Squirrel Girl by Anya Rose
Photographed by Patti Marcotte
Source: Huffington Post
Source: Huffington Post
"Part of a longer. bigger personal project. These are some amazing steampunk DC character cosplay people. My bigger picture plan is a whole series of different cosplay, but the difference is going to be the "off duty" portion. Keep your eyes peeled for that when it comes."
"After dreaming about bringing Warrior Wonder Woman to life for years, this shoot at the Palace of Fine Arts feels like the zenith of the project. The setting was perfect, the weather beautiful, and the photographer - Andrew Ho - incredibly talented. I actually felt like an Amazon at home on Themyscira. You can read my costume construction notes for Warrior Wonder Woman here."
"Completely self-made and man, was I under time pressure! The leotard is made of faux stretchy leather in a slight off-white tone, as are the shoes. Wig is self-styled and the gems are self-made too. But there is still a lot I want to redo and make better for a reshooting very soon, I hope, maybe even with my pretty Starfire. (the form of her hood for example. I didn't have enough fabric left …) I also really love her appearance in season 4 episode 13, "The end part 3". Ah but I'm generally in love with all the Raven-centered episodes and I plan on making more Raven costumes. I felt very comfortable wearing this costume and I'm very happy I got to portray her, even if it was just a test run. So yeah, I'm really looking forward to re-wear it and re-shoot it with epic smoke or something."