Showing posts with label 6 things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 things. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

6 things

1// linen jumpsuit $148 by les efants sauvages 2// thank you card $4 by honey honey scripted 3// cushion cover $38 by skinny laminx 4// pendant light $49 by junkyard lighting 5// folkland font $20 by shh maker design 6// vintage lettered necklace $22 by diament jewelry

Have you seen the new format for curating and organizing Etsy favorites yet? The layout is similar to Pinterest and I'm digging the ability to sort and view similar items at the same time. You can see all my 2000+ (mostly unorganized) favorites right here.

Monday, June 3, 2013

6 things

1// terrestre 05 necklace by depeapa 2// cake topper flags $21 by beta wife 3// card set $18 by think & ink studio 4// miniature house $35 by 2 of 2 5// rose mask $25 by wild rose 6// ceramic planter $44.31 by beneath the sun

Happy Monday! I'm kicking off the week with a small selection from the plethora of my latest Etsy faves. Hearting handmade and vintage items is one of my favorite past times, I'll admit. If you missed last week's guest post on the Etsy blog, you can check it out right here.

Monday, May 6, 2013

6 Things

1// desk lamp $76.50 by ellen's alley 2// high waisted short $114 by sainte courtisane  3// typography print $30 by faye bradley 4// espresso set $60 by imka design 5// bracelets $29 by fauna y flora  6// abstract shapes print $21 by ammiki

Six recent handmade faves to celebrate a new week. And although I know Monday is hardly a celebration, I'm choosing to think positively. Mind over matter, right?

For more handmade and vintage faves, you can follow me on Etsy here

Monday, April 15, 2013

6 things

1// tea towels $24 by anna joyce 2// silverware print $20 by elizabeth mayville 3// blueberry print $45 by anek 4// pyramid ring $16 by alina & t 5// be happy print $8 by nicola rowlands 6// mini wallet $26 by alex bender

Smile and be happy! It's a new week!

You can "follow" my hearted Etsy items here and see previously featured items on '6 things' here

Thursday, March 28, 2013

6 things

1// clay flag clay toppers $18 by hello plum studio 2// kitty notecard $4.75 by branch & olive paper  3// vintage push pins $12.50 via beca runs 4// bar necklace $48 by virginie millefiori 5// whale plates $42 by yvonne ellen 6// smoky quartz watercolor $29 by expeditor

Today's roundup of Etsy faves features some really fun items. I'd like to use the push pins in my office, build a plate wall around the whale plates, and top a batch of these cupcakes with those adorable clay flags. And don't grey and aqua make a pretty pairing? I'd say so.

You can "follow" my hearted Etsy items here and see previously featured items on '6 things' here

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

6 things

1// hand brooches $35 by jordan grace owens 2// wooden stool $85 by pecan workshop 3// striped cushion cover $38 by skinny laminx 4// floating shelves $95 by handmade riot 5// egg crochet pattern $3 by Kits+diezijn 6// porcelain tube pendant necklace $46 by cla contemporary 

Soooo many favorites. If you're looking for an Easter themed craft, these crochet eggs might be a good place to start. Who knew egg ornaments were a thing? I like it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

6 things

01// heart print $25 by old english company 02// hand carved stamp $9 by creatiate 03// folded clutch $68 by blackbird and the owl 04// ballet flats $75 by the white ribbon 05// owlie mobile $38 by the owlies 06// baby bodysuits, set of 2 $42 by eleventy-five

Six recent Etsy faves. See more of my favorite handmade goodies right here.

Monday, February 4, 2013

6 things

Cheers to a new week and a very Happy Monday to you! 
Find more of my handmade favorites here and here.

Friday, January 4, 2013

6 Things

How cool are those moon phase lollipops?! If you haven't checked out this shop, you should because the lollipops are definitely one of kind.

It's hard to believe it's the weekend again since I feel like I'm still adjusting to being back to work, but believe me, I'm not complaining. Have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

6 Things

01// astrology calendar $20 by prismatic print shop 02// mini planters $24-29 by wind & willow home 03// ampersand print $13.50 by calamari studio 04// mittens $39.67 by ann moore 05// earrings $55 by the angry weather 06// brooch $16.53 by sweet bestiary

My oh my, where does the time go? It has been over a month since my last 6 things which is crazy seeing as how sharing handmade gems is one of my favorite topics for the blog. I guess the rush of the holiday season has left me scurrying a bit, hence the lack of gift guides. Oh well, you win some, you lose some I guess. Speaking of gifts, how's the holiday shopping going? I'm almost done and still within budget! Whew. Who's ready for a vacation?

24 Merry Days (if you haven't checked this out, you should. The prizes are amazing!):
Day #10 - Oh The Lovely Things
Day #11- Design Crush

Monday, November 5, 2012

6 things

Six recent handmade faves to kick off a new (election!) week. I hope your weekend was fantastic!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

6 things

1// hello handprinted cushion $32 by hello milky  2// striped coral necklace $75 by hey murphy 3// colorblocked totes by rouge + whimsey in mint green and peach (store currently on vacation) 4// elephant ceramic figurine $18 by claylicious 5// black cat dress $180 by leah reena goren 6// hunger games print $16 by peachlings

Friday, August 17, 2012

6 things

Check out all of my recent Etsy faves here. Have a very happy weekend!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

6 things

porcelain spoons $31 via jo lucksted
a bird in the hand collage print $21 (sale) via violet may
mixed clutch $50 via blackbird and the owl
silk tank top $89 via scout and catalogue
notebook $6 via ribbon squirrel
vintage bucket bag $49 via lafemme vintage
Six of my recent faves on Etsy. You can see all my favorites here. Hope you're having a great week!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

6 things

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and I hope your new week is off to a good start. I've recently added a good amount of new "hearted" items on Etsy. The act of hearting items is actually a favorite pastime of mine. Great stress relief! You can check out all my faves here. xo

Monday, April 23, 2012

6 things

Happy Monday! I'm starting off the week with six things recently hearted on Etsy:
shredded scarf #2 ($26) by urban revisions
turks handmade kilim pillow $77.50 by yuner
pink stone necklace $60 by michelle rose
flowers girl print $27 by depeapa
set of skinny bangles azealia $30 by voz
knot geode necklace $36 by soft gold studio
You can see all my favorites here. Cheers to a new week! Hope yours is great.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

6 Things

5) landscape shirt $66.95 by st.anderswo  
I'm flying to Texas tonight to visit my brother whom I haven't seen in quite some time. My sister will be meeting me there and as exciting as that is, the truly exciting thing about this trip is it's a complete surprise set up by my brother's awesome girlfriend for his birthday! He thinks he's going on a hot air balloon ride when, in fact, he's getting a visit from his twin sisters. I'd like to think we're way funner than a hot air balloon but in case he's truly disappointed, we've set up a horseback riding trip as a consolation prize. Fingers crossed I see a bona fide cowboy this time. Have a good weekend! xo

Monday, February 13, 2012

Six Things

Whew, is it Monday already?! Cheers to a new week friends and what better way to start the week with some recent handmade and vintage favorites? Check out all my of my Etsy faves here and you can check out my previous curated faves right here
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