Showing posts with label Pie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pie. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Grandma Ople Apple Pie

I love this apple pie. I've altered the recipe according to the reviews. K.zarine ordered this apple pie for makan2.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

French Pastry

I love this pastry recipe. It is good for almost everything, chicken potpie, apple pie and whatever pie you can think of.
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 cup shortening ( approx 225gm)
1 egg
1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
5 tbs of water
In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, salt, and sugar. Mix well, then cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal.
In a small bowl, combine egg, vinegar, and 4 tablespoons of water. Whisk together, then add gradually to flour mixture, stirring with a fork. Mix until dough forms a ball. Add one more tablespoon of water if necessary.
Allow dough to rest in refrigerator 10 minutes before rolling out.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Chicken Pot Pie

1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cubed
500gm of frozen mixed veges
1/2 cup sliced celery
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup chopped onion
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tsp garlic powder (optional)
3 cups chicken broth (I used water + chicken stock cubes)
1 1/3 cup milk
2 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C.)
In the saucepan over medium heat, cook onions in butter until soft and translucent. Add chicken, cook it until slightly brown.  Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Slowly stir in chicken broth and milk. Add mixed veges and celery. Simmer over medium-low heat until thick. Remove from heat and set aside.
Cover the pie dish with bottom crust. Pour hot liquid mixture into pie dish. Cover with top crust, seal edges, and cut away excess dough. Make several small slits on the top to allow steam to escape.Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cool for 10 minutes before serving.
Verdict : memang sangat sedap. Last week alone aku bakar this pie 3 kali!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cottage pie

Aku managed to get australian minced meat at 50% off kat Jusco. So, instead of paying RM29.90 perkg, I paid RM14.85 only! Yay!! murah sangat2. Aku tak suka makan minced meat ramly sebab sangat banyak lemak. The Aussie minced meat, almost fat free. Of course la, kalau takde lemak langsung, tak sedap la kan? 

Before masuk oven

Rupa wise, memang tak anggun, tapi rasa wise, peh!! memang sedap!! Jadi rebutan kawan2 iman and iffah during recess :)

Cottage Pie
Adapted from bbcgoodfood

  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1¼ kg beef mince
  • 3 onions , finely chopped
  • 3 carrots , chopped coarsely
  • 3 celery sticks, chopped coarsely
  • 2 garlic cloves , finely chopped
  • 3 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 tbsp tomato purée
  • 850ml beef stock (I used 3 ketul beef stock knor, campur dengan air)
  • 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • few thyme sprigs (I omitted this)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • salt

For the Mash

For Mash, ikut creativity dan selera masing2, below is my version
  • 2kg potatoes
  • 300 ml milk
  • 100g butter
  • 200g strong cheddar , grated
Methods (has been changed to suit me)
1. Panaskan minyak, brown the meat. Bila meat dah brown, add garlic and onion, goreng sampai onion tu brown. Then add carrots, celery, bay leaves, tomato puree, worcestershire sauce, beef stock and flour.

2. Biarkan merenih until the sauce thickened ie likat.

3. To assemble. Masukkan mixture daging dalam baking dish, ratakan. Then masukkan mash potatoes, ratakan atas daging. Sprinkle with mozarella cheese (I used cheddar).

4. Bakar 20-30 minutes dalam oven 200 degree celcius.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Banoffee Pie and Belated birthday

Kesian Iman.. her birthday party had to be postponed many times.

 Banoffee Pie

 Rainbow Cake

Banoffee Pie
3/4 cup butter
11/2 cups plain flour

1. mix together with hand, make it flat on a pie pan, bake at 200 degree until lightly brown

For filling (This is from zarin's which I dah edit coz I almost double the recipe)

100 gram gula perang
100 gram gula pasir
300 gram butter
1 1/2 tin susu pekat (yang besar)

Lapisan atas
250 ml whipping cream

1. For Filling - panaskan gula perang, gula pasir dan butter di atas api sederhana sehingga gula cair. Masukkan pula susu pekat dan kacau lagi sehingga pekat (an indication when the batter is ready is when you can draw a neat line at the back of the batter coated spatula.)

3. Tuangkan bahan caramel ke atas base tadi. Sejukkan semula selama 1 - 2 jam. Susun hirisan pisang atas pastry, then tuang the caramel on top of the pisang. Pisang will be on the base.

4. Untuk lapisan atas - pukul whipped cream until its stiff  dan pipe atas lapisan caramel/filling.

5. Chill for at least 4 hours.

PS : I'll update the filling recipe later. Cant seem to find it.. sorry sgt.