Showing posts with label glass art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass art. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Do you get distracted?

When the stars are aligned - anything can happen. Another successful day - everything we planned went like clockwork, so that's a good thing. And the weather --- who can complain about the weather. Well, I guess the farmers can because if we don't get some moisture, we'll all be in trouble next year when we go to the grocery store and complain about even higher prices! 

It sounds like a Green Christmas across the entire country, except if you live in Winnipeg, where there'll be a high chance of a White Christmas. Maybe Charlottetown (PEI) and St. John's (NFLD), but otherwise -- it will be green!

I got a good lesson on using Inkscape yesterday, so with my knowledge of graphic software and that lesson, I think I'm good to go for my class in 2024. That class is about marrying the technology - how to get designs from an image into a file we can use for embroidery, digital cutting, or both. Yes, there is software to use other than Inkscape, but Inkscape is FREE, and it's just one of the programs I'll cover in the new year. 

My responsibilities are winding down. OK -- that's a lie, as I have some quilts to trim and quilts to quilt when I get home, and those are my priorities, but I won't be at the long arm all day. So I'm starting to think how I can fill that time. That essentially means that I MUST prioritize so I'm doing the things I really want done. That will be a lesson and a challenge, as I'm NOT good at that. 

However, I got a chuckle the other day. So, as quilters, and I assume that most of you are quilters, it's easy to get distracted. Not that that has ever happened to any of us. We could be working quietly on a project, and we're getting to the end. We go to a quilt show, talk to a friend, see a sale, or visit a quilt shop -- it doesn't matter how it happens, but our eye gets caught by something NEW. OH MY -- we need that and next thing you know, the other project is abandoned, and we're doing something new. 

Did you know that happens to EVERYONE? Dad mentioned that the foreman of the Museum shop wanted to bring in a new (old) engine that the crew could work on. They said NO because if that other engine comes in, they will abandon the one they are working on. That's funny!

Why is our brain wired that way? It doesn't apply to everyone, as many can focus on one project until completion. So, how are our brains wired differently? Is one group more left brain or more right brain? 

It's interesting, and I suppose one can teach your brain to focus. I've become better at that, but I still work on multiple projects at the same time. What I don't do is add something new just because. I only add new if it's a new class and must be added. The key is to go back and finish off those other projects, and I've become much better at that. Gosh - I wish I had paid attention to this much earlier, but I didn't, so no regrets, and let's just move on!

It's amazing, but it shouldn't be surprising at the difference in when daylight hits from home to here. Toronto is much further south on the map than North Battleford. It might be hard to see, but I've put a red dot on both locations. 

One may not seem that much north of the other, but at home at this time of year, it's light outside at 7:30 AM. This picture below was taken yesterday just before 9 AM. It's still dark!!!

It's still dark at 8:45 AM

But tonight at 10:27 is Winter Solstice, so the amount of daylight will start getting longer starting tomorrow! Yeah!!! 

I spotted this quote in my Happiness Journal last night. Yes -- I've been diligent all year long in writing in it. OK - I didn't transfer my daily sentences from when I was in Spain. I should do that before the end of the year. But this quote is interesting. 

Essentially, the hardest victories are those we battle with ourselves. How true that is! We always say we are our worst enemy, which rings true for what we eat, how we spend our time, how we view our worth in the world, and so many other areas. It's time to STOP battling with yourself. I'll never be perfect, and my work will never be perfect. I'm OK with that. 

Do I want to be a better person? There are some things I'd like to change, but seriously -- I'm all about me being the number one priority in my life (selfish - yes), but if I don't take care of ME, there's no one else to do that. There are battles that I still need to conquer and areas where I've lost ground, but I'm proud of who I am and what I've done. Yes - there's room for improvement, but I won't let that get me down!

I am eternally grateful to Mom and Dad for instilling in me a sense of worth, self-confidence, and essential work ethics, morals, and values. I've refined them over time, but a good base was provided on which to build. 

It's sad to see people who don't have some of those abilities become parasites on others and themselves. How do you change that attitude when, in many cases, it's the only way of life these people know? 

I'll leave you with a happy note today. One of the artists mentioned in The Art of Craft was Dale Chihuly, the most famous glass artist in the world. His work was at one of the prominent museums in Toronto, and I did not attend. Rats!! I should have - anyway, here's a link to a video of some of his garden work. I can only imagine how much his work goes for, but this reminds me that I spotted an artist showing similar work at a gallery on Salt Spring Island. Shoot - I need to find his card and follow up. I took pictures on my phone and will try to find them. 

Found it -- his name is Manuel Castro. And he sells garden spikes, and now I remember wanting some! 

OK -- now I'm late. Off on more adventures today! 

Have a super day!!!
