...and her newest great-grandson is placed in her arms. It doesn't take long for them to make friends. Can you see the pin on my mother's dress? She doesn't like to wear a lot of jewelry, but when she taught first grade, she started wearing pins because the children liked them. As the years went on, her collection grew. Now she wears a different pin almost every day. Who knew it would come in so handy...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Pecans and a First Meeting
...and her newest great-grandson is placed in her arms. It doesn't take long for them to make friends. Can you see the pin on my mother's dress? She doesn't like to wear a lot of jewelry, but when she taught first grade, she started wearing pins because the children liked them. As the years went on, her collection grew. Now she wears a different pin almost every day. Who knew it would come in so handy...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday Morning Wake Up
I wipe my groggy eyes and roll over in bed. The room is dark and cozy with a soft gray light. I wonder what time it is since it feels later but the room is still so dark. It’s 7:45 a.m., long past the time when the sun should have illuminated my room like the high beams of a truck parked outside. I snuggle into the covers, enjoying this overcast morning. Breezy Boy, my cat, curls up into the hollow of my body and purrs away. I am thinking that maybe I will stay in bed and enjoy this luxury just a few moments longer but suddenly I hear scratching on the patio door. Gus had let the dog out just before he left and now Blossom wants to come in.
(Rincon Mountains)
Once I shut the door the birds return to feasting in the backyard. Once again the finch feeder is covered in Lesser Goldfinches.
(Canyon Towhee at seed cake)
For now, I leave you with this peaceful scene of a potted dove. She has built her nest in this pot on a neighbor’s front porch. The family can sit in their bench and she does not flinch or fly away. My neighbor says she has seen the eggs when the mother flies off to feed in the evening. The male hangs around on nearby rooftops, waiting for the hatching and his job to begin of feeding the little brood. For me, the question arises: does the mother actually trust my neighbor and her children, or is her mother’s instinct so strong that she will not abandon the nest in spite of great fear? If the latter is true, I can’t help but wonder if I could confront my own fears in the same way.
Note: All of today's photography is by Kathiesbirds with the Nikon D80 and the 70-300mm lens except for the morning dove which was photographed Saturday, June 21, with the 18-70mm lens.