Showing posts with label My Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Friends. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A day of fun!

It has been 2 years since we had our last gathering. This time, venue still sama but larger crowds.  Alhamdulillah for this opportunity untuk berjimba. Bila duduk berjimba with schoolmates,  we suddenly became 17 again.
One of the activity of this gathering was sukaneka di tasik tepi rumah roger. We were so engrossed with being child again, we didnt realise that to others (other joggers and park visitors), we are makciks! Tengah seronok bergelak ketawa dan bergurau senda, ada org ambik gambar! Grrrr... sungguh memalukan..
Nonetheless,  it was one of the best event this year.  

I am so blessed with having so many good friends. Aku patutnya tido kat rumah roger, but iffah tak bagi. Dia cakap "siapa nak masak untuk adik?". Ishk!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lunch at KL Sentral

I went for lunch with Roger semalam. Oleh kerana dah janji dengan hubby that he will pick me up kat KL Sentral, so, I didnt drive. Instead, I took LRT. Ok jugak naik LRT time tak busy sebab aku boleh guling2 lagi kat dalam LRT, hardly any people.

Bila sampai KL Sentral, aku pegi jumpa Cana dulu. Aku hantar cake and her collagen. She had a meeting at 2pm, so takleh join kita orang lunch. At 1pm, I went to Sooka. Roger ajak makan kat Kelantan Delight. It's sooo overpriced! Char Kuey Teow pun dah almost RM17. Kalau makan kat tepi jalan depan sekolah iman baru RM4, penuh pinggan.

 This was supposed to be for Iman, tapi dia taknak. So mak dia pakai bag ni :D

Kita tengok gambar lampu je la ye.. totally forgotten to take photos of the food.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reunion SMSS

I am back in Terengganu for this reunion. Venue reunion di sekolah. Sungguh nostalgic bila teringat zaman sekolah dulu. Betapa comotnya aku everytime lepas rehat sebab tudung akan penuh dengan cuka keropok lekor. Favourite makanan aku time rehat, keropok lekor and meehoon goreng.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mengopi With Girlfriends

Speda came for UIA convocation on Friday. So, aku pun apa lagi, terus la make a date on Saturday with this super busy prof from UIA Kuantan. And Leene and Dila jadi mangsa jugak. hehe.. But unfortunately, last minute, Dila kena cancel our date. Huhuhu.. sedih sungguh. Leene berbaik hati nak pick up aku kat rumah. Tak kuasa sebenarnya aku nak drive kat area Old Town Taman Melati tu, nak cari parking memang bercinta. Lagi2, malam weekend.

I baked two cakes for the occasion, carrot-less carrot cake and red velvet cake. Kebetulan, Normi ordered red velvet cake for her daughter, Aqilah's birthday. Aqilah specially requested red velvet cake yang aunty Shidah buat. Walaupun Aunty Shidah dah more than 1 month tak bake, alhamdulillah, menjadi jugak the red velvet. Thank you Aqilah for placing ur trust in me! hehe.. Finally, I managed to shake off the jinx! Tapikan, my carrot cake, telah menjadi carrot-less carrot cake sebab aku lupa nak letak grated carrot, sedih betul. Nasib baik ler still sedap. *sigh*...

Photos courtesy of Leene. TQ babe :)

 Me and my red velvet cupcakes! Iffah decorated the cupcakes. TQ sayang.

 Speda, engkau makan satu bijik cupcake saje tau! :P

 Red Velvet Cupcakes

 Carrot-less Carrot Cake.. sob sob

Bila bergossip, memang la seronok :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gifts from Riyadh

Alhamdulillah Friday tak sebusy Thursday. Makcik Ton pun dah sihat, so boleh la tolong tengokkan Raina jugak. Aku puasa, so, lunch aku masak simple je. As always, the girls' favourite, Sup Ayam. One of these days, kalau aku ingat, I'll upload and share the recipe. The girls' love it. Kalau hari2 makan sup ayam pun takpe.

My good friend Za, kirim barang to her hubby yg balik Msia for aku. Since aku suka masak, barang2 yang dikirim pun memang barang2 masak. Thank you so much Za for the gifts, aku really appreciate it. Iman dapat few pashmina from Aunty Za.Oleh kerana Iman dah jumpa her "bossom buddy", now, bila keluar rumah, dia dah kena pakai tudung. She chose to wear pashmina bila keluar, ala2 her ciksu.

 Za kirim pashmina, ajwa dates, pistachio, chocolates

 Mozarella and cream cheese pun ada. Za kirim about 1.5kg of mozarella!! Memang gemuk dan gebu la aku lepas ni

 And ada 2 container of kunafa dough. Lepas ni, kalau aku jumpa ricotta cheese, I'll try making kunafa

Oleh kerana ada 1.5kg of Mozarella cheese dalam peti, maka aku terpaksa la start masak menggunakan mozarella cheese tu. Another few kilos of mozarella, cheddar and parmesan baru je sampai from Doha, dibawak oleh Pak Abu. Aduhai.. memang before raya, it will be sessi aku menggemukkan badan dgn cheese.

I made pepperoni pizza and chicken mushroom pizza for dinner. Lupa nak ambik gambar sebab aku sibuk makan the pizzas for berbuka. By the time ingat nak ambik gambar, pepperoni pizza dah licin. Shariff ate 3 slices of the pepperoni pizza. I baked wholemeal bread with chicken meatloaf for hubby.  

 Wholemeal Bread with Chicken Meatloaf

Gambar a bit gelap sebab aku ambik waktu malam.

Wholemeal Bread with Chicken Meatloaf
Recipe : Dairimama

Few slices of wholemeal bread (gardenia, high-5 or whatever brand you like)
few slices of chicken meatloaf
few slices of sliced cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated mozarella cheese
1/2 cup pizza sauce 
chili sauce 
shredded seaweed for garnishing

1. To make the pizza sauce - 8 tbs tomato sauce, 6 tbs  tomato paste, 1 tablespoon  thymes, 1 tsp salt, 2 tbs sugar, mix together. 
2. Spread the pizza sauce kat atas wholemeal bread. Letak chicken meatloaf atas the bread, topped with sliced cheddar cheese, then letak chili sauce, mayo and sprinkled dengan mozarella cheese. 
3. Baked for about 15 minutes in 180 degree celcius oven.
4. Once it's done, sejukkan, then sprinkled shredded seaweed on top. 

Hubby loves the taste!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Interbatch Bowling Tournament

When Nani told me about this bowling tournament dalam facebook, I wasnt interested to go. Aku tak penah join any event organised by alumni. One thing, I'm not an alumni member. Another thing is that, I'm so lazy and pemalu (benarkah?) nak join orang ramai2 ni. Dah ler aku form 4 baru, ramai senior2 yang aku tak kenal. Juniors pun ramai yg aku tak ingat nama, kenal muka je.

But Nani was very persistent, nak jugak aku join the bowling session. Everyday ada je message from her dalam facebook. Ok la.. aku concede, terpaksa la aku join jugak cuma aku dah bagitau Nani awal2 that I dont want to be one of the player. Roger sponsored our batch lane. The players tak payah keluarkan duit. Thank you Roger for your generousity.

I arrived there late, aku malas nak drive, I asked hubby to drop me at 1 Utama new wing. I brought along some cupcakes. Roger wanted the devil's food cake, Normi ordered RVC and I brought along some lemon bars for Imi. Penuh tangan aku dengan kotak kek. When I reached there, I was the only supporter for our batch.. huhuhu.. kesian betul dengan budak2 batch aku ni. Dia orang main, dia orang jugak yang sokong one another. Lepas aku sampai, Dila and Roger pun sampai. Dila dah jadi macam ahli politik yang melawat kawasan. Instead of bagi sokong pada team, dia pegi merayap to greet the seniors and juniors.

Lepas habis bowling tournament tu, we decided to go to Chili's (again?? semalam dah makan chili's!). Actually, semua orang dah malas nak drive jauh2 or jalan jauh2. I was so hungry, perut dah nyanyikan lagu keroncong. Roger, Normi and Cikgu Poyah (Imi and Normi were kind enough to fetched cikgu poyah at her house in Seremban and bawak datang the tournament) went down to Chili's first sebab Cikgu Poyah dah nampak letih. Aku and Imi had to wait for Dila untuk habis lawat kawasan. Adoi! Femes sungguh kawan aku tu, semua orang dia kenal. We didnt stay long kat Chili's coz Dila ada date with her twin sister, Roger pulak kena fetch her mom yang baru balik from tour memasak Chef Wan di Auckland.

All in all, I had fun! I think I have to make time for alumni events in future. But, sampai rumah kan, I had a terrible headache, sampai la sekarang.. huhuhu...

 Roger jadi pemain simpanan, ganti pemain2 lain yg dah lenguh tangan. :D

 Normi & Mazura, antara pemain yang tegar

Us minus Dila, MB yang sangat busy

Dila, Roger and Cikgu Poyah. We love you cikgu!!
 See, I told you, another Chili's session

 Normi, me and Imi. Rasa macam baru umur 17 tahun :D

Imi and Dila, vogue ladies!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dinner at Al-Rawsha with Ella

Sorry Ella, aku lupa nak bawak oven engkau. Next week la ye aku suruh sham antar. Thank you belanja aku makan kat Al-Rawsha. Tiba2 je semalam food kat Al-Rawsha rasa sedap sangat. Maybe sebab makan free kot.. hehehe.

 Suka sangat appetizer ni, tapi tak tau nama apa. By the time kita orang habis makan Lamb Madghut tu, baru sampai the appetizer. Hampeh betul.

 Baby Ella (Taufiq) yang sangat comel dan peramah. Suka sangat senyum kat Aunty Shidah. Maybe sebab Aunty Shidah makin jelita kot.. muahahahha... perasan tahap gaban.

Ella mendengar dengan penuh tekun. Aku was distracted dengan bling2 kat atas awning tudung Ella tu :D

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Brief Blogger Meet Up

I went to Concorde this morning.. Guess whom I met? K.Yani of KG and a bubbly and beautiful person from SG. Sadly, I terlupa la pulak nak bawak camera.. I'm pretty sure our photos will make an appearance on her blog soon :)

Yay!! I dapat macarons lagi! :D

 Can you guess who that beautiful person is? 
hint : tengok the sticker

Thank you K.Yani for the delicious Sicilian Orange cake!! Yums! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nila's & Aude's Birthday Celebration!

Hubby was invited to attend his friend's wife' and daughter's birthday party on Saturday. Actually, hubby takmau pegi sebab dah tau, kalau pegi sah2 makan banyak punya. Dah ler saturday is not our free day. But I told hubby, Panjang is one of his best friend, kalau tak pegi nanti, kecik hati panjang.

The birthday party was at 8pm, but kita orang keluar rumah lambat sikit, lepas maghrib. We arrived at The Lodge at 8.15pm. Ingatkan dah lambat, rupanya hubby's friend, Panjang, lagi lambat. It took quite a while before the party started. Ramai guests yang tak tau kat mana The Lodge tu. Aku pun blur. If I had known that it's near the old St Mary's school, then aku sah2 takde masalah nak mencari. Nasib baik sesat tak lama. From our house, it took us about 15 minit je pun utk sampai kat situ.

My mistake that nite was, I forgot to bring my camera. So, gambar Nila and Aude ni adalah from Nila's facebook. Sorry ye Nila, I totally forgotten to bring my camera. We went home at almost 11pm. Iman and Iffah dapat teddy bear cake, but I asked Iffah to give her teddy bear cake to Suhaimi (hubby's friend). Suhaimi ada 2 year old son, and I'm pretty sure his son was delighted dapat the teddy bear cake from the kind hearted k.iffah. Iman awal2 dah makan her teddy bear cake.

Panjang & Nila, thank you so much for the sumptuous Thai cuisine malam tu. The seafood tomyam was excellent, I love the chicken, hate the butter prawn though coz it's too salty, loved the tofu a lot and definitely loved the pulut kuning and rendang made by Panjang's sister.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


My Saturday was packed with activities sampai tak terkata. I started my day with running at KKlub. Eh! before that, hantar anak2 sekolah dulu coz they had to go to school, ada kokurikulum activities kat sekolah. Hubby doesnt wanna run coz he's not feeling very well. So, I ran alone. It was a lonely run. Eh! not really coz ada makcik kat sebelah aku pun berlari jugak. Nasib baik masa sampai kat KKlub gym tu, orang tak ramai kat situ. Sometimes bila org ramai, I had to wait more than 1/2 jam to use the treadmill. Dah la treadmill ada 2 je. Tension je.

Lepas berlari, ingatkan aku boleh la balik rumah, siap2 nak gi Empire. Tapi tak coz hubby ajak temankan dia breakfast. Aku minum air je while I watched him eating nasik lemak. huhuhu.. jeles! nasib baik ler aku ni bukan fan of nasik lemak. By the time sampai rumah, dah 9am. Aku janji dengan Hazi to have breakfast with her at 10am, which memang tak sempat la. Aku keluar rumah at 9.40am. I reached Empire Subang at 10.10am. Nasib baik Hazi pun baru sampai. We went to O Brien for breakfast. Lepak kat situ dengan Hazi sampai pukul 11.15am. Then Anne pulak telepon. Dia baru sampai Empire, nak ambik her stuffs from me and aku pun nak ambik kitchen towels and pads from her. Yeah! I get my supplies of tissues, kitchen towels, pads and panty liners from her, murah at least 50% from luar. :)

Lepas jumpa Anne, aku terus pegi Chili's Empire. Jana and Nora dah sampai. They thought I was late. I told them that I was there since 10.10am. Aku pulak memang sengaja pegi lambat sebab ingatkan semua org akan datang lambat. Tak lama lepas kita orang duduk situ, Amy and Gee pun sampai. We had a great time gossiping and catching up. Amy is back for good from Perth. It's so happen that Amy berjiran dengan K.Min masa dia 1st year sampai Perth dulu. What a small world kan?

Pastu Islah came with her daughter Inaz. Inaz ada painting class kat Empire Subang. I think we were the loudest table kat Chili's tu. Nasib baik la semua masih kelihatan vogue, maka, takde la nampak macam makcik2 duduk bergossip.. hehe. Lily and Eli came very late. By the time both of them sampai, Gee dah balik coz she had another appointment at 2pm. I stayed on until 4.30pm. Aku, Lily and Eli were the last to go. Warque was not around coz he had to help his mom clean up their house kat kampung sebab banjir, but he instructed his manager to give us free dessert. Weeee... hancus diet aku... hahahaha.. Cheese cake tu memang to die for.. nasib baik tak mati je.

Balik rumah, dah almost 5pm. Iman, Iffah and Zuleika dah tunggu for their baking class. The baking class started at 6pm. My cousin, Wan, joined us too. Lepas siap baking, dah almost 8pm, Wan ajak pegi makan mee celup kat Keramat. I'll definitely go again few times this week. Memang sedap!!

 Cheese Cake yg sangat sedap itu

 Molten Chocolate, aku makan 1 spoon je sebab dah tak larat.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Lunch with the Boys @ Chili's Empire Subang

The lunch date was planned last week. Layla couldnt join us coz she's working on 1st feb tu. So, it was just me, matju, warque & hubby. Ops! termasuk la iman and iffah. Warque shift started as early as 7.30am. By the time kita org habis makan, it was already 2pm and Chili's still packed with people.

Tengah aku dok syok berborak with Matju, suddenly aku nampak a familiar face. It was Haris! One of my Ausmat friend jugak. Tak sangka terserempak dengan Haris kat situ. Kebetulan, dia memang nak datang Chili's for lunch. Haris sat at our table and ordered his steak.  Sian Haris kena makan sorang2 coz kita orang dah habis makan masa tu. Warque ordered Molten Chocolate for Iman and Iffah.

Bila tengok the molten chocolate, aku tergoda sungguh. Tapi tak sampai hati nak musnahkan diet aku. For the first time pegi Chili's, I ate Tequila Lime Grilled Fish (non alcoholic). It was delicious! Lepas ni, bila pegi Chili's, boleh la aku makan the fish again.

Today, I received a message from Amy in my FB. She's back for good and planning for a gathering with the girls kat Chili's this Sunday! Argh! Chili's lagi! Aku rasa aku should letak nama aku kat dalam guest list Chilis tu as permanent guest. Ye la, manjang pegi makan Chili's.. hehehe .. aku rasa Hubby pun sure cuak nak menghantar aku ke Chilis lagi this Sunday.

 Tengok la dia org ni posing...

 Orang lain tengah syok berborak, dia sibuk ber BB... grrr..

 Molten Chocolate! kus semangat menahan nafsu....

 The boys..

 Iffah munching on fortune cookies yg dapat free kat information counter Empire.

Iman's fortune cookies.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lunch with Girlfriends @ home

I woke up late today, at 9.30am. The girls are coming at 11am. Luckily my trifle and puding dah siap last nite. Cuma tinggal nak masak mee kari je. I have 1 1/2 hour to masak mee kari and pegi gym. Dah ler hari ni cardio day. So, pagi tadi, kelam kabut aku masak, pastu tinggal to makcik ton, then terus pegi ke gym.

The good part about aku pegi ke gym tadi was that, aku managed NOT to eat the bad food no matter how tempting it was. The bad part was, aku terpaksa cekalkan semangat and psycho diri sendiri that I'm doing this for myself. Kalau aku makan, then there is a possibility that I'll overeat. Bila dah terlebih makan, maka the exercise that I did today will be wasted. Dah la the protein and hydroxycut to mahal. Membazir je makan supplement.

I think my girlfriends pun terkejut dengan ketabahan dan kecekalan aku menahan diri dari makan.. hahahha.. aku pun!

 Mee Kari yang aku masak. Nora makan bertambah.. sedap la tu agaknya :D

 Nora made the marble cake and kuih cara. I made the trifle.

 Cupcakes comel yang dibuat oleh Zana kat Giant.. hehe

 Puding. This recipe aku dapat from myresipi. Will update it later. It's delicious but aku kena tweak the recipe sikit.

 The girls, minus me :)

Elin and her boys.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Argh!! Busy!!

Since morning, I've been running around like crazy. We woke up late, at almost 8.15am. Che'Boh's and Ana's bus leaves at 9.30am. Aku dah panic! Risau takut stuck dalam jam. Dah la by the time aku bangun, both of them tak breakfast lagi. Rasa bersalah betul aku, neglecting my guests.

Aku bangun, terus goreng nasi for them, then 9am, kita orang bertolak ke Hentian Putra. Weee... I was so happy with the traffic this morning. KL lengang! Waaa.. cam tak caya je that KL tak jam pagi tadi. Kita orang sampai kat Hentian Putra at 9.15am. !5 minit je dari rumah aku. Alih2 bila dah sampai, bas pulak tunda ke 10am. Aku pulak nak cepat, takleh tunggu my guests naik bas, sebabnya kita org nak exercise. Nasib baik K.Mei ada, so K.Mei la tunggu dia org. Iman and Iffah slept at rumah K.Mei last nite sebab semalam dia org main futsal kat  NSTP. The girls ikut kita orang balik pagi tadi.

Sampai rumah, aku start exercise, habis dah almost 12noon. Then aku keluar dengan the girls pegi jumpa Alie kat Jusco AU2. Terkejut aku Alie dah pakai tudung. I'm so happy for her. Dia kata hijrah tahun baru. Alhamdulillah. Lepas jumpa Alie, aku pegi ke Post Office, deliver BB Cream to few people, then aku ke Baank Rakyat, masukkan duit for the girls. Lepas pegi Bank Rakyat, aku go for a drink dengan K.La (my cousin) yang kebetulan aku terjumpa kat Bank Rakyat. K.La was with her son, Fakhri. Rupanya Fakhri patah kaki main bola, 2 bulan tak pegi sekolah sebab kaki bersimen. So, K.La bawak Fakhri to her school (K.La is a teacher) untuk belajar buat sementara waktu. Sekolah K.La pulak, semua pompuan. Famous la Fakhri among the girls sebab dia sorang je budak lelaki dalam the whole school excluding teachers. :D

Balik from minum dengan K.La, aku singgah Giant untuk beli tepung custard and raspberry jelly mix. Sampai je rumah, aku terus buat trifle for my guests yang nak datang malam ni. Lepas buat trifle, I cooked Fettucini Carbonara with Shrimps. Dah sudah masak, rasa macam nak pengsan tergolek2 je. Letih giler. Lepas solat maghrib, guests aku pun sampai. Now baru semua balik.. and it's almost 11pm. Tomorrow aku ada lunch date kat Chili's, Empire Subang pulak. Argh!

 Breakfast pagi tadi. Nope, I didnt eat the nasik goreng.

 Sorry, my house is a bit messy. Cuma pizzas, pasta, trifle, nangka je untuk guests. tuan rumah yang sangat malas.. hahahha

 From left, Soyou, Gunho, Yumi, Mina, Dzia, Nuri, Iffah yg sengaja membulatkan mata dia and Iman.

My 2nd Trifle this week. I love this better. I made the custard soft. Bila makan dengan cake and jelly tu, rasa sedap sgt2 :D

4 tbs custard (mix with few tbs of milk)
500 ml condensed milk (ambik few tbs to mix with the custard flour)
500ml water
4 tbs sugar

1. Bring the milk & water to boil, add sugar.
2. Campur custard yg dah dibancuh dengan susu, kacau sehingga custard berkilat. Custard ni lembut, tapi firm enough untuk set atas the jelly mix.