Showing posts with label Memoir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memoir. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Six Word Memoir for Kathiesbirds

Bird writer sculpts poem; takes photo.

Texican from Pappy's Balderdash tagged me for this 6 Word Memoir Meme. Apparently Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words. His words were- For Sale: baby shoes, never worn. This is my first time being tagged and I didn't know if I would do it or not, but the idea was intriguing. After letting the idea stew all night long I awoke around five a.m. with the words rolling around in my head. This post is what I came up with, and these are the people I have tagged: Ocean, from Island Rambles; Larry, from The Brownstone Birding Blog, Patrice, from From Patrice, Nina, from Nature Remains and Amy from Twelve Acres.

Here are the rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir.

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you'd like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post 6 Word Memoir Meme , so we can track it as it moves across the blogosphere.

4. Tag five more blogs with links.

5. And, don't forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.