
Showing posts with the label civil war

A bit of everything...

I went to my quilting group yesterday for a day of sewing with some chatting of course. Always a good day! I did a bit of everything yesterday. I wanted to finish my bag that I started at our last meeting as I hadn't done much since. I only prepared and sewn some pockets to the lining. So I prepared my zip but I didn't have a zipper foot with me so I only got to the prep' stage. During my week of holidays in France, I tried to catch up with the Civil War BOW and managed to finish all the blocks I had cut: #7 Log Cabin and #8 Cotton Boll but one #6 Richmond that I finished yesterday. It isn't perfect and some of the points have gone but it will stay like that. After the lunch break I did some blocks for this month lotto. The blocks are very effective, they are called "Disappearing 4-Patch". They look a lot more complex that they actually are. Everybody was amazed at this blocks so I think we might have some quilts in the making with this block, who know...

Texas Tears

I finally finished Block #4 of the Civil War BOW. I am falling behind as Block #7 was published on Sunday. For this block I had to unpick because the triangle points had disappear. It isn't perfect yet but I will keep it as it is. Although I am not in Texas, we had some tears today. I am on my first day of parental leave looking after a very stubborn 2-year old DD. Her favorite word at the moment is NO! Mummy has got tonsillitis with some fever so the day was long and difficult. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. See you soon, Celine

Seven Sisters

I have finished block #3 of the Civil War BOW: Seven Sisters. It was relaxing to do the reverse applique on the train to and from work. Block #4 is nearly done as well so maybe I can actually catch up with this BOW... Celine

Catch me if you can

At the beginning of the year, Barbara Brackman started a new blog and BOW to commemorate the 150 anniversary of the American Civil War. The first block reminded me of Dear Jane blocks and look easy enough so I decided to succumb to temptation and join in. The blocks are "huge" to Dear Jane standards as they finish at 8'' compare to the 4.5'' from Dear Jane! It is now Week 4 and I have completed 2 blocks so far: Catch me if you can from Week 1 North Star from Week 2 Seven Sisters from Week 3 is drawn and I should do the reverse applique on the train this week Texas Star from Week 4 (this week) is cut and in the process of being put together I had quite a lot of fabric left over from my Underground Railway quilt, still in doing as I bought far more than I needed so I am using the leftovers from that WIP for my new BOW. Celine