Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

Kenapa tajuk entry today Aku nak share this page with readers. Masa mula2 blogging dulu, aku nak share recipes yang aku dah tried and tested in my kitchen, but takde outlet. Masa tu yang famous nya tapi leceh sikit nak share kat situ sebab nak kena retype recipes. Then bila launched their page, aku antara orang yg terawal join. Aku was very excited sebab tak payah nak rewrite recipe, cuma post link je and readers will be directed to our blog. Senang keje!

After that, aku memang akan share whatever recipes yang dah aku try, kat And bila pegi sana, boleh menjamu mata jugak, tengok gambar2 from other blogs. Memang best! So, kalau korang nak share recipes yang best2, aku suggest register with and share kat sana. 

ps : make sure korang try new recipes so that other mommies will be able to add variety to their menus. 

Ni post aku yang glamer Buttermilk Pancakes

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eating healthy

When you are on low calorie diet... even a bar of chocolate is sinful. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

My Current Craze

I am so in love with this macademia cheese cake sundae. Tadi aku gobbled sorang2,  bagi orang lain rasa sikit je. Punya la tamak. Oh! This dessert is being sold at Ben's.  And I had mine at Ben's KLCC.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Salam Aidilfitri

May Allah accept from us and from you. That was what a sahabah used to say to another sahabah. Eid Mubarak everyone!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hubby is gone for 2 weeks

Sedih sgt2... Belum pun 24 jam, air mata aku dah berjurai2 sebab rindu kat hubby. He went for umrah with his mom for 2 weeks. Kalau ikut kan hati, nak sgt ikut but I can't..

Hubby went for umrah from KT. Naik flight yg di charter by the state government. We sent him off to the airport at 10pm coz kena berkumpul awal. The flight took off from KT at 3am pagi tadi. I was so sleepy bangun pagi tadi sebab I slept so late. Just before his departure at about 2.30am he called. Huhuhu... Lepas tu dah Susah nak tido. Iman pulak pagi tadi Ada tuition kat sekolah rendah sultan sulaiman. Dia tumpang tuition kat situ coz she couldn't attend the one yg kat sekolah in kl.

Tuition patut start pukul 8am, aku sampai depan sekolah pukul 9.30am. I had to drive all the way from gong badak to bandar KT. Jauh la jugak. Lepas hantar Iman, I went to rumah k.nizah, ajar dia buat Lamington cake. Ada 3 other friends yg join. Seronok jugak jadi cikgu bidang terjun ni :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Perginya seorang kakak yang disayangi

Last nite, I received a text message from a friend, informing me the demise of beloved k.amy (amira) as she is best known. Sedihnya, Allah saje yang tahu. I was supposed to visit her with another friend yesterday afternoon but that friend can't make it. So I postponed the visit. Little that I know that I wouldn't get another chance to meet her. Terkilan..

I was very close with k.amy before she moved to Johor. Once in a while, she would pay me a visit. Her favorite was my mee Kari. Few weeks back, she called, telling me how much she misses me. I missed her too. I told her I was driving and I would return call. I returned call 2 weeks later, by the. She couldn't answer anymore calls coz the pain was excruciating that she had to be given morphine every 2 hours. Sedih.. K.amy, I miss u so much. Ya Allah, forgive me for not being there for her when she needed me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gallbladder gone

Poor him. He has less one organ now. He had the surgery yesterday. Aduhai!! Memang pengsan nak jaga baby tua. Nak demam aku dibuatnya. Dah la Iman pun tak sihat. Alhamdulillah Allah grants me good health. Thank you Allah.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Reflections with Imam Suhaib Webb

Since yesterday, kat UIA, tv alhijrah is having a recording of their program called Reflections. Alhamdulillah, I was lucky enough to be there and have a face to face QA with the Imam. Thx Ju for the photo!! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Meet & Greet with Imam Menk @ DePalma

Alhamdulillah, we were so lucky to be able to reserve a place for meet and greet with Imam Menk at DePalma hotel. Imam Menk arrived a bit late, we arrived later than Imam Menk.

My mistake actually. The venue is at DePalma, but I thought it was at flamingo. Beria la aku suruh hubby pegi Flamingo Hotel. Sampai sana baru perasan that aku silap tempat. Hampeh...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Budak Demam

Yesterday was a full day for me. Aku cooked kuey teow goreng kerang for breakfast then nasi dagang for lunch, and made chocolate silk tart for tea. Dinner malas nak masak, dah habis gas.. Hahaha... Alasan semata.

Semua tu aku masak dalam busy menjaga budak sakit. Letih la jaga org tua sakit, mengalah budak kecil. I cooked bubur ayam for him.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tokyo Street Pavillion

Here we're, on a public holiday, jalan2 ke Daiso at Pavillion. The initial plan was to leave home at 9am so that senang cari parking. But we woke up late, pukul 10am. By the time we leave home it was already 11am. But surprisingly, KL is quite lengang.

Masuk parking Pavillion, punya la byk parking spot. I was very happy! Hehehe.. One thing I hate about going I shopping mall kat KL ni, seksanya nak cari parking, especially masa weekend. I guess ramai penghuni KL pegi cuti2 Malaysia kot.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Busy Saturday

I woke up as early as 6am. Hajat hati lepas subuh nak pegi pasar tani coz nak beli kerang. Tapi malasnya nak keluar pepagi buta. At 7am, langit still gelap, kalau drive, memang kena on headlight.

Lagi best golek2 atas katil dari bersesak2 dengan manusia kat pasar tani. Dunno why, pasar tani kat melawati ni glamour sungguh, sentiasa busy. Aku jarang sgt2 pegi pasar tani coz I think pasar tani is a bit pricey. Contohnya, ikan kembung sekilo RM15. Kalau aku beli kat terengganu baru RM10. Masa CNY, ada brother ni jual kat aku ikan kembung RM6 perkg coz dia nak tutup gerai awal before maghrib. Rezeki aku :)

Btw, in the end, aku pegi jugak pasar tani lepas makan lontong kat gerai kat melawati. Lontongnya sangat Sedap!! Dah jadi favorite breakfast place utk aku and hubby. Masa tengah jalan from parking lot to pasar tani, aku jumpa Jue, she commented on how kurus I am now. Hehehe... Happy kejap.

Balik from pasar tani, I went out with my cousin wan. Dia mintak tolong masakkan japchae. We went to Korean mart kat ampang to buy the glass noodles and ottogi sesame oil. Pastu we went to jusco to buy meat and veges. I cooked 2kg of japchae!!! Byk giler! Lenguh tangan kacau the japchae.

Lepas masak japchae, I cooked lunch for hubby. Simple lunch today, kerabu pucuk paku and grilled black pepper beef with onions and shiitake mushroom. Err... Sorry.. Lupa nak ambik gambar, dah licin pun. The beef I bought kat jusco. It was on 50% off. I'm a sucker when it comes to bargain! Hehe..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Dear hubby,

I might not be able to give you the best gift on you birthday, I can't give much anyway. But that doesnt mean that I love you less. All the sacrifices that I've made throughout our marriage is a proof of how much I love you.

May Allah grant us the strength to be on the righteous path.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The stray cat that became a house cat

Iman loves cats or any animals. According to hubby, dia ikut his ku (grandfather) belah hubby yg sangat suka binatang. As for aku? Aku cuma suka dan sayang Simba je, kucing aku yang dah few years mati. Aku ni amatla penggelinya. Kalau tengok stray cats, takut nak pegang, unlike Iman and hubby.

Chuppy was picked up after 1 year plus the original Chuppy kena kidnap. Iman was so smitten with this new Chuppy. But since she's asthmatic, aku limit her time with Chuppy. Chuppy is also not allowed to come inside the house. Yea... I know.. Aku kejam! But better safe than sorry kan? Lagi pun aku dah letih berkhemah kat hospital since the girls baby. Not that I'm complaining :)

This is Chuppy after almost 2 years with us.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I just downloaded blogger app for iPod. I hope this will make my blogging life easier. Boleh la update blog kat mana2 je. I need to play around and familiarize myself with this app.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Crying in the Rain..

Today, for more than 1 hour, I cried my heart out.. Why? I dont really know... Suddenly, the pool of invisible tears that I've been holding inside my heart burst! I was never a cry baby, and I'm not a cry baby now. Even when the worst hit me, I cried not more than 1/2 hour. But to cry for more than 1 hour, 1 1/2 hour to be exact, something is definitely wrong with me. I just couldnt stop the tears from flowing.

After crying so much, with swollen eyes and red nose, I went to eat McD Sundae. I feel so much better now. Thank you Allah..