Showing posts with label marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marvel. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2014

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel by Jenifer Ann
Photo by David Love

Black Widow

Black Widow cosplay by Genevieve Marie

Black Widow cosplay by Genevieve Marie
Photographed by Estrada Photography


Domino (from X-Men) by Black Cat
Photographed by E Photography


Loki (from The Avengers) by The Shattered Silhouette


Psylocke (from X-Men) by Jenifer Ann
Photographed by Insane Pencil

Friday, May 9, 2014


Psylocke (from X-Men) by Jenifer Ann
Photographed by David Love

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Black Widow

Black Widow (from The Avengers) by Jusz Cosplay

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Cosplay: X-23
Model/Cosplayer: Izy K. Cheung
Photo/Editing: David MacKenzie

X-23 by Izy K. Cheung
Photographed by David MacKenzie


Rogue (from X-Men: The Animated Series) by JustynÄ… Jakubik
 Photographed by Natalia Zahora
Costume by thelittlestbat

Monday, February 17, 2014

Video: X-Cats

All things considered, I think that we can all agree that it's a good thing cats don't have mutant powers, cuz we'd all be dead in short order.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Photographed by Pugoffka

Rule 63: Deadpool

Deadpool by Shantel Knight
Photographed by Se7en Fourteen Images


Mystique (from X-Men First Class) by Some Like It Blue
Photographed by Skiffy

Monday, November 11, 2013


Cosplay: Thor Arise II by Dustysurfer

Friday, October 11, 2013


Spider-Man (from Spider-Man 2099)
Photographed by Jessica Morris in Sydney Harbour 

Based upon the Spider-Man of the 2099 universe, these absolutely awesome photos were taken by DuckyJessica with her boyfriend posing as Miguel O’Hara. Taken at various locations around the city of Sydney, the photos really bring out the amazing details in the Spider-Man costume and it’s incredible work. If you would like to see more of her photography then head over to her Flickr page where there are more Spider-Man 2099 photos but also more photos of various cosplayers at conventions.

Black Cat

Black Cat (from The Amazing Spider-Man) by Shermie
Photographed by Pudimzera

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Domino by BadLuck_Kitty
Photographed by Ecks Photography

Ms Marvel

Ms Marvel by Callie Cosplay
Photographed by David Love

Black Widow

Black Widow (from The Avengers) by Sarah Lee
Photographed by Arval Photography