Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Bob, Jonas, Leslie, Owen, Troy, and Micah ran the Thanksgiving Point Half Marathon on Saturday.  They all did great!  It was a lot of fun.  Mom ran the 5K.

Here are their own descriptions...

I ran a half marathon on April 28, 2012.  It was so cool.  I got a medal.  That was cool too.  I was Happy.  I am 7 years old.  Is that cool or what?  My favorite song to listen to was "Blackout" by Breathe Carolina.  Mile 8 was really hard because it was a huge hill.  I also did it in 2 hours and 4 minutes. 

By Micah T. Bush 


Go run!  Have fun!
Go and jog!  Don’t step on a frog!
Go and race! Keep up the pace!
Go and sprint! Here’s a little hint:
Go and run! Soon you will be done!

By Troy P. Bush

I ran the ½ marathon too.  I ran it in 2:13:48. That’s fast right???  I got an awesome medal.  I got 5th in my age group!!!  I did awesome.  Well that’s what I think.

By Troy P. Bush

I am so glad that I could actually finish that thing!!!  Even imagining the full marathon makes me feel weird.  26 miles of nonstop hurt.  Ugh.  I don’t think I could ever do that. But I might do another half marathon.  Micah and me tied in 3rd place in men 14 and under.  Jonas got 2nd place.   Sweet right?  Micah and me ran it in 2 hours and 4 minutes.  Jonas ran it under 2 hours.   He is fast.  The half marathon was very fun.  (But hard.)   

By Owen S. Bush

I will definitely remember those hills! I ran up each one. I am proud of myself for never stopping to walk. Mamma was a great running buddy. I’m thankful for her and many others who encouraged me on. Running the half was hard, but very thrilling. Hard to describe. When I crossed the finish line, I felt so relieved, tired, happy, proud, and also a little sad that it was over. My time was 2:49:16. I was very happy to be a part of the Jan team! I hope she knows how much we love her. I am thankful for the experience that the half marathon gave me, and I have a feeling that I will be doing another one next year! J


It was really cold.  After the first 2 miles, my feet had no feeling.  But then at mile 5, they were all right.  By mile 9 I wished they were still numb.   At mile 11 my wish was granted.  Then my muscles started screaming.  As the finish line came into sight, somehow I started running faster.  Dad and I raced across the finish line at 1 hour, 46 minutes and 19 seconds.  I am ashamed to admit that I collapsed gasping on the ground after we finished.  After I rested for a minute, dad helped me to my feet and over to the results board where we learned that I had won 2nd.  It was a great feeling, not that I had won 2nd, but that I had done my best.  And that was all that mattered.
@we$0me j0n@$  

Before the race

Go Team Jan!

Micah needs a drink

Dad and Jonas finishing (look for the green shirts)

Troy lip-syncing to his iPod music

2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th

We love you Jan



Hannah said...

You guys are all amazing and really fast!!! So impressed!

OneSharpMom said...

Wow!!! All of you are amazing. I am going to have to tell ALL my friends what a superb job you did.

Bob and Raylene said...

This is incredible! You are all remarkable people and terrific runners! Congratulations and thanks for the loving support of Jan!

Montserrat said...

Oh WOW!!!! You guys are all amazing! What a great family project to do together.

Unknown said...

You guys are so awesome!!

Winn Family said...

YOU GUYS ARE INSANELY COOL! I seriously read your blog and am just hoping that one day I can have an ounce of the awesomeness that is you! FOR REAL! Whose family does that! Half Marathons even for the 7 year old! AHH! AMAZING. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!