Showing posts with label Beach Blessing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beach Blessing. Show all posts

Nov 7, 2016

Monday Update

After working on Beach Blessings during my stitching retreat the piece kept calling to me to be finished up. I put 2 days into working on my Grandpa's Family Crest and then went back to work on Beach Blessings. I started it for the Jan DUCJC Day #25. Here it is all finished up...
Beach Blessings by Erica Michaels
Adaptation of her Beach Blessings Chart with different border for 2015 PALs Retreat
Fabric 36ct Molino Solo Evenweave
Threads 7 Gentle Art and 2 DMC 1 strand over 2
Started Jan 25, 2016 for DUCJC Took 9 Days

I really enjoy working with the Gentle Art threads. I also enjoyed working on 36ct since you can only use 1 thread over 2. I plan to finish it into a little display pillow. After finishing this one up I picked up another PALs piece. Here is what it will look like...
It's another one I started for DUCJC Day #30. Here is my 2nd Day progress...
Almost finished the one side. Just need to finish the red outline for putting it together and attach the charm.

My mom's arm is still healing. It is slowly getting better she can at least move it a bit. I still feel way behind. I need to take a day and catch up on my blog reading. I miss seeing everyone's beautiful work. The laundry is finally mostly caught up on. What a stupid thing. You do it and then turn around and have new laundry to do. Kind of like dishes. Oh well guess we all have to keep doing it don't we?

Oct 15, 2016

Day 17

The PALs Retreat is over for another year. Wow what a blast! I just can't say enough about this retreat. Amy (the retreat coordinator) did an amazing job through all the hurricane chaos. She didn't even have power at her own house until after she got here for the retreat. Luckily she had a family member that was able to check on her house for her. Plus with our normal hotel still closed! She had to coordinate a move to a different hotel. Even though our normal hotel pretty much told her to just cancel the retreat. Boy the 92 women that did show up was glad she didn't cancel. We laughed and told stories. Laughed and solved the world's problems. Laughed and more laughing. Oh and we stitched a little bit haha.

This year I also took a class. Here is what the finished piece will look like...
It's by Diane Herrmann called Walking the Water's Edge. The only way you can do this piece is to take the class. She was an excellent teacher and even though I was very nervous I really enjoyed it after a little bit of learning. This is a canvas work piece. It's really a bargello type of piece if you have ever heard of that. You do this one upside down so you start with the bottom if that makes sense. Here is my progress after the day...
The red is all basting stitches and will come out later. The eyelet part is supposed to be the sea foam off the waves. It's hard for me because there isn't a pattern for that part. You just do what you feel looks like the foam. 2 different widths of pearl cotton is used. Here and there to look random. The first band isn't completed yet but she wanted us to started the 2nd line so we could see how it's done a little bit. Especially with the moving down and learning the different shading for each band. There are 26 bands I think total. I can't wait to work on it again but it takes more thought than I wanted to use while chatting with the other ladies.

The piece I worked on while at retreat this year was...
A variation of Beach Blessings by Erica Michaels. The special version was a PALs 2015 exclusive with the extra border around it with the Myrtle Beach info added. The other picture above is my progress on the piece last time I worked on it in April. I decided to work on it during the retreat this year. Here is how far I got...
I almost have made it to the top left corner. I definitely did more talking than stitching though haha.

I have a lot more to share but no energy tonight. The retreat was finished up yesterday since the conference room was booked today. So we went back to being a tourist. We went out to eat a delicious breakfast. After that we went to a flea market and found some Christmas gifts and what nots. We drove down to a store we like to stop at and they were having a craft/art festival. So of course we were forced to walk through it haha. Found more Christmas gifts to put back. What a great accident to stumble on. Then we went to the old hotel we normally stayed at here. It was so sad to see it in the state it is. Still closed a week after Hurricane Matthew!! They must have really had damage indeed. Plus seeing the long fishing pier gone was just so sad! After driving around and taking pictures of the damage we had some time before our dinner so we stopped at an arcade and played some games. We had a blast. Then it was time to head to Pirate's Voyage. It's a Dolly Parton dinner show we just LOVE. This time we were lucky enough to grab 2nd row seats so that was amazing. Boy did we enjoy it. Jeremiah just couldn't stop smiling the whole time. But it was a long day full. So now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is our last day to be a tourist here in Myrtle Beach. I'll try to talk more about the retreat soon too.

Apr 18, 2016

Monday Update / Gifted Gorgeousness / IHSW

Grab a drink and pull up a chair it's a big update today. I decided to put the computer aside and stitch so it's time to catch up today.

First up is Gifted Gorgeousness. I worked on several pieces but for this check in I will share with you another beach themed piece that my mom got me at the PALs retreat last year...
This one is called Beach Blessings. It's from Erica Michael's. I'm stitching it on 36ct 1 thread over 2 with GAST threads. I love working with them. They turn out so pretty. I started this one for the DUCJC Jan 25th. This is now 3 days of progress.

This weekend was a IHSW (International Hermit Stitch Weekend). I picked up the Spring Bell Pull from Stoney Creek. Here is where I got after the weekend on the P block...
Love the cute rabbit and adorable caterpillar on the top. My needle really fell in love with this block and I was happy to get so much progress over the weekend.

I'm also going to check in with the Monday Stitchery Link Party. Follow the link and see what some others have been working on lately.

A quick look ahead and my life is getting busy busy. 3 sleepies (how we count down to something haha) until we leave for a camping trip. 3 sleepies after that I leave on a trip with Mom and Jeremiah to Minnesota. Memorial Day another camping trip. Next weekend after that I leave with Fred for our anniversary trip. So I'm excited and yet thinking WOW. Hopefully I'll steal time for X's in there too.

Jan 25, 2016

DUCJC Day 25

Today's pick is another Erica Michaels piece. Here is what it will look like when finished...
It's called Beach Blessings. There is a little bit of a difference in the one I'm doing. There is a border with Myrtle Beach and 2015 in it. I'm sure you won't bet where I got the pattern haha. Yes Yes I know it's another ocean themed one. I'll try to do better next year picking not ocean stuff haha. Anyway here is my progress...
I'm doing mine on 36ct hand dyed Molino evenweave. I also bought thread pack so I'm using GAST threads. I'm really enjoying them so far. I didn't get a lot of progress today because it was catch up on chore day haha.

Tomorrow is my last Ursula Michael new start (for now haha). It's a patriotic one this time.