Showing posts with label Season 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Season 2. Show all posts

Dec 11, 2023

Dec 11th Monday Update

Somehow a month has happened this last week. So let's see if I can recap it all into one post. Wish me luck.

Tuesday Jeremiah woke up and said he was sick. That's what we get for having a fun weekend out. Seriously though with everything going around I'm not surprised at all. It was just a heavy ick kind of feeling so he laid around and rested. I was feeling okay so I stitched like a maniac.

5 different projects on Tuesday.

3rd Prompt for the word Stocking brought out and OLD WIP from hiding. I hadn't worked on this one since 2018!! Frosted Pumpkin Christmas Celebration Sampler...

The only reason I could think I put it away for so long it's on linen and I really dislike linen but the color is beautiful of course. So I tried it again and it's not the end of the world. Not my preference but I didn't hate it as much as I used to. Since the stocking on the M block this one worked for 101 stitches...

Next up the prompt for the 4th was Star. So back to All American by Primrose Cottage Stitches because I was ready for a star in the area I was working on 103 stitches added...

Prompt for 5th was Bell and I had no bell on any of my WIPs so I needed a penalty of 300 stitches. So I got busy on more of the December Season 2 piece for 307 stitches...

I was actually caught up with the prompts for the moment. So I switched to WIP Wrangler and did another roll of the dice. Project 15 needed 50 stitches. That's Autumn Time by New York Dreamer so out it came for 53 quick stitches added to the apple coming up on the top right...

Next dice roll was a new start Winter Line Up by The Trilogy. I was really excited about this one too. It needed 200 stitches for this roll. I added 75 before bed and 125 on Wednesday...

Best part is the Prompt for Day 6 was Snow so 100 of those stitches counted for that prompt too because the snowflakes. Love that when that happens haha! Day 7 prompt was Tree so back to Season 2 because there is a row of trees at the bottom. 409 stitches added Wednesday. No new prompt till 6pm EST so I decided to finish Season 2 before doing any more WIP Wrangler rolls. Thursday I got 418 stitches added to Season 2. Friday back at it and added 247 more stitches for a finish...

They are all finished!!! Loved each one. This one took 5 days and the whole project took 59 days to stitch. I found Jeremiah's lovely cold Friday so stitching slowed down for naps and lots of coughing. 

Guess what we had planned all weekend too? Christmas shopping. So with no time to put it off we bundled up and medicated ourselves and headed out. We went up to Fort Wayne Saturday to do some traditions we have always done. Some stores we have to hit for Christmas shopping. We found some things but not what we hoped. We did stop at a pet store and Spike got a ton so priorities haha. We cut a few stores short from the list up there and headed down to Marion for a few things. Stop at another game store which was disappointing. A new to us Buyer's Mart which is like a store that gets stuff cheap to sell that other stores don't sell. Jeremiah found some slippers which were on his Christmas list. We got dinner and headed home. 

Sunday we went to Kokomo with a few ideas of places to stop. One location was Ollie's which is another place like Buyer's Mart. They resell other shops items for real cheap prices. We had planned on stopping Saturday in Fort Wayne but pushed it off because of being more sick. This is a never know what you will find kind of place. We pulled in for our first time to visit here and realized there was an adorable flea market setup next door. So of course we giggled because mom LOVED her flea markets. We walked through it and had a blast together. It was meant to be. Jeremiah just kept giggling. Boy she sent us here didn't she. I found some cute little zipper bags. Fred found some cute gnomes that are ornery for his display area of the cabin. We walked into the Ollie's and it's a million times nicer than then one in Fort Wayne. Kept up and clean. The people were nice too. We found a few more things we didn't need haha. We also found a new to us used game store like the one we loved in Michigan City. Jeremiah was happy but because he bought out the one in Michigan City he didn't find much more this time. Then we went to the mall in Kokomo again another thing we pushed from doing in Fort Wayne because they keep having shootings. 2 in the this last 6 months. Crazy. The Kokomo mall was smaller but had the exact stores we liked to look at. So we laughed and just agreed we were making new traditions all day long. Jeremiah had one stubborn game left on his wishlist for Christmas that we just couldn't find. Quick stop in same parking lot at a Best Buy and it was finally purchased. 

I kept picking on him about not even bothering to wake up Christmas morning. But now he finally can. Now I just have to talk with Santa about wrapping everything. Then we will see what shows up Christmas morning under our little tree. Now I'm finally excited. We have a few odds and ends to grab at Walmart but I can finally relax a little. Christmas will be perfect just like always I bet. Funny how no matter how much we try we still stress about making it perfect. 

So now I'm doing a lot better. My muscles hurt from coughing but luckily the coughing comes far apart now. My ears ache but stitching should be soothing. Fred is off to work and feeling okay. Jeremiah is playing Xbox again. So life might just continue haha. 

I'm 4 prompts and a million rolls behind. What will be will be. These are fun motivating stitching challenges and I'm not stressing. I will enjoy my stitching time. Once I get off this computer.

One last thing. A major health issue is happening with a close family member. We are keeping it quiet on social media. She was diagnosed with Leukemia and it's very very scary. If you can spare any well thoughts or prayers please do. I think I'm trying to keep my mind off of it because the fear of the unknown is so scary. I don't know much about leukemia but I know enough to be scared and very worried for her. 

Have a wonderful week. Love yourself. Love each other. Hug as many loved ones as you can. Life is too short so enjoy it as much as possible. Find reasons to smile.

Dec 4, 2023

Dec 4th Monday Update

Home from a nice weekend away visiting friends and having fun. So posting this late in the day but wanted to get my post up before I fall asleep. First let's see what I worked on last week.

Monday I took the day off and worked on taking down the fall decorations and putting out the Christmas stuff. LOVE it. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I worked on Autumn Time from New York Dreamer. I laughed when I looked at when I worked on it last. Exactly one year ago. So evidently November 28th is pull out Autumn Time day haha. I added 551 stitches...

Thursday I pulled out Country Life and had time for 195 stitches on the bottom row...

Friday was the 1st so time to start the December challenges I posted about in an earlier post. I was so happy to start. First up I rolled dice for the WIP Wrangler challenge. Got 16 on the 20 sided dice which meant I needed to work on All American by Primrose Cottage Stitches. I then rolled a 2 which I multiply by 100 and then divide by 2. So needed 100 stitches. After that I worked on Season 2 for the Stitch the Advent Prompts because it was Merry and I'm very merry this is my last Season 2 and I've stuck with them all year. I added 468 stitches before the next prompt was released at 6pm my time. The 2nd prompt was Red. Which was funny because on the All American piece I had a Red word Red where I was stitching. So back to that for 100 more stitches...

  Start Picture above.


Added 101.

Start progress for Season 2 by Hands on Design December.
Added 468.
Back to All American for 102 for the Prompt Red.
We left Saturday morning. We did a lot of Christmas shopping. Including not one but two trips to my favorite stitching store House of Stitches. Decided to stop back today on the way home to pick up a few things I decided I needed after thinking more at the hotel haha. But Santa has that stuff now so I'll have to wait to share it later. We got things done we needed done Spike nails trimmed and haircuts for us. We visited with friends. We got to stop at 2 casinos. We just had a blast. So many laughs. So much fun. It was a lovely way to enjoy the journey of December and celebrating the joy of Christmas instead of just waiting for one day to enjoy it. Our focus this year. Enjoying Christmas as a family. Boy we did. We made it home this afternoon and got everything unpacked then decided to go get our Christmas tree and groceries instead of putting it off to another day. We decided on a 3ft little fake tree this year. We love it!!!
Fred also put up some outdoor lights. Now we are all ready. A few more gifts to gather. We are hoping for a shopping weekend next weekend. Right now just extra thankful. Hopefully I can rest up and STITCH now after a few days off. I miss it. Plus I need to catch up on prompts and rolls.

Nov 27, 2023

November WIPocalypse / Nov 27th Monday Update

Finally jumping back in with WIPocalypse. Which will include my last week for my normal Monday update. Since I'm jumping back in let's just see what I focused on so far in November then hopefully December will be a normal WIPocalypse update.

First what's WIPocalypse. Measi has a blog and setup this fun blog event for us to post. The last Sunday (or as soon as we can haha) we are to post an update for the WIPocalypse and then check in our her check in post. The idea of WIPocalypse is to finish all our WIPs before the apocalypse. I think we keep the world from ending because of our piles and piles of WIPs haha. I personally use this as an excuse to keep track of what I work on each day in a journal. Then I can report what I worked on since the last check in. I have missed checking in my last post was in January this year. Let's see if I can fix that. I did see she is hosting again next year which I'm thankful for.

So what have I focused on this month??

Season 2 by Hands on Design -- 4 Days I've been doing one a month this year. I've kept up even. 

Exchange Piece for a Private Exchange -- 3 Days Finished up this fun Durene Jones Freebie to exchange...

Hello Four Seasons Fall Gnome by Soda Stitch -- 9 Days. I wanted to finish this one up before December 1st. So I focused on it till finished...

Now I have the whole set of these finished. Love them!!!

Last week I worked on 2 pieces...

Dragon Eye by Eva's Design -- 2 Days

My Semi Sane FB group had a prompt for a challenge Near or Far. Since this is a closeup on the dragon's eye I used it for near. Any progress works I added 900 stitches.

Hedgehogs in the Snow by Stoney Creek -- 3 Days Worked on this one for the weekend. Added 776 in. Didn't seem to be able to get into it this time around but least I have some progress...

Measi also gives us a fun question each month Question of the Month: What is your favorite way to finish ornaments and/or smalls? I love to make a pillow ornament type finish like the exchange piece. Then you can sit it on a shelf. Either that way or with my sewing machine and fabric on the back. In hand is always better because don't need to wait for the sewing machine to be out haha. 

Fred had the week off and it was really nice. He went deer hunting in the morning and evening each day. No luck for him this year. My dad got one opening day. Then got another same day Bev got one on Saturday. So we have 3 done up in the freezer. We do the processing ourselves. It's a lot of work but so delicious when we can use the meat all winter. My dad has a large meat grinder so we make hamburger type meat out of all we can use. Dad said he thinks we could do it on our own we have learned pretty well. Of course I'm not as good as they are at doing it haha. Just a few years of experience over me. Thanksgiving went great. We were invited over to my Grandmother's since we don't have anywhere else to be. It was a nice time with my 2 sets of Aunts/Uncles, Dad and Step Mom, and Grandparents. 

I'm madly planning my stitching. My focus for December. My focus for next year. My LOVE for stitching is just going crazy! It's so fun to be so in love with it again. I'm trying not to jump in over my head too but it's hard because I want to STITCH all the THINGS!!! Haha. 

Have a great week. Love yourself. Smile. Find your happiness. We have a fun weekend ahead. I want to switch out Fall for Christmas. I want to stitch as much as possible too haha. I need more time!!!

Nov 6, 2023

Nov 6th Monday Update

Hello everyone on this windy Monday. Let's see what I did last week.

Monday just in time for the Halloween Blog hop I finished the Mill Hill Kit Lunar Trick. It took me 5 days to stitch up. I really enjoyed stitching it.

Tuesday I put a day into the last Hello Four Seasons by Soda Stitch gnome I need to finish which is Autumn...

Remember I'm doing them individually and hoping to finish them into display pillows for the seasons. Wednesday was the 1st of November so I started on the Season 2 (Year of Celebrations) from Hands on Design. Sunday I put the final stitches in it...

(21) November 5th
November - A Year of Celebrations Season 2
from Hands on Design
Stitched on 32ct Dark Cobblestone Lugana
Using Suggested Classic Colorworks Threads
Started Nov 1st. Took 4 Days.
1,475 Stitches Total
Sunday after finishing I also started a new piece. But I can't share it. I joined a friend who is having a Winter/Christmas ornament exchange. So I won't share the picture till it's been received so she can't peek at it haha. I was so happy to join in an exchange again.

Saturday the weather was beautiful so we got to work enclosing our porch for the winter. We purchased heavy duty clear tarps last year. This year we did even better with putting them up. Dad suggested we add a door instead of just having the tarp loose for our opening. Works perfect too because we had replaced our storm door on the cabin so we had the old door laying around in storage. So we got busy and here is the finished project...
I forget the exact size of our deck but seriously we do all our cooking out here. So now we can be warm while cooking. We do have a nice propane heater out there when it's extra cold. Just perfect. Spike loves it because he can sit outside and we don't have to have him on a leash.

This week I want to finish up the exchange piece. Then who knows. I know I want to make progress on Beer Dragon and Dragon Eye. I would love to work on the Autumn Gnome and get it finished before December if possible. So much to do haha. I am still really in love with my stitching. I want to stitch on all the things NOW haha. Have a wonderful week. Love yourself. Smile.

Oct 9, 2023

Oct 9th Monday Update

Only 2 projects this week but I'm happy with my progress on both.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I worked on October from Season 2 by Hands on Designs. Thursday I finished it up...

1,384 stitches in this little design. Honestly at first the row of faces bothered me. Then I noticed the theme in all of these is a repeating type pattern in this section and I understood. I guess originally I thought it was supposed to be a design on the pumpkin. I LOVE the white pumpkin. Just beautiful overall design of course haha. I can't believe just two more to do and this set will be done! I think I've stuck with every month in the month they were supposed to be for. That makes me proud. I am toying with a different idea for a monthly design next year. We'll see.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday I worked on the Halloween Minis by Artecy. I started the cat face...

I'm doing this one symbol by symbol and I really enjoy that. Easier since it's a smaller design. So this week was 2,397 which was a little more then last week. Even though it was only 2 designs this time around.

The semi sane monthly challenge I'm in is a puzzle solving type. Each puzzle has 20 pieces and each piece we stitch 1,000 stitches to earn the piece. Then we solve the puzzle. 2 entries earned with each puzzle solve. We are on our 2nd puzzle now. It is fun but not near as much fun as last month's Go Stitch challenge. This one has a lot more planning and math involved. One nice part is we have a team of 11 stitchers working together. My blog friend Faith and a lady who we both know in the real world is on the same team as me. 

Guess what Jeremiah got last week??? A phone!!! It was time. Plus I found out with his health insurance he gets a fantastic phone with a fantastic package for free. So that's extra nice. Can't turn that away can we? He's trying hard to get used to it. He seems to be enjoying it. Even getting on Facebook more. I'm really proud of him. He gets in moods where he feels like he doesn't have friends. Hard to believe that when he posts something and gets so many comments and likes. Goober. So he's enjoying that part. 

Saturday we had fun attending a charity BBQ event. They raised at least $7,000 they said. Maybe more with donations. How neat. The charity buys Christmas presents for low income families. A great organization it sounds like. So we were happy to pay back. Plus we got a delicious meal and enjoyed our time out. 

Things are really chilling down. We even had to turn our little heaters on. We are building the winter shower house this weekend. I'll try to remember to share photos this time around. It's perfect and stays nice and warm for us. I'm happy things are slowing down. Now I can settle in a do my winter stitching haha. I have so many fun ideas of what I want to do. Now to get my fingers to cooperate and stitch faster on all the things haha. 

Okay well have a great week. Love yourself. Smile. Enjoy life.

Oct 2, 2023

October 2nd Monday Update

Last week of September so last week of the Go Stitch Challenge. Let's see what I worked on...

Monday - Make up for 23rd Letter B - Boba Fett this time...

Few more stitches Monday on Make up for 24th Letter D Dragon Eye by Eva's Designs...
Tuesday -- More make up added 202 stitches to call Day 24 complete
Then Day 25 Letter T was a new start...
Taurus Mill Hill Kit. This is for Jeremiah and me both which is nice. 
205 added for the day to be complete

Day 26 Letter D was called so back to Dragon Eye for 202 more stitches...
Wednesday I was caught up again. Letters J which I don't have so a Go Stitch day...

Time for a start on the last Hello Four Seasons Gnome. The Autumn one...

Added 403 stitches

Thursday and Friday -- Day 28 Letter I but It's a Mermaid Life wasn't calling me at all. I heard loud screams from my WIP tote. Beer Dragon needed me so Go Stitch day instead. I put in 291 stitches Thursday. Friday I added 109 more to complete the 400 needed. Day 29 was B which was perfect I had 400 more to finish the page. So I did double my required amount to finish page 4...

Saturday the last day. Day 30 Letter S. So I pulled out Stitcher's Code SAL again to work on that part 6...

I got the front down to missing a backstitch kind of border and then backstitch outline to put it together.

So I completed the Go Stitch Challenge completely. I was so happy to have it done and even in the month. I did have a few days I had to make up but I did the makeup quickly. 

Sunday I worked on Season 2 from Hands on Design October piece...

Now for some Go Stitch stats. I worked on 17 different projects. The last week I got 2,235 stitches. Total for the month I got an amazing 10,563 stitches!! I had a blast. Of course I did nothing else at all well except for moving on the weekends which completely made up for the lazy weeks. The new Semi Sane challenge is just to keep track of stitches. We earn puzzle pieces for every 1,000 stitches. There is a team of 12 stitchers playing along. Right now we have a 20 piece puzzle. You get the puzzle piece when each 1,000 stitches is posted. Then you assemble the puzzle. If completed we can receive another puzzle to do. Yesterday was the first day and I was really busy but it seems fun. The team aspect is fun so far. Next month there is a solo one I seen. These are fun little pushes to stitch more. Like I need that haha. I'm so in love with my stitching.

Unfortunately though I fell off the wagon of being healthier. I've gained all the weight I lost back. It's very frustrating but I've been letting myself be stressed with the emptying of the house. So that's done now. I'm ready to get back on track. Even though the exercising takes away from my endless hours of stitching. I want to be around to stitch for as long as possible. So back active I go. I really have to focus on eating better so I'm definitely going to work on that better. Plus better house keeping haha. My mom never had good house cleaning skills. We have promised each other we are never living like we did so I've decided to start now with better cleaning skills. We bought an awesome new sweeper. I am going to do some things I've not done like clean the windows. Found out how easy it is to pop the screens out. So tomorrow I have a new skill to learn. It's sad I was just never taught that stuff. Never a priority. 

Fred put up 4 shelves my Grandpa made. I LOVE them. I got out all the Halloween decorations and excited sorted through them...

I literally cried happy tears. As if our happy place couldn't get any better. I just can't wait to decorate for all the holidays. Plus I can display a lot more of my stitching. Shelf space was very limited before. My dad was the one who suggested shelves. Duh. Love them!!!! Plus I have my favorite Halloween things and Mom's favorite things. She has a lot more fall stuff so after Halloween I'll have a completely new decoration theme. Then ohhhh Christmas!!! Love it!!!

Okay I need to get off this computer. Thanks for reading my crazy updates haha. I love this blog. I love my readers. I love life. So have a great week. Love yourself. Smile. Find happiness. I have and am!