Oh where to start?
There were guys in my HS gaming club that were simply insufferable.
There was this one guy who was GMing
Call of Cthulhu for me and a friend. Big guy. Walked around barefoot at the game store. Right in the middle of the game, he pops his foot up on the table and starts filing away at the callouses on his feet. Ugh!
Some of my friends (and myself) have been annoying to each other over time... :)
Here's the capper.
I was running a
Champions game at CopperCon years ago. I had pregens, but I'm an easy going guy, so I was willing to entertain characters that the players brought to the game.
This guy walks up to me and tells me that he's got a character he'd like to play, would I take a look.
Sure, I said.
He hands me a character sheet, I don't remember the characters name, but its a female. I know that people are different and some possess the emotional maturity to roleplay the opposite gender, but when a dude hands you a character sheet with a scantily clad female superhero drawn on it...
That's strike one.
There were also sheets with female body forms you could draw on... |
So, I start looking at the sheet and I see that the character has a giant multipower and some other things that are just starting to look
really abusive and overpowered. This character probably isn't a good fit for the scenario I have planned.
That's strike two.
Then I look at the top of the sheet, where it is describing the multipower. It was customary to "justify" the type of powers, like "Magic Ring" or "Fire Powers" or "Telekinetics" or something. Some way to tie the powers together, however loosely.
This guy (seriously) right on the sheet has his justification written --
"Breast powers"
Strike three, you ARE OUTA HERE!