Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Best Christmas Tree

It was the winter of 1983. We were young and poor with two small children to feed and not a lot of money for Christmas. We lived in Connecticut then, off a road in Killingly called Squaw Rock Road. The roads in Connecticut always have such picturesque names. I didn’t know it then, having lived there all my life, I kind of took it for granted. Once I moved out west, however, with their longitude and latitude street addresses of 1625 East 2550 North, I really started to appreciate the color and flavor of the street names in New England.

We needed a Christmas tree for our small family, but with little money to buy one, we weren’t sure what to do. In our family we always had a live tree and going out to hunt for one in a snow covered field always made the experience special. Back then there were numerous tree farms where one could pay $10 to $15 for just such a chance. But even that small amount of money seemed impossible this year, yet with hope against hope we piled into our old yellow van and headed out for a drive to see what we could see.

The day was gray and overcast. Tatters of clouds drifted over the sky. I don’t know what prompted us to head towards Willimantic, but we did. The roads of New England wind up and down and around hills. Around each new corner another picturesque scene is revealed. Though the scenes may have a similar New England flavor, they are never the same. The topography of the land prohibits repetition. So, while one old white farm house may set on a hill with a red barn nearby, the next one down the road will be slightly different, with a varied arrangement to the house and barn, perhaps with different trees or a stone wall defining the driveway, or cows in nearby pasture, grazing on winter brown grass.

Today the air had the edge of ice in it as we drove past a bog on the right. Across the road a pasture widened out and beyond it a small farm house sat on a knoll. At the far edge of the pasture a wide ribbon of evergreen caught our eyes. We slowed the van, then pulled off the road and opened the doors. Though this was not a Christmas Tree Farm, a stand of white pines of just the right size called to us from across the snow covered field. We wondered if the farmer would let us cut just one to bring home as our Christmas tree. A door opened on the farm house and a man walked out. We jumped back into the van and drove forward, pulling into the driveway. Gus hopped out and held a brief conversation with the farmer. I saw him offer the man the few dollars that we had, then I saw the farmer shake his head, declining the proffered money. With the farmer’s approval we drove our vehicle just a short way back towards the trees, pulled as far off the road as we could, and got out.

Now it may seem strange that we came equipped with our own saw, but back in those days it was not unusual for people to cut down small evergreens or even cedar trees from pasture land for Christmas trees. My own grandfather used to own a farm in Colchester where we often cut a cedar tree for our Christmas tree. While they smell delightful in the house, filling the rooms with their cedar perfume, they are awfully painful to decorate as each tiny flat needled end is covered in stiff hairy spines. You paid for the fragrance with blood. Now we stood at the edge of the field with our goal in sight.

The smoky gray clouds drifted overhead and I heard the honking of Canadian geese calling from beyond the clouds. The wild call stirred something inside me, a prevalent longing for something else. I wanted to mount on wings myself and fly away to someplace wild with the flock. The clouds briefly parted revealing the black, gray and white arrow formation flying through the leaden skies. Just then a snow flurry passed over making the air sparkle with wonder.

We trudged across the snow covered grasses towards the evergreen edge. The trees were much larger than they looked from the road, and now the challenge became finding one small enough to fit in the van and the house. The long flexible limbs of the white pines brushed against us as we finally choose our tree. Gus lay down in the snow to get at the trunk and sawed through in short order. As the saw broke through the tender flesh the scent of pine and sawdust filled the silver air.

Though the tree was bulky, it was also lightweight. We dragged it to the van, opened up the back, and pulled it inside. Our two young boys giggled with delight as the tree filled the interior of the van. This tree would fill our living room with its four foot girth of bows. I’d be hard pressed to find enough ornaments to cover the branches, but that mattered little now, for the tree had already produced the best gift of all, the memory of finding it in a snow covered pasture, the kindness of the farmer who let us cut it down, and the wild geese flying overhead serenading the season in wild tones.

Merry Christmas!

Blogger's Note: The painting is a detail of Christmas in the Mouse House by Kathie. See the complete painting with poem here.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Birding Mentor, Trudy

Trudy and Kathie July 10, 2008

One of the most important things I did while in Connecticut was to visit my birding mentor, Trudy. She lives down along the Connecticut coastline and I was 16 years old when I first met her and she gave me my first field guide, Golden’s Birds of North America.

I already loved birds before this time, but meeting Trudy helped hone my interest. I went with her to Camp Berea in New Hampshire where Trudy led nature walks and told the children how God loved them as well as the birds. Trudy is a licensed bird bander and I watched, mesmerized as she set up her mist nets. I tensed with excitement when she put a trembling red-eyed vireo in my hands after banding it. She let me hold it briefly before it was released, but she had to encourage me to relax my grip just a bit! While at the Bible camp in New Hampshire I climbed Mount Washington with her at least once or twice. She attended my wedding in 1977 when I was 20 years old, and I thought she was old then! Now I am close to the age she was, when I first met her.

Trudy has been my friend through all the 31 years of my marriage. No matter where I have lived, we have always written to each other. I think it was 2004 when we finally started to email each other. At 98 years old, her eyesight is just perfect. When she and her sweet husband, Earl took me out for lunch, I had to get my glasses out to read the menu, but she could read hers just fine. I think that is because her vision has compensated for another lose she has. You see, when Trudy was very young, she lost her hearing. She has been deaf ever since and so never gets to hear the songs of the birds she so loves.

Trudy and Earl

I don’t know what my life will be like when my Trudy passes on, but I know my current life is richer and fuller because of her and I will love and remember her always for her kind heart, her love of the birds and her steadfast faith in God. Inscribed in the front of my bird guide is her favorite Bible verse which she recites to just about everyone she meets:

“How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104:24)

View of the cove through the restaurant window.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sunday At Lake Hayward

(Lake Hayward Cove; photo by kathie 7-5-08)
Click on photos to enlarge

Sunday morning Alex and I headed out to Lake Hayward to see Stephen’s new cottage. Lake Hayward is the site of the Adams Family Road Race and the first site of Bacon Academy’s Cross Country Course back in the 70’s. Lake Hayward sits nestled among the Connecticut hills just south and west of Colchester. Our drive out here takes us past old farms long overgrown, some now turned into housing developments. Soon we enter the thicker forest that surrounds the lake and find our way to Stephen’s cottage in the woods.

(Cabin in the Woods; photo by kathie 7-5-08)

The cabin is rustic but quaint with an outdoor shower and patio. We walk up a moss covered path through ferns and mountain laurel to get to the cabin tucked into a hillside. The forest is closing in all around with trees of all sorts shading the place. It has a cozy, private feel to it, which we all like.

(Forested Patio; photo by kathie 7-5-08)

Stephen wants to practice for the Adams Road Race, so he devises a training relay where he and Alex will run segments with me driving the car and picking up each runner and dropping them off ahead. It works this way: Alex starts to run. I drive past him and drop Stephen off where he waits for Alex to catch up and hand off a piece of rubber tube being used as a baton. Then, Alex jumps in the car and I drive him ahead a short distance and he gets out and waits for Stephen to hand off to him. In this way we covered the 2.8 miles of the Adams Road Race and Stephen records the time for the first ever Adams Family Relay. Then, it is off to the beach for a swim in the lake.

(Stephen and Alex prepare to run; photo by kathie 7-5-08)

The lake water is so cool and refreshing. We all swim out to the dock and I fill my nostrils with the scent of the fresh, dark water. I feel its coolness slip past my body and I dive beneath the surface, rising a few feet later in the bright sunshine. We sit on the dock and warm ourselves, chatting about all kinds of things. Soon I dive in and swim back to shore, remembering I don’t have my cell phone with me and I need to know the time. On the way to the car I snap a few photos of canoes and row boats lying on the shore of the quiet cove.

When I return to the lake and prepare to swim out to the dock again my brother informs me there is a large snapping turtle in the vicinity of the dock. Stephen is a great tease, and though I know there are large snapping turtles in this lake, I figure he is trying to scare me and I don’t believe him. The more he insists, the more I think he is pulling my leg. Just as I am about to dolphin dive and start my swim out to the dock a large bumpy head surfaces only feet from the dock. I can just barely make out the hub-cap sized shell trailing behind it. Stephen and Alex start to laugh and stand smugly on the dock’s edge. Flabbergasted, I stay what I hope is safely in the shallows and watch as the turtle nonchalantly looks around before diving beneath the surface once again. Stephen and Alex wait a few more moments, then dive in and swim back to shore. We all decide we’ve had enough swimming for the day!

(Alex and Stephen prepare to swim; Photo by kathie 7-5-08)

Note: This is the first in a series of posts about my recent trip to New England. Look for additional posts within the next week or two with Stories from Sycamore Canyon interspersed.

Sycamore Canyon Update: It's sunny and hot here today. The humidity has dropped and the temperature is rising. Right now it is 96F in the shade. In the desert the prickly pears are ripening which means it's time to make prickly pear jelly once again. A Say's Phoebe has been hanging out around the house and seeking shelter from the sun underneath the covered patio on the blades of my patio fan. I am seeing House Finches, House Sparrows, Gambel's Quail, Mourning Doves, White-winged Doves, Curved-billed Thrashers, Cactus Wrens, Gilded Flickers, Gila woodpeckers, Turkey Vultures and Lesser Goldfinches on a regualr basis. I haven't seen the Sonaran Desert Toad since Saturday night.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Adams Family Road Race

It's the morning of the Adams Family Road Race. From all across the United States the Adams Family has gathered. Kathie flew in on Saturday, July 5 in the morning. That evening it was back to Bradley International Airport to pick up Alex as he flew in from Ft. Lewis in Washington State. Alex has just returned from a 15 month tour of duty with the army in Iraq. It will be the first time some of the family has seen him in 4 years. For his mother, Kathie, it was her first time seeing her son since he arrived home. Renee, Alex's older sister arrived on Tuesday night, and Gus arrived around 10:00 a.m. today.

Stephen, the middle brother and founder of the race has been here since last month. The Adams Family Road Race was his idea over 11 years ago as a way to keep his aging siblings, including himself, in shape. Stephen first conceived of a web page to chronicle the Adams Family Road Race. From his efforts with that first page TriFind.Com was born. Largely self taught, Stephen created the American Triathlon Calendar out of frustration when he went searching for triathlons to compete in as training for the Adams Family Road Race and couldn't find any to sign up for. He could only find race results. has now grown to be the largest Triathlon Calendar on the Internet. Stephen is very competitive and he wanted to beat all of his siblings in the race. A look at the statistic will reveal the year he lost 20 lbs and did just that. Kathie suffers from no such delusions and is quite happy to even finish the 2.8 mile run.

The Road race has become such a family tradition that our old high school cross country coaches have even attended and help keep time. Mr. Lander and Mr. Long were both teachers and track coaches from Bacon Academy in Colchester. Now retired, they may show up once again tonight to time the race and watch their former students and athletes run (or walk as the case may be). When the race is finished the family and friends will gather at Stephen and Donna's new cabin for hotdogs and hamburgers grilled over a firepit. Race Results will be posted here and on the Adams Family Road Race web page.

Gus will be the photographer of the event, and Janice Adams, the matriarch of the family will watch her gaggle of children, grandchildren and great-grand-children as they race around the lake and sprint panting for the finish line.

On a personal note I must acknowledge how proud we all are of my Mother who raised the five of us by herself after my father abandoned her with 5 kids back in the 60's. My oldest brother was 10 and my youngest was only 2. My mom didn't even know how to drive a car, but she learned, went to college to become a teacher, got a job and got off welfare. She taught first grade in the Lebanon Elementary School System for 25 years until she retired. You're the best, Mom!

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Birth of a Blog

( Rock Wren photo by Gus Jan 5, 2008)

A year ago on July 3rd, in the midst of chaos, Sycamore Canyon was born. I was in Connecticut at the time visiting my family. My mom had invited my brothers and sister and all resulting children and grandchildren over to the house for a good-bye celebration. Amidst the jumble of babies and bodies my youngest brother, Chris and his partner, T accompanied me to my mother’s room where her computer stood in a dark corner between her dresser and her bed. A dim yellow light cast a warm glow on the slanted ceiling that cramped the space even more. Chris and T had been telling me for months that I needed to start a Blog. Now T sat at the computer, logged onto Blogger, and started the process. I stood behind him, dazed and confused.

(Costa's Hummingbird photo by Gus Jan 3, 2008)

We named the Blog Sycamore Canyon, but when we tried to get that name as our URL it was already taken. In the rush of everyone wanting to leave and me in my ignorance and under pressure of time, I chose coronadetucson, figuring no one would have that URL. I was right and Sycamore Canyon was born. The info was emailed to my home email address, Chris and T left with the rest of the family, and the next morning I drove to the airport at 4 a.m. and was home to Tucson by 10. It was the morning of the 4th of July.

(Male Lesser Goldfinch by Gus, January 3, 2008 Nikon D80)

It took until July 27 for me to get brave enough to get online and try to figure the whole thing out. I was a babe in the waters, not knowing anything about how a blog works. T had said he couldn’t wait until he saw a long blog roll in my side bar. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I stumbled and fumbled my way through, reading Blogger Help articles and clicking on this and that, always fearful that I would do permanent damage to something and I wouldn’t know how to fix it.

(Gilded Flicker phot0 by Kathie May 2007 Nikon D80 70-300mm lens)

My early attempts at blogging were mostly the written word. I love to write and I only knew I wanted to write about birds, nature and wildlife and my experiences of living here in Sycamore Canyon. Then I learned how to add pictures. I remember the first day someone commented in on my blog, and the first day someone other than a family member or friend did. I was ecstatic and I think I cried with joy. Now, a year later, I know how to upload photos, format and, just 2 days ago, I finally figured out how to create a scheduled post! Woo Hoo!

(Burrowing owl photo by Kathie February 5, 2008 Nikon D80 70-300mm lens)

Today I’m leaving on a jet plane for CT and Maine. While there I hope to be able to get on my mother’s new computer, which is still in a dark corner of her bedroom, and post to my Blog from there. However, if you don’t hear from me within the next 2 weeks, I’ll have lots of stories to tell when I return.

(Roadrunner photo by Gus, January 20, 2008 Nikon D80 70-300mm lens)

The blogging baby is growing up! I might be considered a blogging teenager now!

(Sycamore Canyon photo by Kathie March 18, 2008 Nikon D80 70-300mm lens)

If you want to read my very first post, which tells how we came to Sycamore Canyon click on the Introduction.

(Cactus Wren Photo by Kathie March 18, 2008, Nikon D80 70-300mm Lens)