Monday, August 17, 2009

New Bush Baby

Reuben Leland Bush


Born: August 17, 2009 @ 4:10pm

8 lbs

20 inches

Mom and baby doing very well!

Brothers and sisters are very proud!


Julia said...

Congrats! What a cute baby.

Tina said...

Congrats Dresden Joel and Kids. How exciting to have a new baby brother.
Look at all that hair.

Can't wait to meet the new Bush.

CarolAnne said...

Such happy news! We are enjoying the Bush family out here and have missed you, but you are doing something pretty special. Welcome, Rueben! Take it easy, Dresden!

Nicole said...

He's perfect! Congratulations to the nicest family I know. He's a lucky boy!

AmyJune said...

Happy Birthday Baby !!!!! Congratulations Dresden and Bob.

Jessica said...

Yay! Congratulations! I thought about you all day yesterday. I'm so glad everything went well. Can't wait to meet him!

Hannah said...

Congrats! He is so cute! You are amazing and he is one lucky little boy. Maybe I will see you at Trinity today, but I am not counting on it.

The Galan Family said...

Congratulations you guys! He is so cute. He looks a little bit like Evelyn! Hope all is well.

Winn Family said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! Congrats!!!

Mommymita said...

Congratulations! I love the name and am telling myself that pregnancy really doesn't last forever.

Greg and Blythe said...

Oh he looks so adorable! We can't wait to meet him :)

Bob and Raylene said...

Another blessing from heaven! Congratulations! Glad both mother and baby are doing well. Can't wait to see him. I know all the kids, except maybe for Evelyn, are thrilled.

Carol said...

My heart is so incredibly full of love -- for all of you! Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us!

Carol said...

Just another comment/thought/observation: Looking at little Reuben with his brothers and sisters close up -- I see Reuben's head with loving hands around him, touching ever so gently. Beautiful!

Sarah said...

Welcome, Welcome Ruben! And Welcome, good news.

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world Rueben! You are lucky to be born into such a wonderful family!
Congratulations :) Can't wait to see him in person.

Jay and Sherrie said...

Congratulations! He is adorable, so he should fit right in.

Unknown said...

Sorry I spelled his name wrong...oops. I won't let it happen again, Reuben :)

Shari Davis said...

How adorable! Congratulations!

Lorie said...

hooray! I can't wait to meet him and see you guys in a couple months!

Tracey McKoy said...

Congratulations on your precious little prince! We miss you in Virginia but know that your family is thriving. Welcome sweet Reuben! Dresden, you look great! Give your new little bundle an extra snuggle from us.

Tracey and Steve

Staci said...

Congratulations! Very excited for you! Hope everyone is doing well! Jonas may not be as much help as before with a broken arm.. At least it was before the new baby.. hug all the kids for us!

My Daniel misses your kids horribly! He asks often to go back to Georgia to play with his friends!