Showing posts with label Robowar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robowar. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Bruno Mattei's ROBOWAR finally... FINALLY... on bluray!!!

They may not be in the porn business but even so the good people over at SEVERIN are trying their best to give fans of action cinema a throbbing hard-on! And they're succeeding!! I mean what other reaction would anybody (who's an action flick aficionado) get when they learn Severin are putting out Bruno Mattei's 300% entertaining remake of PREDATOR, ROBOWAR (Italy/Philippines 1988) on blu-ray!!!

Street date June 25. There's various different versions (and prices). Go here for the stand-alone blu-ray. There's a dvd release as well (but get the blu-ray, cabron!). John Dulaney posted about the release on one of my old posts about the film (from 2010!). John was in the film and in 2011 he posted links to behind the scenes videos that he and Catherine Hickland did. Incidentally, those very same videos are now being included on the blu-ray. You saw them here first! (I just had to say that, haha). This is certainly an old dream come true. Thanks, Severin! (please put out heaps more Mattei stuff). 



A year before their jaw-dropper SHOCKING DARK, director Bruno Mattei (VIOLENCE IN A WOMEN’S PRISON) and co-writers Claudio Fragasso & Rossella Drudi (NIGHT KILLER, ZOMBIE 4) first collaborated on this brain-melting mash-up of PREDATOR, ROBOCOP and Philippines war movie mayhem: When a team of badass commandos is hired for a jungle rescue mission, they’ll instead find them hunted by a kill-crazed creature that is part man, part machine and all glorious ‘80s ItaloSleaze. Reb Brown (UNCOMMON VALOR), Catherine Hickland (ONE LIFE TO LIVE), Massimo Vanni (RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR) and Jim Gaines (ISLAND OF THE LIVING DEAD) star in this “freaking awesome must-watch for any action fan” (, now scanned in 4k from the original negative and loaded with all-new Special Features.  

Special Features:
  • Robo PredatorInterview with Co-Director/Co-Writer Claudio Fragasso
  • Italian Rip OffInterview with Co-Writer Rossella Drudi
  • Violence She WroteCareer Interview with Screenwriter Rossella Drudi
  • Robo-LadyInterview with Actress Catherine Hickland
  • Papa Doc’s WarInterview with Actor John P. Dulaney
  • The RobowarriorInterview with Actor Jim Gaines Jr.
  • War in the PhillipinesInterview with Actor/Stuntman Massimo Vanni
  • Catherine Hickland’s Behind The Scenes Home Movies
  • Trailer

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yes, nice indeed! I'll be getting these two Japanese babies soon! Yay! I've already got both films but in inferior versions. Bruno Mattei's ROBOWAR I've only got on a boot from Trash-online (but a very nice boot I should point out. LOL. And off the very same Japanese release actually). And my Danish Juno Media VHS release of Santiago's WHEELS OF FIRE clocks in around the 65 minute mark. Juno Media was a Norwegian company so altho all films are usually uncut in Denmark unfortunately we had to suffer the cuts by the bloody Norwegian censors! (are you still out there, Patrick?). The uncut version runs 81 minutes so I'm definitely looking forward to this uncut tape. xD.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

ROBOWAR trailer

I've posted a French trailer for Bruno Mattei's (highly entertaining!) PREDATOR rip-off ROBOWAR before but this Japanese one is much better. Check it out!