
Showing posts with the label quilt university

What am I working on?

Well, maybe to complete my presentation I should give you an insight in my on-going projects as there are a few. I like to keep busy but am not sure I can always keep up though. Lately I finished the little trapunto quilt below for the May challenge on BQL I also took part to two classes from quiltuniversity which offers online classes, great when you are somehow house-bound for a little while. I signed up for Colour Companions by Carol Miller and made 4 blocks (out of 5) so far. The last lesson was on 8 May so I am running a little behind... The first block I made was a monochromatic block with violet as my chosen colour: For the second block, we played with complementarity, so the colours in my block were violet and yellow: The third block was a play on slit complementarity, I used violet, red-violet, blue-violet and yellow in my block: And the last block I have made so far is using an analogous scheme with violet, red-violet and blue-violet fabrics: I still have the last block to...