Showing posts with label Rare Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rare Birds. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alert: Robins and Rain in Sycamore Canyon!

American Robin in backyard mesquite tree 2-3-10

Over night a gentle rain fell. I stumbled to the kitchen and went to open the drapes but stopped. Was I dreaming? Was I really seeing this? I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my bins. I could see the orange breast, but perhaps it was a bluebird. We've been seeing lots of those this winter, though none in Sycamore Canyon. But no, this looked like a Robin. It is a robin! A robin in Sycamore Canyon! Wow! I have never seen one in Tucson, never mind Sycamore Canyon. That makes it species number 86 on the Sycamore Canyon Bird List which you can see by scrolling down the side bar. While robins are common in every other state I have lived in, for me, they are a rare bird here! I have only seen one one other time in this state, and that was November 6, 2007 in Madera Canyon.

I watched the pretty thing perched in my bare mesquite tree with gray skies and steady rain. I open the door a crack and thrust my lens out. Snap, snap! I hear it chirp! However, it doesn't sound cheerful, more like a question. The robin flies up higher in the tree and turns its back to me. I watch through the patio door and turn on the tea kettle and the light over the stove. Apparently the light frightens the bird and it flies away to the north. So, if you live in Tucson be on the lookout, a robin is headed your way!

For now, we have Robins and Rain here in Sycamore Canyon. I plan on spending the day blogging. It's time to get my Big January Wrap-up posted.

And that's....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big January: Chestnut-sided Warbler Surprise

Chestnut-sided Warbler, Sabino Canyon 1-23-09 by Kathiesbirds

Friday morning I wake early and head for Sabino Canyon. It's been a couple of months since I have been here and today is the first Important Bird Area Survey of the year. I meet Jean, Pam and Peggy under cloudy skies near the visitor center and we begin our hike up the canyon. though the sky is lead wool, the air is only slightly cool, with that muggy, humid component to it. We take off our light jackets and overshirts from the exertion of the hike, then put them back on when we round a corner and encounter a light wind. Around us the normally noisy desert is silent, save for a few cactus wrens and thrashers. A bright red Cardinal sits atop a hackberry bush, unmistakable against the soft gray sky.

Clouds climb over the canyon's peaks and tumble down the canyon's walls. the creek swells with run off and I can hear the roar before I can see the water. We start our survey in the usual area near the first picnic sight, but no birds sing. We hike along the wet and grassy bank, but see, nothing. I am starting to think the birds are smarter than we are and they've all stayed home, but we trudge onward. Soon the swollen creek turns us back and we cannot go quite as far as we usually do. We head back to the paved trail, then descend along the cliff to the riparian area once again.

Down here by the creek the ruby-crowned kinglet flitter about. We hear their high-pitched voices before we finally spot one in the thick underbrush. Around us giant reed grows tall above us, transforming the creek banks to a jungle. These invasive plants are in the process of being removed by the forest service and a group of trained volunteers. We duck under their towering heights and wander among the willows by the dam. It has been reported that a rare chestnut-sided warbler has been spotted in the area. We crane our necks combing the treetops looking for the little bird.

I expect to see the lovely chestnut sides of the bird indicated by the photo in my bird guides, but when I finally spot this tiny feathered gem in the African sumac by the dam it isn't what I expect. Jean, Pam, and Peggy are more experienced birders than I am and when I call them over they confirm it is the chestnut-sided warbler in non-breeding plumage. the little bird flutters in and out of the foliage, making it very hard to photograph. I barely get a bead on it and it's gone once again. One surprise to me was the way it holds its tail upright like a wren. A visit to the newly formed Arizona Field Ornithologist page gives me further information:

Chestnut-sided warbler photo by Kathie Brown 1-23-09

Even when it completely lacks any Chestnut on the sides, non-breeding Chestnut-sided Warbler is a distinctive bright yellow-green above and unstreaked grayish-white below. It also has wingbars and an eyering. No other warbler has this combination of features.

From AZFO Photo ID Pages-chestnut-sided Warbler.

We continue past the dam and along the creek. Though our list is small today, this one bird is worth it all. Over the dam the swift water tumbles roaring a song in our ears. The boulder strewn creek bed is evidence of its power. Gray sky above becomes life-giving water below.

Big January Update:

105. Chestnut-sided Warbler
106. Anna's Hummingbird

Also, check out Diane's Sabino Canyon Blog

Blogger's Note Update 1-29-09: I submitted my Chestnut-sided warbler photo to the AZFO Webpage where it was accepted and posted. This is a first for me.