Showing posts with label tapestry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tapestry. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Great Expectations

No - I have not succumbed to watching TV, although there I am last night with the iPad propped up on a photo frame doing more research!  Let me tell you that it's super distracting and I'll be glad when the research part of this project is over!  I don't have a case for the iPad that doubles as a stand - that's a pain but I'm not about to break down and buy one.

I made good progress on stuff yesterday.  Now it's onto the handles for those tote bags. There are forty of them. It took a long time to press them yesterday on my new pressing station as I'm getting tired of working on these and I was easily distracted?   A couple of them have to be repressed later today and then all of them have to be stitched. Thankfully, I'm working on a super fast sewing machine at the moment so hopefully one hour to repress a few handles and one hour to stitch them and I'll be done?  That's my goal.

I'm also working on the next magazine quilt that I hope to have in a FedEx box on Monday. It's big. Everything is cut and marked. There are 8 pieces (X 72) that had to be marked before being sewn onto the background.  Half of those are sewn on - I hope today between classes to get them all trimmed and pressed so I can sew the other half on before dinner and then hopefully assemble the blocks tonight. Problem is there are TWO partial seams in EACH of 36 blocks so that will slow me down a bit.  There will be NO research happening tonight as I attempt to make that happen.

As we wind down the year (I know - there are still two months), but people will be thinking about how they will change themselves in the new year. They'll be thinking about buying Christmas presents. BEFORE you buy anyone one of those page-a-day calendars, I want you to go back and read my blog post about the page-a-day calendars.

I think since I wrote that post, I managed to unearth one or two more of them.  While I did make some progress in a couple of the calendars this year - for gosh sakes - the darn things sit on my desk in PLAIN view!  The only one that I`m able to keep up with is the Quote a day! There is no mental math, there is nothing to make, nothing to color - I just have to read it.  If I like it, I hang onto the quote so I can take a picture or hang it on my inspiration board. The rest get used as scrap paper!  

I love this one and based on what has been happening in the last while, I have BIG EXPECTATIONS about myself.  I call it delusional doability.  And it CAN BE DONE!!!!    Just watch me as I attempt to make not one, not two, but THREE quilts before I leave on Wednesday night!  All are cut, NONE are wall hangings.  I'm an idiot!!!!    Thankfully one is for work so I can actually sew that at work which is a lifesaver!   And only two have to be quilted. There are still bits of those bags to finish off and I have to teach today!

From time to time, I come across items or articles that I think you might be interested in.   I`m one of those people who has NEVER watched Game of Thrones. I have no idea what genre of show it is, I don`t know any of the characters names. I know absolutely zero about it, except that some people are absolutely taken with the show!  It's nice to see this article showing that the "makers"  (that's us) have a way to do stuff about anything!   It helps to raise awareness about the arts and crafts movement of which we're all a part of.

Check out this link to see the project.   Or if that link doesn't work, just search for Game of Thrones tapestry and you'll find loads of information!  It's pretty cool, even for a non-watcher of the show!

On that note, I'm out of here.  I have two very impatient girls hovering by my chair  (is it time?  is it time?  Mom - IS IT TIME?)  NO - it's not time to go to the park yet!

Have a super day!!!!
