Swainson's Hawk soars over tree tops in Rio Rico, AZ 10-5-08 by Gusto!
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A journal about nature, birds and wildlife in Sycamore Canyon of the Scenic Santa Ritas Mountains in Corona de Tucson, including birding in the Tucson area. "Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." Langston Hughes
Swainson's Hawk soars over tree tops in Rio Rico, AZ 10-5-08 by Gusto!
Visit Skywatch Friday to view more amazing views of the sky from around the globe.
Mother Mourning Dove and fledglings in nest 10-6-08 by Kathiesbirds
Click on photo to enlarge for the most peaceful view
Morning Tea by Kathie 9-22-08 6:51 a.m. 70mm, 1/320 sec - F/4.5
I snuggle my hands around my tea cup and spin my chair to view the starry sky. To the south Orion sails almost directly overhead in a charcoal sea. I watch the faint blinking light of a distant satellite as it makes its steady orbit east. I rotate my chair 180 degrees to see what the big dipper is doing. Its upended on its handle hanging over the Catalina Mountains with the two pointer stars on the end of the cup directing me to the north star in the handle of the little dipper. I am not an astronomer by anyone’s stretch of the imagination, but this little bit I know helps me enjoy the nighttime sky even more. The little dipper’s faint stars are almost lost in the glow of the Tucson city lights as its cup sinks lower in the sky. As night fades into day I think of how the stars will still be in their place but I will no longer see them as our morning star rises in the east and bathes the earth in its light. It is a gentle morning here in Sycamore Canyon on this first day of autumn and I am thankful to be awake to greet it.
Sunrise Ballerina by kathie 9-22-08, 6:42 a.m. 98mm, 1/500 sec - F/5.6
Click on photos to enlarge for best view
The thrashers and cactus wrens are year-round residents, but the purple martins have flown even farther south for the winter. Now the saguaros they called home are silent. I suppose there may be flickers still inhabiting some holes, but I have not seen them. Beside the saguaros my eyes are drawn to a bit of red. Is this the only autumn color I will see here in the desert? I do not know what I am looking at, but the bush before me has the most beautiful red seed pods dangling from it, and though I am far from New England, it does remind me of autumn there, with Christmas soon to follow.