Showing posts with label Happy Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Easter. Show all posts

Mar 10, 2019

March FFG

The lovely Rachel over at Ten Hour Stitcher has thought up a fantastic idea. It's a push to finish our stitching instead of just throwing it in a drawer to hide away forever. Stop over here to the check in post to see what others have finished this month. I know I can't wait to see them all.

February was the first post for this SAL. I had finished 5 pieces for that check in. (4 were posted with my first post 1 picture was released for the Valentine blog hop.) They were all from this year. This time I was really hoping to dip into my Box of Shame and finish some old pieces that were hiding. Let's see what I have to report this time...

1st up was my Mom's Nautical piece...
I already shared this finish with my readers. I finished it March 4th. On the 6th I setup my sewing studio into my living room and pulled out my Box of Shame (Yes Box of Pride for the stitching but shame for me allowing it to hide so long).

Two pieces jumped out and demanded to be finished...
Both of these pieces are from 2017. Let's talk about each one...
 (Finish #2 for 2017) January 20th, 2017
Valentine Freebie from SmallTownStitchin Blog
Stitched on 32ct lugana evenweave called Pink Waterfall
Thread from Gentle Art Sampler Thread called Hyacinth
Started and Finished Jan 20th.
Finished into a Tuck Pillow Mar 6th, 2019 
 (Finish #6 for 2017) March 23rd, 2017
Happy Easter from Stoney Creek Magazine Winter 2015 Issue
Fabric 36ct Ivory Evenweave
Threads are suggested DMC other than wording
Changed wording to Carrie's Creation thread called Magenta
Started March 17th. Took 5 days.
Finished into Pillow Mar 6th, 2019
The fabric I'm showing is on the back of the Pillow. 

I'm so happy to have 2 FFO pieces out of my Box of Shame!!! Thanks Rachel for the push to do just that. That's not all to report though let's see what else gets to join in...
(Finish #8) March 8th
  March Lizzie Kate Flip-It Stamp
Stitched on 14ct Oatmeal Aida
Threads are Suggested DMC
Started Mar 5th. Took 4 Days.

Friday I got my Lizzie Kate pillow all stitched and put together. I say again I just love this series. The little buttons add so much and I love how she works them into each design. Yesterday I squeezed in another finish to share too...
(Finish #9) March 9th
Kiss Me Freebie from Catholic Sprouts
Stitched on 11ct White Aida
Threads are Suggested DMC 702 and 699
Added Mill Hill Beads 00167 to the edging
Started and Finished in 1 Day.

I had found this freebie for The People's Choice post this month. I was so happy to be able to squeeze in the finish and it turned out exactly like I hoped it would. I love the beads around the edge. Plus it's another finished finish for this year....WOHOO!!!

Finishes So Far:
February -- 5
March -- 5

Wonder what I will finish for next time. Right now I'm just one happy stitcher. For those curious... Yes I'll be back to working on Ocean in a Bottle till it's finished up. Thanks for stopping by.

Mar 24, 2017

Happy Easter Finish

Finish # 6 March 23rd, 2017
Happy Easter from Stoney Creek Magazine Winter 2015 Issue
Fabric 36ct Ivory Evenweave
Threads are suggested DMC other than wording
Changed wording to Carrie's Creation thread called Magenta
Started March 17th. Took 5 days.

I'm so glad I found this fun Easter piece. It was very enjoyable to stitch up. I love the way it turned out. I'm hoping to make it into a decorative pillow with a cute material with Easter eggs or something. 
We have always enjoyed feeding the birds. Sometimes we get new visitors and it's really exciting. For the first time we spotted at pileated woodpecker at our feeder. We saw one once in a tree in our front yard but it never came back. This female has been back several days now and always finds herself a home on our suet feeder. She is HUGE compared to the woodpeckers we normally get. Hope she is going to stick around. Maggee I hope you happen to see this post. I know you are a fellow bird lover.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and finds some time to stitch. 

Mar 20, 2017

Monday Update

Next month there is a fun Easter blog hop that Jo is hosting. I figured this year I would try to actually stitch something seasonal for the blog hops instead of using old photos. What perfect excuse to do a seasonal piece to display in the next years too. So I got to looking through my magazine stash. I fell in love with a few different pieces but one was just screaming Me Me!
It's from the Winter 2015 Issue of Stoney Creek. I just love their magazine! So I dove into my stash again to look for the fabric and threads. I had a perfect cut of 36ct Ivory Evenweave. I also had all the threads on hand. Just meant to be. I decided to change the blue Happy Easter words to a pretty pink hand dyed thread I have had in my stash forever. I think it will look okay. What do you think so far? Here is my two day progress on the piece...
Love it! The pattern gave an option to stitch the eggs instead of using buttons and I plan to do that. When it's finished it will go into the pile that needs to be sewn into a little decorative pillow.

Saturday we finally got time to get down to my family's to visit. We hadn't been down since Christmas. We all got sick. Then seems like we all had surgeries to take care of. Life just kept us apart. But Saturday finally worked out. It was a fantastic visit. Since my dad fell this past winter and ended up getting rotator cuff surgery. They told him it would be a 6 month recovery. He doesn't like to sit still so he's going insane. But he's healing nicely. He has work he wants to get done over at the family campground. So luckily Fred (hubby) loves running a chain saw. So we helped with taking down several trees and cleaning a pathway. Also got two truck loads of wood for the upcoming camping fires. It was a lot of work but felt great to help out. We also got to visit my Grandparents and that was really nice. It was a great laugh filled day.

Sunday morning here at home we took a little bit of time and got the winter decorations all put away in the garage. Now we have that just been robbed look haha. It's Spring today though so time for the snowmen to get some rest. As we all know the year will fly by and they will be back out soon. We've been slowly working on dusting and putting out our normal decorations. Everything is getting put back together.

Well I hope everyone reading this has a fantastic week and accomplishes all they want to accomplish. Our first day of Spring here in Northern Indiana is coming in with lots of thunder and lightning.