copy me and join in when I score and I like it very much." - Says the man himself. Read the exclusive interview.
Best on Merseyside? Correction - Disgrace to Merseyside

Everton's Biggest Success Is Liverpool’s Loss
Letter from Jarrod Lythgoe
So at the end of last season, with Liverpool lying in 5th and European Champions and Everton above them in the league, the English FA did nothing but sit back and wait for the uncomfortable silence to spur UEFA into inviting Liverpool into a demanding series of games which would give them access to a cup competition that by its own definition of being for "Champions" would have been devalued without the current champions taking part.
Liverpool were encouraged to jump through hoops, cancel massive revenue earning tours of the far east, ask their players to play a record amount of games before a difficult season starts, simply because the FA wouldn't choose them as their 4th representative in the biggest cup competition.
And now, Liverpool have been drawn in the same group as Chelsea; undoubtedly one of the most underrated (by UEFA's ranking system, although we do know how this works) teams in Europe, (and therefore likely to win every game in their league), putting Liverpool's progression in jeopardy unless they follow suit and take 6 points from Betis and Anderlecht. The FA could have granted Liverpool national protection (as Everton would have been given) simply by giving Liverpool that 4th spot.
They didn't of course, but for what?
So Everton could pointlessly struggle against teams far better than they, and embarrass themselves and the Premier League. The wife summed it up on Wednesday night when she asked why Everton hadn't appeared in either of the 2 Champions League nights, when I explained that they hadn't qualified, she said "what? After all that?" exactly. After all that.
And then last night. What an embarrassment. Everton need to learn to walk before they can run, and if Liverpool get dumped out of the Champions League at the first group stage, the FA should consider what they could have done to prevent them being in such a tough group. Liverpool being dumped out by the strongest club team in the world as a result of all this, would be the biggest European success that Everton could hope for this season. And thats a bit sad.
Letter from Jarrod Lythgoe
So at the end of last season, with Liverpool lying in 5th and European Champions and Everton above them in the league, the English FA did nothing but sit back and wait for the uncomfortable silence to spur UEFA into inviting Liverpool into a demanding series of games which would give them access to a cup competition that by its own definition of being for "Champions" would have been devalued without the current champions taking part.
Liverpool were encouraged to jump through hoops, cancel massive revenue earning tours of the far east, ask their players to play a record amount of games before a difficult season starts, simply because the FA wouldn't choose them as their 4th representative in the biggest cup competition.
And now, Liverpool have been drawn in the same group as Chelsea; undoubtedly one of the most underrated (by UEFA's ranking system, although we do know how this works) teams in Europe, (and therefore likely to win every game in their league), putting Liverpool's progression in jeopardy unless they follow suit and take 6 points from Betis and Anderlecht. The FA could have granted Liverpool national protection (as Everton would have been given) simply by giving Liverpool that 4th spot.
They didn't of course, but for what?
So Everton could pointlessly struggle against teams far better than they, and embarrass themselves and the Premier League. The wife summed it up on Wednesday night when she asked why Everton hadn't appeared in either of the 2 Champions League nights, when I explained that they hadn't qualified, she said "what? After all that?" exactly. After all that.
And then last night. What an embarrassment. Everton need to learn to walk before they can run, and if Liverpool get dumped out of the Champions League at the first group stage, the FA should consider what they could have done to prevent them being in such a tough group. Liverpool being dumped out by the strongest club team in the world as a result of all this, would be the biggest European success that Everton could hope for this season. And thats a bit sad.
Christ on a bike!

An Australian man built up so much static electricity in his clothes as he walked that he burned carpets, melted plastic and sparked a mass evacuation.
Frank Clewer, of the western Victorian city of Warrnambool, was wearing a synthetic nylon jacket and a woollen shirt when he went for a job interview. MORE
Friday, September 16, 2005
Videos of the Day
The First one is another Freudian Slip on live television - What was on her mind!?
And then we have this piss funny stand up comedian on what a Simpsons porno would sound like.
Both videos from Blogywood
And then we have this piss funny stand up comedian on what a Simpsons porno would sound like.
Both videos from Blogywood
How I Dropped The Ashes - By Shane Warne

Aussie Street Slang Dictionary
AEROPLANE BLONDE One who has bleached/dyed her hair but still has black box.
AUSSIE KISS Similar to a French Kiss, but given down under
BADLY PACKED KEBAB A vulgar (but excellent) term for female genitalia.
A BEAVER LEAVER A homosexual.
A BEER COAT The invisible but warm coat worn when walking home after a booze cruise at 3 in the morning.
BEER COMPASS The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after a cruise, even though you're too pissed to remember where you live. how you got there, or where you came from.
There are more at The Goose

Thursday, September 15, 2005
Babe of the Day - Sarah Manners

A rather small Gallery from Babes of the Goose - Can't find too many pics of her on the interweb :-(
Meanwhile checkout Cardinal Sin for more babes.
'This is ten times worse than under Saddam'

"I saw an American military convoy of two Humvees driving past. I remember saying to myself that it could be really dangerous if anybody tried to attack the Americans while 300 people were gathered in one place. I never imagined that my thoughts would become true seconds later.
What happened was just part of the deteriorating situation in Iraq. After the fall of the regime we thought Iraq was going to be a big workshop, then we ended up in a situation which is ten times worse than it used to be under Saddam.” MORE
Fresh violence hits Iraqi capital
Scores killed in Baghdad attacks
No timetable for Iraq withdrawal
Nato to open Iraq academy
Your Missus is a Lezza!

The best statistic to come out of this probably is that nearly 50% of women would sleep with another woman if they knew that nobody would find out, while 14% of men would sleep with a man under the same circumstances. Here's the rest.
Revenge is sweet
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. They were dating, but the boy decided to dump the girl because she had been stealing from him.
The girl decides to call the cops and claim that the boy had beaten her up. The cops come to the boy's house to arrest him, but found no evidence of any crime. The cops charge her with filing a false claim instead.
The boy decides to post naughty pictures of the girl on the Internet.
A Girl:
Lauren Smith [NSFW]
sploodged by Badger
The girl decides to call the cops and claim that the boy had beaten her up. The cops come to the boy's house to arrest him, but found no evidence of any crime. The cops charge her with filing a false claim instead.
The boy decides to post naughty pictures of the girl on the Internet.
A Girl:
Lauren Smith [NSFW]
sploodged by Badger
Is that a phone up your arse or you're just.. walking funny?
Romanian police caught a female mobile phone thief by dialling the stolen phone - and hearing it ringing from her bum.
Police in Iasi stopped Petronela Brandus, 24, as she tried to get off a bus after other passengers said they saw her steal a mobile phone. But after a search failed to find the phone, police decided to call the number to see where it was and heard a muffled ringing coming from under the woman's dress.
She was taken to a local police station where a strip search by female police officers revealed she had hidden it up her bottom, local daily 7 Plus reported.
Officer Madalin Taranu said: "We've had people hiding things in their bras and knickers before, but this was a new one. The station doctor extracted the phone and we sprayed it with disinfectant before handing it back to its owner."
Police in Iasi stopped Petronela Brandus, 24, as she tried to get off a bus after other passengers said they saw her steal a mobile phone. But after a search failed to find the phone, police decided to call the number to see where it was and heard a muffled ringing coming from under the woman's dress.
She was taken to a local police station where a strip search by female police officers revealed she had hidden it up her bottom, local daily 7 Plus reported.
Officer Madalin Taranu said: "We've had people hiding things in their bras and knickers before, but this was a new one. The station doctor extracted the phone and we sprayed it with disinfectant before handing it back to its owner."
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Sorry guys.......

This blog is about to get a bit girly again! no, i won't change the headers and split the thing into half and no it aint THAT woman either.
Joining us, all the way from NY City, is Lin, a twenty something fashion designer who knows fuck-all about Liverpool or 'Soccer' (willing to adapt though) and the sole reason of having her here is to keep our 'Non-British' audience a reason to keep comin' back.
Lin and I have a bit of a history and we hardly stay in touch anymore cuz of the logistics involved but she wanted to start a blog of her own and I offered ours for practice, to save her the hassle of setting and maintaining one - win win situation for all.
So now you have Me, Benny C, and NYCDiva (Lin)
Here's her first post.
I came across a few articles today that I kind of liked ~ they made me smile a little as I read them, so I figured I would share (There's a little something for the girls and the guys) Enjoy!
10 things every single girl must own

Sure, you've got the perfect shade of lipstick and the little black dress... but is that all you need? Hardly.
1. A fabulous photo of yourself
We all have that photo: The one where your smile, hair, and (let's be honest) bod all come together in one sexy little package, whether it's that snapshot from your hike in the Grand Canyon or that cocktail party photo where you're dressed to kill. Post that sucker at eye level on your fridge so your male guest can't help but notice it as he checks out if you have beer (see item #5). What he says: "Is that you?" What he means: "Daa-aamn, girl, you're hotter than I realized!" Keep a digital version handy so you can email it to online suitors or blind dates who want a glimpse of the goods beforehand. And never, ever throw it away—when you're 80-something it'll serve as an instant reminder that back in the day, you were a total dish!
2. A pretty pair of heels
Admit it. You feel like Maria from West Side Story (You feel pretty, oh so pretty…) when you slip on a pair of nice heels. The good news is that these days, you can transform virtually any outfit to make it on-the-town ready by adding heels to a skirt, jeans, cropped khakis, whatever. And no, they don't have to be towering stilettos, even a pair of 1-inch kitten heels will make you stride a little more confidently. (Added bonus: The taller you are, the more cute men you'll be able to see around the room.)
3. An Eminem CD
What's one of the first places a guy peruses when he walks into a woman's home? Her music collection. Good for you if you have an extensive one. But if all he sees is a stack of girl bands (say, the Indigo Girls, the Go-Go's, Joni Mitchell and the Bridget Jones' Diary soundtrack), he's going to panic. Balance out your collection with one CD, any CD, by Eminem and you have no idea how relieved he'll be. It shows you have an open mind and aren't easily offended—and that's music to any man's ears.
4. A great pickup line... and a way to blow 'em off
In this post-chivalrous period, we can't always depend on guys to initiate contact, so prepare thyself with one simple, non-cheesy icebreaker to lay on that cutie who's making his way to your area of the bar. Our favorite: "Hi. Having fun?" (Though a friend of mine has recently taken to asking well-dressed men, "Hetero, homo or metro?") And in cases when a guy initiates contact and you're not interested, better have a better blow-off than "Ummmm, no... " Our suggestion: "Sorry, I don't think the guy I'm seeing would appreciate it." Sure, it's a lie, but it'll let him down easy—without destroying his ego or making him think you're a jerk.
5. A six-pack of good bottled beer
A prepared single girl is ready to host and toast at any time. If you want to make a guy-guest feel at home and your girlfriends feel special, skip the mass-produced swill and go for microbrews like the exotically-named Smuttynose Shoals Pale Ale from Portsmouth, New Hampshire or the grandfather of microbrews, Sam Adams Boston Lager.
6. Bathroom reading
What man doesn't appreciate finding interesting reading in his sweetie's bathroom? So instead of tossing out your magazines when you're done reading them, toss them into a basket by the toilet. No need to go overboard with a stack of Sports Illustrated (if you don't follow sports, that would just be weird), but consider Newsweek or even Cosmopolitan (hey, this may be the only time he's a captive audience and can learn a few things). Or, just buy a book that's made for the bathroom, like Schott's Original Miscellany by Ben Schott ($10.17 at so he can learn a few things about shoelace lengths and sign language while he passes the, uh, time.
7. A business card
After the age of 18, it's no longer cute to scrawl your first name and phone number on a napkin and hand it to a man who wants to call you. So if your job doesn't provide a card or you'd prefer one with your personal email address and phone number on it, then have some made at your local Kinko's. The very budget-bound can get 250 full-color business cards for free from if you don't mind the company's logo on the backside of the card. Hey, it's better than nothing. A napkin he can lose. A card he'll file and keep.
8. Earplugs
Ah, there's nothing sweeter than a man who wants to cuddle up with you in bed for a long night's sleep. Unless — SNZZGGHGHRRJJZZZ! — he snores so loudly you can't get any sleep. Prepare thyself for surprise snorers with a pair of earplugs stashed in your nightstand. (2 pairs of Mack's brand self-described "snore-proof" plugs sell for $2.79 at
9. A straight male friend on your speed-dial
Every girl knows she needs a gay male friend she can go to for fashion advice (a personal Queer Eye for Your Closet). But when it comes to relationship advice, you need another source. While your female friends may have good intentions, if you really want to know if you should call that guy, save the guesswork and go to someone who's been there, done that.
10. A condom
Hey ladies, you know the drill by now. If you want to be able to have spontaneous fun of the bodily kind, you have to prepare for it yourself. You can't always count on him to have something in his back pocket—or a 24-hour drugstore on the route home. (Your new mantra: If you don't want it to break, you buy it.)
Joining us, all the way from NY City, is Lin, a twenty something fashion designer who knows fuck-all about Liverpool or 'Soccer' (willing to adapt though) and the sole reason of having her here is to keep our 'Non-British' audience a reason to keep comin' back.
Lin and I have a bit of a history and we hardly stay in touch anymore cuz of the logistics involved but she wanted to start a blog of her own and I offered ours for practice, to save her the hassle of setting and maintaining one - win win situation for all.
So now you have Me, Benny C, and NYCDiva (Lin)
Here's her first post.
I came across a few articles today that I kind of liked ~ they made me smile a little as I read them, so I figured I would share (There's a little something for the girls and the guys) Enjoy!
10 things every single girl must own

Sure, you've got the perfect shade of lipstick and the little black dress... but is that all you need? Hardly.
1. A fabulous photo of yourself
We all have that photo: The one where your smile, hair, and (let's be honest) bod all come together in one sexy little package, whether it's that snapshot from your hike in the Grand Canyon or that cocktail party photo where you're dressed to kill. Post that sucker at eye level on your fridge so your male guest can't help but notice it as he checks out if you have beer (see item #5). What he says: "Is that you?" What he means: "Daa-aamn, girl, you're hotter than I realized!" Keep a digital version handy so you can email it to online suitors or blind dates who want a glimpse of the goods beforehand. And never, ever throw it away—when you're 80-something it'll serve as an instant reminder that back in the day, you were a total dish!
2. A pretty pair of heels
Admit it. You feel like Maria from West Side Story (You feel pretty, oh so pretty…) when you slip on a pair of nice heels. The good news is that these days, you can transform virtually any outfit to make it on-the-town ready by adding heels to a skirt, jeans, cropped khakis, whatever. And no, they don't have to be towering stilettos, even a pair of 1-inch kitten heels will make you stride a little more confidently. (Added bonus: The taller you are, the more cute men you'll be able to see around the room.)
3. An Eminem CD
What's one of the first places a guy peruses when he walks into a woman's home? Her music collection. Good for you if you have an extensive one. But if all he sees is a stack of girl bands (say, the Indigo Girls, the Go-Go's, Joni Mitchell and the Bridget Jones' Diary soundtrack), he's going to panic. Balance out your collection with one CD, any CD, by Eminem and you have no idea how relieved he'll be. It shows you have an open mind and aren't easily offended—and that's music to any man's ears.
4. A great pickup line... and a way to blow 'em off
In this post-chivalrous period, we can't always depend on guys to initiate contact, so prepare thyself with one simple, non-cheesy icebreaker to lay on that cutie who's making his way to your area of the bar. Our favorite: "Hi. Having fun?" (Though a friend of mine has recently taken to asking well-dressed men, "Hetero, homo or metro?") And in cases when a guy initiates contact and you're not interested, better have a better blow-off than "Ummmm, no... " Our suggestion: "Sorry, I don't think the guy I'm seeing would appreciate it." Sure, it's a lie, but it'll let him down easy—without destroying his ego or making him think you're a jerk.
5. A six-pack of good bottled beer
A prepared single girl is ready to host and toast at any time. If you want to make a guy-guest feel at home and your girlfriends feel special, skip the mass-produced swill and go for microbrews like the exotically-named Smuttynose Shoals Pale Ale from Portsmouth, New Hampshire or the grandfather of microbrews, Sam Adams Boston Lager.
6. Bathroom reading
What man doesn't appreciate finding interesting reading in his sweetie's bathroom? So instead of tossing out your magazines when you're done reading them, toss them into a basket by the toilet. No need to go overboard with a stack of Sports Illustrated (if you don't follow sports, that would just be weird), but consider Newsweek or even Cosmopolitan (hey, this may be the only time he's a captive audience and can learn a few things). Or, just buy a book that's made for the bathroom, like Schott's Original Miscellany by Ben Schott ($10.17 at so he can learn a few things about shoelace lengths and sign language while he passes the, uh, time.
7. A business card
After the age of 18, it's no longer cute to scrawl your first name and phone number on a napkin and hand it to a man who wants to call you. So if your job doesn't provide a card or you'd prefer one with your personal email address and phone number on it, then have some made at your local Kinko's. The very budget-bound can get 250 full-color business cards for free from if you don't mind the company's logo on the backside of the card. Hey, it's better than nothing. A napkin he can lose. A card he'll file and keep.
8. Earplugs
Ah, there's nothing sweeter than a man who wants to cuddle up with you in bed for a long night's sleep. Unless — SNZZGGHGHRRJJZZZ! — he snores so loudly you can't get any sleep. Prepare thyself for surprise snorers with a pair of earplugs stashed in your nightstand. (2 pairs of Mack's brand self-described "snore-proof" plugs sell for $2.79 at
9. A straight male friend on your speed-dial
Every girl knows she needs a gay male friend she can go to for fashion advice (a personal Queer Eye for Your Closet). But when it comes to relationship advice, you need another source. While your female friends may have good intentions, if you really want to know if you should call that guy, save the guesswork and go to someone who's been there, done that.
10. A condom
Hey ladies, you know the drill by now. If you want to be able to have spontaneous fun of the bodily kind, you have to prepare for it yourself. You can't always count on him to have something in his back pocket—or a 24-hour drugstore on the route home. (Your new mantra: If you don't want it to break, you buy it.)
10 things every single man must own

Want to impress the ladies with your great taste in home décor and more? Skip the leather couch and silk boxers and buy these bachelor essentials.
1. A top-notch coffee/espresso maker
Any girl who’s at your place for dinner (or lounging in your bed come morning) deserves a classier send-off than “see ya,” so trade in your college-days $20 coffee maker for a machine that’ll give Starbucks a run for its money. The professional-quality Delonghi “Caffe Figaro” Coffee/Espresso Machine ($230, uses steam pressure to brew a superior espresso; the built-in milk frother allows her to request a latte or cappuccino. Toss in a $20 electric grinder — fresh grounds are a must for a quality caffeine fix — and you'll make her feel like a princess without breaking out the whole breakfast-in-bed shtick.
2. A lamp in your bedroom
Raise your hand if the only source of light in your bedroom is that garish overhead fixture that was there when you first moved in. Now, all of you, go out and buy a bedside lamp with a fabric shade. This inexpensive trifle is not lost on women, who not only see it as a sign of your civility (imagine that, a light switch within arm’s reach vs. across the room!), she’ll also feel much more comfortable under its softer, more forgiving glow. ( has a large selection in the $10 to $40 range that should satisfy any man’s tastes without siphoning his savings.)
3. Swiffer Sweeper + Swiffer Cloths + Swiffer Wet Cloths
For her, walking across your floor barefoot should not be an exercise in muck tolerance. To that end, the Swiffer is the greatest thing to happen to the lazy man since the remote control. As simple as this cloth-on-a-stick looks, the electrostatically charged sheets suck up dust, hair and dirt in no time, and the Wet Cloths will make quick work of your bathroom floor—a necessity if you ever want her to visit again.
4. A comfortable couch
Repeat after me: You do not need a black leather couch. Skip the cliché and pick out a plush upholstered sofa, like the simple, elegant, under $1,000 Mercer at And no matter what style you buy, play it safe and pick a neutral or muted color, then purchase a couple of pillows with stripes or a bold, masculine pattern to jazz it up and prove you aren’t your average lug when it comes to home décor.
5. Nice underwear
When it comes to your love life, the last thing you want is for your underwear to be a mood-killer, and trust me, the following selections will make her recoil: Tighty whities; underwear featuring cartoon characters, or anything that resembles what a woman would wear. (Bikini briefs? Heaven help you.) Even silk boxers, no matter how nice, can send a sleazy vibe, so stick with something basic, like Calvin Klein cotton boxers or boxer briefs. Splurge on at least two weeks' worth and throw out the others, lest you’re tempted to don a ratty pair and put off doing laundry—you never know when opportunity will strike.
6. A key-ring that can fix, cut, and open anything
Sure, your power-tool collection is outstanding—but it'll do you no good sitting in your closet when your date's sunglasses come apart at the restaurant. Show off how useful you can be by whipping out the tiny-but-powerful Leatherman Micra key-ring ( The two-and-a-half-inch, 1.75-ounce stainless-steel multi-tool combines scissors, tweezers, nail file, ruler, bottle opener, three screwdrivers, and a blade (of course). You’ll be amazed how indispensable it (and you, by extension) will become to her.
7. $150+ jeans
Why cough up that much dough when you can find a seemingly-fine pair for much less? Because designer denim does make a difference—and you can wear them everywhere from a dive bar to a five-star restaurant, if paired with the right shirt and suit jacket. Check out stores that carry Diesel, Evisu, Paper Denim & Cloth, or Seven. Since every pair of jeans fits differently, you will need to try a few on: Err on the side of too tight as opposed to too baggy, as jeans do stretch a bit as they are broken in. Choose a pair that isn't too trendy (warning signs include more than five pockets, garish stitching, and too much "distress," like rips or bleaching) unless you're willing to buy into next season's style as well.
8. $200+ dress shoes
Accept it: Girls are into footwear, and your feet will be one of the first things she looks at. Invest in quality black leather tie-ups — which will never go out of fashion and will match with most any jeans, pants or suit — to make a great first impression every time. If she knows her shoes, she'll be hoping to find you could afford a pair of Bruno Magli, Kenneth Cole, Steve Madden, or John Varvatos. Sure, they’re not cheap, but hey, it could be worse: We could be the ones in heels.
9. 300-thread-count cotton sheets
Let’s face it: You (and hopefully your date) will be spending a lot of quality time here. So skip the scratchy polyester blends and splurge on some 100-percent Egyptian cotton sheets with a thread count of 300—the higher the thread count, the softer the sheet. It’ll run you around $120 for a queen-size set (for a good selection, check out, but anything that might keep her in bed longer is worth the expense, right?
10. The Joy of Cooking
Few things are sexier than a guy who can cook... but if toasting Pop-Tarts is the extent of your expertise? Then get Joy, the bible of all cookbooks since, unlike its trendier, more specialized alternatives like Nigella Lawson or Rocco DiSpirito, it contains recipes for just about anything you could think to make, all laid out with instructions that even an alien from another planet could figure out. So go ahead, invite her over for something simple (vegetarian chili, for instance) or exotic (Chicken Kiev, anyone?) and learn that the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach, too.
Reds Off To Winning Start - Benny C

Two quick goals from Sinama-Pongolle and Luis Garcia were enough to overcome a Betis side that really put the pressure on in the second half.
On a night with six changes (and a rather interesting red and gold new European Strip - Yep, I'll be buying one when they go on sale in November) from the side that drew with Tottenham on Saturday.
Crouch looked a real handful, and both goals were taken superbly. Betis seemed out of sorts for the entire first half, coming out stronger after the break.
Liverpool were cut open from a superb Dani pass five minutes after half time for Arzu to knock the ball cleanly under the onrushing Reina to set up a nervy second half in which Liverpool never really got off the back foot.
The introduction of Cisse and Riise as subs meant that we had a couple of breaks that really could have been put away. But, on the whole, a good performance that sees us topping the group after week one. (A fact that probably hasn't been missed in London - another semi-final exit on the cards?)
Again, special mention goes to Sissoko who had another good game. Both he and Alonso controlled the midfield for long periods of the game which goes to show that we really do seem to have a great depth in the squad at long last. (I don't want to speak too soon, but the new signings look good.)
Next stop Chelsea at Anfield in 2 weeks.
After their performance last night, it looks like we are in with a real shout in what should be a fantastic game.
Will it be another of those "European nights at Anfield" that the press (and the fans) love so much. Oh I hope so.......
Still in the mean time just the Small matter of Man U.S.A at the weekend. Bring it!







Stay Tuned
Liverpool lead right now 2-1 and I can't watch the game which is a bitch really, but i've just come on to say SORRYY for not bein able to post for a couple of days as i was ill, i'll be back full blast tomorrow as i feel much much better. There's some great stuff lined up so stay tuned!
Monday, September 12, 2005
The ASHES are comin' home / The Famous Five
Am off sick currently but i thought I'd come on here and congratulate the England team on their amazing Ashes victory - a lesson there for the England footballers, this was only made possible against, on paper, a much stronger aussie side, cuz of hard work and belief. That's pretty much what the England footballers have been lacking. The entire England Cricket team probably gets paid less than what Becks alone earns in a year but today its THEM that've made the nation proud... When was the last time Becks or the England team did? Anyone?
This was passed on to me by DNA Cowboy.
5 things that really irritate you
Getting out of bed in the morning or when I can't go to sleep at night
The look that people give you after telling you a really boring/not funny story/joke, expecting you to laugh. I'm good at fake laughs but it still gets irritating.
Getting stuck in traffic jams
Pretentious(sp) / Hypocrite cunts.
Bush / Blair / Sharon
5 things you like a lot
Lazing around on the couch watching TV all day on my days off.
Reading a good book once in a while
Cooking, when i get the time.
Watching football in the pub as opposed to at home, by myself
5 Music Albums
Coldplay Parachutes
Verve Urban Hymns
Usher - Confessions
U2 The Joshua Tree
David Gray Life in Slow Motion
5 Songs
Coldplay - Clocks
U2 - With or without you
Panjabi MC - Beware of the boys / Mundeya to bach ke
Oasis - don’t look back in anger
Verve - bitter sweet symphony
5 Musics in your IPod
Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot/ Sink That Ship
Ciara Ft Ludacris - Oh
David Gray - The One I Love
Oasis - The Importance Of Being Idle
Coldplay - Clocks
Five People who I'm gonna pass this on to
Dan - Not the new Scientist
Our very own Benny C
This was passed on to me by DNA Cowboy.
5 things that really irritate you
Getting out of bed in the morning or when I can't go to sleep at night
The look that people give you after telling you a really boring/not funny story/joke, expecting you to laugh. I'm good at fake laughs but it still gets irritating.
Getting stuck in traffic jams
Pretentious(sp) / Hypocrite cunts.
Bush / Blair / Sharon
5 things you like a lot
Lazing around on the couch watching TV all day on my days off.
Reading a good book once in a while
Cooking, when i get the time.
Watching football in the pub as opposed to at home, by myself
5 Music Albums
Coldplay Parachutes
Verve Urban Hymns
Usher - Confessions
U2 The Joshua Tree
David Gray Life in Slow Motion
5 Songs
Coldplay - Clocks
U2 - With or without you
Panjabi MC - Beware of the boys / Mundeya to bach ke
Oasis - don’t look back in anger
Verve - bitter sweet symphony
5 Musics in your IPod
Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot/ Sink That Ship
Ciara Ft Ludacris - Oh
David Gray - The One I Love
Oasis - The Importance Of Being Idle
Coldplay - Clocks
Five People who I'm gonna pass this on to
Dan - Not the new Scientist
Our very own Benny C