Showing posts with label WIPGO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIPGO. Show all posts

Apr 29, 2020

WIPGO Update and Stitch Maynia Plans

Time to update my WIPGO board. I have 6 squares marked off completed now. The May picks were released on the 27th. 4 and 20 was called.

4 is Love USA a new Hinzeit I received for Christmas

20 is Free to Be Me by Val's Stuff

I still haven't finished 18 Pizza Slice a Mill Hill Kit and 25 Happy Camper a Mill Hill Kit.

My goal is to finish these by the end of the year to call the square finished.

The other thing I want to share with everyone I figured out what I want my Stitch Maynia to be...
We all know I have a million Mill Hill Kits. So now I have the excuse to make a lot of progress on them. This is just my minimum for the day as well. So maybe some days I will have more than just 30 minutes. This helps me be able to work on other WIPs during the time as well though.

Mill Hill Kit Choices for the Challenge:
Best Friend Santa - Started
Camping Out - Started
Evergreen Snowman - Started
Happy Camper - Not Started
Inner Tube - Started
Land of the Free - Not Started
Life, Liberty - Not Started
Pizza Slice - Started
Seaside Sampler - Started
Snowman with Cardinal - Not Started
Summer Breeze - Started

Yes I have more that could be added but I'm stopping here. Which was really really hard haha. I really would rather finish some of these or at least make some progress. I'm really looking forward to my Mill Hill Maynia. Plus I can still work on my other WIPs during the month as well. I will be back with those plans soon. Plus my April wrap up.

Apr 6, 2020

Monday Update

Another week into this crazy adventure we all call life right now. Being a stay at home mother I never know what day it is but boy now I really really don't. I'm trying hard to hold it together. I'm tired. A tired that sleep doesn't seem to help. I'm frustrated. Fred's work is saying he has to work all week. Way too many people in the office on top of one another. So one week it's two days off. Now it's Ohhh you're too important to be off. Even though our Indiana governor today said it's getting serious and took more measures to button down businesses. I'm mad. I'm glad I'm not in the work force. I'm glad we aren't worrying about how the next bill will be paid like so many are right now. I get so sad when I watch the news. I started to limit my watching honestly. Trying to help myself. Deep breathes. We will be okay....somehow....sometime.

After finishing up March's 4 bottles from 99 Bottles Thursday. I started work on my blog hop/exchange piece Friday. I finished it up last night but you will have to come back Friday for the blog hop to find that.

I also pulled out a WIPGO challenge piece. When I was filling in my WIPGO board I picked some new pieces that I wanted to finish this year. Then when I got to the last few empty spots I randomly picked old WIPs that haven't seen the light of day in way way too long.

This piece was one of them...
This is from Rovaris. I'm using DMC 154 to stitch it. I started this one in January 2014. Worked on it again in March 2014. Then in November 2014. Then poor thing never came back out. So now I have 5 Days into this one looks like from looking back through my blog for it. Here it is after I added the 2 hours I wanted to for the challenge...
I'm happy to see this one back out again. WIPGO was the perfect excuse. Thanks WIPGO! Next up now if the April Fairy I think.

Stay safe and healthy this week. Find some way to stay sane too if possible. Yes I promise to work on that too. Today was just one of those days.

Jan 7, 2020

Finish and WIPGO

I just had to stop back in today with another finish to share...
Love Bits: Merry Noel from Hinzeit
 Stitched on 28ct Cream Lugana
Threads are Suggested DMC
Started Jun 23rd for the Longest Day Marathon
Took 3 Days Total 5 Hours 52 Minutes

My 2nd finish for the year. What a fun little piece. Love that charm. Now I can mark off a piece from my WIP list and an acrostic letter. 

I also just discovered another fun Facebook/Instagram/Blog/Floss Tube Event. It's called WIPGO. It's basically a bingo card filled with your WIPs. Each month the owner of the Facebook group picks two numbers. You work on the WIPs in those boxes. You set your own rewards for when/if you hit a Bingo. At the end of the year if you complete them all you will have a full card so should pick a bigger reward for that. So as we all know I love joining things and I love motivation so I decided to join in. Go here for the Facebook group. I've heard it's big on Floss Tube right now as well. I don't know if it's available via just email or not. Probably. I would assume you can just make your own bingo board and follow along. I downloaded one available on the Facebook group and got busy filling it out. Here is what I came up with for the challenge...
So let's look at what I'm planning. As you can hopefully see. Each row has Beer Dragon or Dragon Eye in it. 200 stitches required on each one to count that block filled in. I've put 4 small Mill Hill kits on there. The 6 part Stitcher's Code SAL I put 5 on there because I knew I was planning on doing one part this month already. Then I filled the rest with old WIPs that deserve attention. Minimum 2 hours of progress to call that square finished. I left off the Free spot. So whatever month she picks the middle spot I'll have 3 focus pieces instead of just 2. January # 6 and 12 were called. So you go across from top left to right then down next row left to right. So Merry Noel was block 6 and Beer Dragon is block 12. I finished Merry Noel last night so I was able to fill that block in already. 

My reward for Bingo was hard to decide. But last night I finally remembered I have fallen in love with the Mini Patterns that Frosted Pumpkin has available on her website. So when I get a bingo Jeremiah is going to pick a mini pattern as a reward. Then if I fill the whole card I want the Hello Seasons! Bundle set. 

So we'll see what I can accomplish with that. Looks fun and is extra motivation for stitching and progress which is always nice. 

Fred picked the next choice from my acrostic list and just happened to pick 99. So I will be finishing up my 4 bottles for the month next.