Showing posts with label Halloween Quaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween Quaker. Show all posts

Nov 11, 2024

Nov 11th Monday Update - 3 Finishes

Another Monday update with a lot to talk about. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and let's see what I've been up to this last week.

Monday and Tuesday it was time to finish up Autumn Line Up...

Finish #29 November 5th
Autumn Line Up
by The Trilogy
Fabric 32ct Lambswool
Threads Suggested DMC
Started Sep 22nd. Took 8 Days.
2,962 Stitches Total
Whole Set Took 37 Days. 13,261 Stitches Total.

After finishing that one I decided to finish Halloween Quaker. So Tuesday and Wednesday I worked on it. Finished it up Wednesday...

Finish #30 November 6th
Halloween Quaker
by Primrose Cottage
Fabric 32ct Country Mocha Lugana
Threads 2 Called For 2 Changed
Started Sep 4th. Took 11 Days. 
3,447 Stitches Total.

 After those two finishes I spun the Tiny Decisions app and it was time for a new start...

Noel Chez Les Gnomes (Translated as Christmas Among the Gnomes) Nicknamed Noel Gnomes. Using 32ct Lt Mocha Lugana and the suggested DMC threads. My first Jardin Prive and I really enjoy her charts. They are easy to read and easy to see what backstitching is meant where. I started in the upper left corner. Here it is now after Wednesday and Thursday 702 stitches...

Friday I spun Christmas Celebration and wondered if I could finish it too. I worked on it Friday and Sunday...

Finish #31 November 10th
Christmas Celebration Sampler
by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery
Fabric 32ct Meadowlark Linen
Threads Suggested DMC
Started Nov 28, 2018. Took 24 Days Total.
12 Days this Year. 4,796 stitches this year.
Rest were before I counted stitches.

Saturday we had a busy day. First up was a visit to my LNS in Fort Wayne for the 2nd Saturday Stitch Group. I took Enchanted Pumpkin Mill Hill kit because it was easy to work on. I added 219 while there...

Also picked up my framed pieces...

Butch did fantastic with the Erica Michaels piece. It turned out wonderful! The Soda Stitch seasonal set can be swapped out to the one frame. The white frame looks perfect with each one.

I also found a clearance chart I loved and some fabric to add to my stash...

I just love the saying on the right one. So true! I also bought fabric for my 2025 Seasonal Set...

I bought these charts in 2020 when they were released at Market. My plans was to do them in 2021. Guess I didn't haha. So I bought 32ct Lt Taupe Lugana for them and will do them next year during the seasons like the Line Ups this year.  

After my stitching fun we headed out to start Christmas shopping. We went to Half Price books, Darlington a fun Christmas market where you never know what they will have, stopped to get hair cuts, and got Spike a bag full of treats at a pet store. It was a lovely day out together. This past week my dad made sure to take us to vote Tuesday. We went to a local fire station that I was around a lot when I was a kid so it made it so special to me. Ran into a family member from mom's family. It was a great day. Jeremiah said he was proud to be an American that's for sure. I know it's causing a lot of issues but I have a lot of hope and just wish United States could become United again. We have been divided for too long. Off my soapbox now.

Have a great week. Love yourself. Smile as often as possible. I'm off to stitch ALL the things haha.

Nov 4, 2024

Nov 4th Monday Update - Recap and Plans

 Here we are in November. Seriously time needs to take a chill pill and SLOW down please. Lots to talk about. First let's see what I worked on last week...

Monday and Tuesday I worked on finishing up the Halloween Sampler. After 300 Monday and 540 Tuesday it was finished...

(Finish #28) October 29th
Halloween Sampler
by Les Petites Croix De Lucie
Fabric 40ct White Evenweave
Threads Suggested DMC
Started Oct 1, 2024. Took 27 Days.
Total 3,641 Stitches

Wednesday I went back to Halloween Quaker by Primrose Cottage to try to finish it up. 463 Wednesday 360 Thursday. 390 Friday. Didn't finish it yet but soooo close...

Saturday and Sunday I worked on Autumn Line Up by The Trilogy. Added 254 Saturday and 567 Sunday and I'm close to finished with this one too...

So hopefully 2 finishes coming soon.

Saturday I went to a friend's stitching day event. She hosted from 10 - 5 at a gathering rental building only like 45 mins away. It was nice. 20 people showed up. We had a little bagged lunch catered. It was a lovely day. Too short of course but that's okay. Fred got a ton of stuff done here at home and it was nice to come home to lots of things marked off the to do list.

While at the gathering a friend gifted me a HUGE amount of GORGEOUS 40ct evenweave she isn't going to use...

I can't wait to find the perfect patterns to use these beautiful fabrics with. 

I also forgot to share a haul I received in the mail. I bought from Tiny Hummingbird Stitchery (on Facebook)...

Yep two more gorgeous pieces of fabrics and more charts haha. Love them all. Planning for next year coming soon. Can't wait!!

Okay see I said Lots of talk about. October Recap...

I stitched 11,032 stitches. Worked on 9 Projects. Started 1. Finished 2. I missed two acrostics but that's okay I was working on some pieces that became focus stitches instead. 

Here are my plans for November...

Semi Sane FB group has this fun challenge this month...

I was stole from one time and I stole one every day so far. So I have 12 bags right now. I was forced (peer pressure is strong with stitchers!) to join a new FB group game that is based on Roller Coaster Tycoon. Oh my it's fun so far. Basically you build your own theme park with stitches. So fun so far and seriously so motivating. So I must stitch as much as possible to keep my park growing haha. 

We have some fun plans in November. Starting our Christmas family shopping together. Fred has a weekend he in in Fort Wayne which is strategically IHSW so hopefully I'll get a wonderful stitching weekend that weekend. Anyway I have to get stuff done and go stitch. 

Love yourself. Find endless reasons to smile. Stitch all the things!

Oct 28, 2024

October WIPocalypse / Monday Update

I'm going to combine my October WIPocalypse and my Monday update because I had a busy weekend and was really happy to just stitch yesterday after everyone left. WIPocalypse is a fun excuse to stitch all our WIPs before the end of the world. I like to use it as an excuse to look back on what I've worked on since the last update. How many day and how much progress on each project I've worked on. So let's see what I've been working on since Sept 29th.

Mini Block Freedom -- 1 Day. I finished this one up with just one more day which was Sept 29th after my last WIPocalypse update...

Halloween Sampler by Les Petites Croix De Lucie -- 25 Days. I used this one for a challenge this month. Trying for 100 stitches a day. I could have 5 missed days. Only 2 used now. I've really enjoyed working on this one. Yesterday I decided to focus on it and try to finish it for Halloween this year. So yesterday I got 400 added...

Owe Them All by Erica Michaels -- 8 Days. I decided to finish this one at the beginning of the month. Here it was at the beginning of the month and now finished...

Irish Blessing a Herrschners Freebie -- 1 Day. Added another day to this beautiful WIP...

Autumn Line Up by The Trilogy -- 2 Days. 676 more added to this one which will be a focus for a finish in November...

Halloween Quaker by Primrose Cottage -- 2 Days. 544 added to this one. I will work on it if I finish Halloween Sampler before Halloween...


Yggdrasil by Paine Free Crafts -- 1 Day.

Enchanted Pumpkin a Mill Hill Kit -- 2 Days. Added 545 for a pop up challenge Oh My Gourd where we needed 500 on a design with some kind of gourd...

This last week other than the Halloween Sampler here is what I worked on...

Beer Dragon by Paine Free Crafts -- 1 Day (Monday) Added 503...

Mason Jar Lineup a Dimensions Kit -- 2 Days. Tuesday and Wednesday Added a wonderful 800 to this fun piece that I just love working on...

Thursday my BFF showed up to camp so I just got my stitches on Halloween Sampler Thursday and Friday. Saturday I took the day off because several more friends and family showed up. We had a lovely Halloween Party and then Sunday everyone headed home. It was the last official camping weekend here. We might have stragglers stop by but not regularly like normal season. Overall it was a weird year but we had a great time. Now to get busy to Christmas season haha. Planned out our weekends till Christmas to make sure we get all our fun done in time.

Measi also gives us fun questions to answer... October 27 – How do you organize your WIPs and stash? I have a tote with all my WIPs that I'm currently working on. I have my floss boxes in a tub under Jeremiah's bed. I keep track of them on my blog in the WIP list at the top and also I use Google Keep Notes and I really like it a lot. Very easy to figure out in my opinion and makes updating info on Instagram easier and covers what I would forget otherwise. 

Have a wonderful week. Love yourself. Find reasons to smile as often as possible.

Oct 14, 2024

Oct 14th Monday Update - Finish to Report

 Hello readers from a finally cold Indiana. We might get our first freeze this week. Cold and wonderful outside. Still need lots and lots of rain though. So let's see what I stitched last week and as the title says What I finished?!

Every day this week I got my 100 a day on Halloween Sampler by Les Petites Croix De Lucie (I have to cut and paste that every single time haha). Wednesday I snuck in 1 extra stitch but that's okay still my 100  a day. So 701 added haha.

Monday and Tuesday I worked on Owe Them All by Erica Michaels. Monday I added 313 tent stitches. Tuesday I added 305 tent stitches. That was the final stitches!!!

Finish #27 October 8th
Owe Them All
by Erica Michaels
Fabric 40ct Silk Gauze
Threads Suggested Weeks Dye Works
Started Aug 5th. Took 10 Days.
Total 3,387 Stitches.

I actually took this one to be framed at my LNS in Fort Wayne because it deserves to be displayed with the justice it deserves. The gentleman was so happy to frame it. He's never saw a silk gauze piece in person. We picked a dark blue mat and a beautiful dark red frame. Can't wait to have it back.

Wednesday I spun my Tiny Decisions app for my next acrostic letter for the month and got I from Hayride which was Irish Blessing from Herrschners I added 301 and finished the words...

Thursday's spin next up was A from Hayride and that is Autumn Line Up by The Trilogy...

Thursday I added 208 and Friday I kept it out and added 468 so 676 total...

Saturday I spun Letter H for Halloween Quaker by Primrose Cottage. I added 344 Saturday and 200 Sunday for 544 total...

So October so far I've stitched 5,639 stitches. Having a blast on my lovely projects.

Saturday I went up to my local LNS. Took Owe Them All and the Seasonal Gnomes from Soda Stitch that I finished last year to get framed. I will get the gnomes on a frame that I can just switch out the seasons into one frame. I haven't took any projects to get framed in years so it was nice to treat some special again. I also found a pattern I couldn't live without...

Halloween Chez Les Gnomes by Jardin Prive. It started with me saying to my "friends" tell me I don't need that project over there. Then my one "friend" showed me the fabric to stitch it on was in stock so I of course needed it. Then she so nicely pointed out another one on the back...

OMG too cute. When I went online to see it I noticed a few others. What a jerk my friends are haha. Just such cute patterns though!!! I've never stitched a Jardin Prive so great another rabbit hole to go down.

After the stitching time we started working on all the getting ready for winter projects. The shower house is finally done just in time for the first freeze. Sunday we got our deck all closed in for winter. I will get some pictures soon to share. We finished at dark last night and didn't get to clean up properly.

Jeremiah is off on an adventure tonight. Dad and Bev want to take him gambling again tomorrow haha. So he is going over to their house to spend the night so he be ready to leave in the morning. He is looking forward to it. I am worried about Bev. She was slurring her words a lot Saturday and very sleepy Sunday but they want to do some stuff and boy I don't blame them at all. Just definitely worried about her.

Plans. Stitch haha. Friday we leave to go up to Detroit Michigan area for my friend's wedding. I have my script wrote up and we have our outfits. I'm nervous and yet honored and honestly just want it over with haha. But at least we get a nice road trip and hotel stay for the weekend. I am going to take my daily piece and I should be able to work it in between times I need to be on hand for the event.

Have a wonderful week. Find what makes you smile. Love yourself.