Showing posts with label 5e. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5e. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Curious Answer...

The good folks at Wizards hosted a live chat on Weds to talk about 5e.

Here's a quote from Mike Mearls that made me scratch my head:

Hmmm... let's see. I've been DMing mostly, and the rules have changed a lot over the past few days. Probably the funniest thing was guest starring as a librarian in a playtest game at DDXP. Also, I got to test the DR rules when the players had to cut open a dead wererat's stomach to find a gem it had swallowed. That was not how I expected to test those rules.

OK, I've highlighted the part that seems strange to me.

Are they actually rolling dice to see if some character can cut open the stomach of a rat?  Are they actually rolling dice to see if they can find the gem that is inside said rat?


I'd love to know more.  I must be missing something here...