Saturday, March 3, 2018

Dave and Seki and Seki Kim's Baptism

In December 2016 each person in our family decided to share a Book of Mormon with someone.  
That is 10 Books!  
I shared mine with Seki Kim at the kids' Taekwondo studio.  
A year later (!) she contacted me wanting to learn more.  
After a few discussions with the missionaries, they chose to be baptized.  
They are a wonderful and sweet family!  
Dave has now been ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood to the office of priest, 
and they are looking forward to going to the temple in a year!

(Not pictured below are their adorable kids, Bella and Sebastian)

1 comment:

Bob and Raylene said...

What a joyous event to be a part of. You are good missionaries.