Saturday, December 8, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

We had an awesome Christmas present from PoppaKeith and Jeanene... 
 a trip to the Great Wolf Lodge!

Photos are hard to come by when you are having too much fun to take them, but we got some fun water pictures.  Owen, Troy, Jonas, and Leslie were off on big slides so we didn't see them much, therefore they are un-represented in our pictures!

Thank you PoppaKeith and Jeanene for our AMAZING and FUN trip!


Bob and Raylene said...

Looks like you really had a lot of fun. So much fun there was little time for taking pictures. Maybe that is a good thing. What a great gift from the Daveys.

Carol said...

I love it! I love you! I love that you had such a great time! Yay Dad and Jeanene!

Unknown said...

Such a fun place!