Thankfully, I'm in pretty good health and don't interact much with medical professionals. However, I'm putting my new health card to the test!
I had a physical yesterday. I didn't think they did them any longer, but my doctor wanted one done. Perhaps because it's so long since I last saw her. I laughed because she was taking my blood pressure and said, "It'll likely be high because of the pain and swelling in the knee." Nope -- she chuckled as the reading was very low! Let's hope it stays that way, as I have two members of my immediate blood family with high blood pressure. So that's two that need medication and three that don't!
And then I received a raft of requisitions as I thought I would. I also convinced the doctor to get my other knee checked out since the wait for the ultrasound would be long.
Back to the diagnostics clinic to book appointments. Thankfully, it was the afternoon, and it was relatively quiet. I realized what the receptionist meant the day before about not being able to book an appointment. They only have a 3-month window of appointments, and that window was FULL. Next week, a new month would likely open up, and I could get my ultrasound appointment. OH -- I get it now.
But if you are lucky - I was chatting with the one receptionist, and the other one piped up to say that they just received a cancellation and asked if I would take that date? AH -- does the King of England live in England? YES - please. So the date is June 26th. The timing isn't perfect as I am going on a quilt retreat that day, but seriously? Let's get our priorities in place here! And they will do both knees. I'm set! I'm sure there'll be a long wait after that to get to the surgeon, but at least I shaved a couple of months off the wait time.
I got a date for a mammogram (in a month), and there were no availabilities for bone density, so I have to wait until more openings happen.
Oh, and I got the X-ray done on the other knee. All that was time-consuming, but technically it wasn't too long. Actually, I think everything was done in slightly more than one hour. OH -- I have to do blood work, and when I went to that clinic, they would have taken me immediately, except I have to fast for a couple of them, so I decided to wait and do it all at the same time. That won't happen for a couple of weeks, but I WILL go, unlike the last time (many years ago, when I got a requisition for blood work) when I just didn't go.
And I drove to the office yesterday as my knee was much worse, and I had other errands to do after.
I also had to take my MIL to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. That process took way longer than all my stuff. I had to pick her up and then get her to the dentist. Can you believe in this age that this office is NOT wheelchair accessible? She can do the stairs, but she's slow. However, I think she was faster than I was yesterday! Of course, they were late, and we waited a half hour before they saw her. Now how can that be when we are paying for this and still have to wait?
Then it was back home, and I had to get her prescription filled for painkillers and antibiotics. Can you believe that there were at least seven employees in the pharmacy, and yet, it took hours to get the prescription filled? We are a world that is happy to take pills to solve a problem rather than change our lifestyle and eating habits. Oh well --- unlucky for them -- lucky for me! Zero prescription medications on my schedule, and let's hope it stays that way! WAIT -- I know some people NEED medication, but what about those that could be eliminated by lifestyle changes?
I had to go to Fabricland to buy fabric for a garment I need to make for my mom; I also got a geocache in that area. Then I stopped at the grocery store to get a few things -- when was the last time my car was in the grocery store parking lot? YEARS!! But anyway, I finally made it home in time to eat dinner.
Then I vegged on the couch (OH MY GOSH - I'm becoming a slug) with an ice pack on my knee. It's feeling slightly better today because the swelling has decreased somewhat. OK -- I will try not to bore you with any more stories about the darn knee. It is what it is; all I can do now is wait for the ultrasound and hope for the best.
One day, I will get some quilting stuff on this blog, as it seems to be my health woes or Murphy!
But she sure likes to entertain, and she loves to play with that ball!
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MOM -- I'm trying to be good! |
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Project Linus quilt tops |
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Mom? Dad? What about me? |
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MOM -- this is the best! |
It was a great way to spend the evening. I didn't require a nap, so I'm good, but I must learn to take a sit-down break during the day with ice!
While I still have a ton of paperwork to address, I need to get some quilting and sewing done today. Hopefully, there'll be some quilt pictures tomorrow!
Have a super day!!