The cold and snow brought throngs of hungry birds to the feeders. I thought I wouldn't get to count many birds since I stayed home almost all day Friday, but to my surprise a Pine Siskin showed up with the Lesser Goldfinches. Then, today he brought back a buddy, so I added 2 Pine Siskins to my Great Backyard Bird Count today. But the surprises didn't end there. Can you tell what bird this is?
The conclusion? A Lincoln's sparrow!
I was enjoying watching this little guy and shooting his photo when a male House Sparrow flew into the yard and landed right near him. He flew at the Lincoln's with beak and claws and drove the poor bird away. The house sparrow was much bigger than the Lincoln's, to my surprise. Though I don't have the same problem with them as Mary does, I do have a few house sparrows around. The most I've seen at one time is probably about 5 or 6, but I just read Amy's post on Twelve Acres about live trapping them and humanly disposing of them. I didn't know what to think of her post but Susan Gets Native commented that if you ever saw a house sparrow attack a bluebird you would change your mind about feeling sorry for them. Well, I may just be changing mine.