Showing posts with label New Horror Films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Horror Films. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

FRIGHT NIGHT 2: NEW BLOOD (2013, USA) dir: Eduardo Rodriguez

I watched the new FRIGHT NIGHT 2: NEW BLOOD last week. It's a sequel to the 2011 remake of FRIGHT NIGHT from 1985 but it's not a remake of the original sequel from 1988. Confused? ("You won't be after this episode of... 'Soap'", haha). I haven't watched the remake nor the original sequel. I miigh have watched the original film back in the day - but I don't actually remember anything from it! However, according to online sources the new sequel isn't a remake of the original sequel, it's a remake of the remake of the original film (!!!) o_O

Anyhoo, I thought the film was fun while I watched it. To the vampire film purist there's heaps to criticise; Garlic doesn't work on vampires but holy water does. And although vampires are usually fairly strong compared to humans this female vampire is almost a full-on Superman and can stop a speeding car by letting it ram into her. But, hey, this is not the kind of film for the ardent vampire mythology cult member. This is a horror-comedy after all (but still, I'm too much of a purist to not be annoyed by shit like that, pmsl).

As I said, the film is fun for the one viewing but now a week later I really don't have much recollection of the film nor the plot. It didn't leave much of an impression. I bought the DVD second hand from Blockbuster's. If you've got time on your hands (and could be arsed) there's a commentary track on the disc by the director and a couple of the producers.

THE CONJURING (2013, USA) dir: James Wan

I watched THE CONJURING the other night. It's yet another horror movie about demon possession but since I rarely watch new stuff when it comes out I still haven't become bored with the demon/devil possession flicks; I think this is only the second of the new wave of possession films I've actually watched. LOL. And besides, I think this film is really good. It's well played and it's based on a real story (which always adds tension to these films, something that goes back all the way to THE EXORCIST).

When the film ran in Danish cinemas it was retitled "Nattens Dæmoner" (i.e. Demons of the Night) which may be a generic title but I wish more distributors would use Danish titles. 99% of the Danes wouldn't know what conjuring means. Needless to say, the dvd label reverted the title back to English when they put out the DVD. :/

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Insidious (USA, 2010)

I bought the horror movie INSIDIOUS on DVD a while ago but ever since I mentioned the purchase to my friend Metin Vardar he's kept bugging me to watch it cos "it's really good, dude". So altho it was down at the bottom of the DVD pile I thought I'd watch it just to get him off my back. Haha. And, yes, I agree it's pretty good! INSIDIOUS is a haunted house movie - kinda without being a haunted house movie (because "it's not the house that's haunted").

Just HOW MUCH can you do with haunted house moves that hasn't been done to death? Well, if you do it right you do it right in which case it does get creepy. And I reckon INSIDIOUS (directed and produced by Aussies) was pretty creepy. No, it's not up there with THE EXORCIST but then again nothing is - not in my book anyway. I got the UK DVD which has decent extras (at least there's no 10 fucking 25 second interview bits which I hate to death! Which everybody and his mum hates to death!!). Recommended.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Salvage (UK, 2010)

I watched the UK (well, Liverpoolian really) horror movie SALVAGE last night. A teen chick is (much against her will) going to spend Xmas with her mum but on arrival finds her mum banging some stranger so off she goes to stay at the neighbours. When her mum tries to get her out from the neighbours' house (by the good ol'e well tested way of yelling and banging on the door) all kinds of stuff happen. And later more stuff. Wild 'n' crazy shit. There's blood and carnage. I'm not gonna tell you what it's really about cos that would be spoiling it for you but it's really good. And you know there's a, well, you know one of those... and it's really creepy and stuff. Awesome movie altho the dialects are a bit thick. I think I'll write to the film company and ask them to have the film dubbed into Aussie or American English. I bought the UK DVD from Amazon, it was a second-hand copy but in perfect condition. It cost me 19 pence!!! xD

Sunday, July 8, 2012

New horror movies (post 2000)

About a year ago I copied two lists of films from DVDMANIACS forum. The original forum threads were similar in that members were posting horror movies that they really like and that are new. "New" meaning films made after 2000. I'm never up-to-date cos I spend my time watching so many old films, worldweird films, films that are simply not horror, AND WHAT HAVE YOU! But we're in 2012 so it's time to try and catch up!! Haha. So without much checking for quality I'm simply gonna try and get hold of these movies in the coming months. Like I said, I'm not gonna read up on any of them so I'm bound to post about flicks that you think are the worst crap ever. But, hey, I wanna make up my own mind about this stuff.

Out of the four films I ordered this morning I paid LESS than a pound for 3 of them (each). Yes, they're second hand but I tried to get copies that had specific descriptions describing them as being in a close to mint condition. Sometimes you're lucky and sometimes the seller in question sends you shite. That's the name of the game when you buy used stuff.

The old list of "new" horror movies is here. If you know of new good horror films I ought to check out feel free to make a suggestion in the comments section. Cheers.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Films from the future

Well, "from" the future cos somehow I still live in 1988! Argh. And I remember how I used to look forward to 1999 wondering whether the moon would really disappear from its orbit around the Earth - and if we would have proper space ships then. Obviously none of that happened. The new shiny futuristic world that most sci-fi authors imagined we would have just never happened. We still live in the same crappy dirty old world. I'd say it's even gone from crappy to worse. Oh well. At least we still have the moon to look at at night time (unless you live in smog filled places).

Anyway, I watch all kinds of old cinema from many countries so I often miss out on new American (and other Anglo/Euro) horror films but I'd like to rectify that. But it'll take a while obviously. Over on Dvdmanicas there's been two ongoing threads where the members post their favourite POST 2000 HORROR FILMS and I've simply collected all titles into one list.

If any of you have UBER FAVES that you think I should start with please do make a comment. Films you can't live without! (NB: some obvious films are missing from the list! I decided not to include the ones I've already got). Feel free to list new horror films that aren't on the list if you think they deserve it (i.e. they have to be among your faves - it's not enough they are new!). Cheers.

And yes, I should have included the ones I've already got cos you don't know which ones they are. Doh!

Abandoned , the ✓
Abominable (2006) ✓
Alien Raiders
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
All about evil
Blood Rain
Blood Night: The Legend Of Mary Hatchet
Blood: The Last Vampire ✓
Brutal River
Bubba Ho Tep
Cannibal (Marian Dora)
Chasing Sleep
Children , the
Cloverfield (2008)
Cold Prey
Collector , the
Coraline (2009)
Dagon (2001)
Deadwood Park (2007)
Death Note/Death Note: The Last Name (2006)
Deathwatch ✓
Devil's Backbone +
Drag Me To Hell (2009) ✓
Exorcism Of Emily Rose , the
Fat Girl (2001)
Final Destination
Forbidden Door
FRAILTY 2001 +
Freeze Me
Frontier(s) ✓
Girl Next Door , the + ✓
God's Left Hand Devil's Right Hand
Happiness of the Katikuris , the
Headless Hero
Hole , the
Host , the
House Of The Devil , the
I Sell the Dead
Inland Empire (2006) ✓
King of the Ants
Let The Right One In
Lost , the
Loved Ones , the
Marebito +
Meatball Machine
Midnight Meat Train , the
Mist , the +
Mum and Dad
My Little Eye
natures grave
Night of the Living Dorks
Noriko's Dinner Table
Orphanage , the
Pan's Labyrinth
Rampo Noir
Red White And Blue +
Ruins , the
Salvage ✓
See No Evil: The Moors Murders (2006) (TV)
Session 9
Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
Shadow: Dead Riot
Shortcut , the
Signal , the
Signs (2002)
Strangers , the
Subconscious Cruelty
Suicide Circle
Sweeney Todd
Teeth ✓
Triangle ✓
Trick or treat
Trouble Every Day
Vampire Hunter D +
Visitor Q (2001)
Wolfman , the