Kita mesti jd peminat yg bermaruah.. jerit mereka.. ( Bangsa maruah ke kalau baling najis kat kedutaan org)
Sporting my foot...... This was what happen in Jakarta...!
korang tengok la goal yang last yg Bakdim ( ke apanama tu score)... Minit ke 4.05!
This what they are crying "cheat" ....
This was when we lose 5-1. Not an iota of blame game yg di buat oleh kem malaysia . We went there, we being whacked 5-1. We sat back. Learned our mistake and keep improving.. And now they are after our blood..watdehel!!! Because of those stupid laser which might be coming from illegal immigran from indon!!!!
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Catatan 24-26 December. Jalan-jalan ganu kite
Sekarang nni semua org cerita pasal bola ,, ye lah bila dah berjaya semua org minat. Furthermore, sapa nak associate dgn looser kan… Jadi semua org jadi fan. But the real fan is the one who alwiz support the team wpun tewas ( albeit silently). Kawan minum aku punya statement,"Itulah Malaysia, negaraku, bila leading tak boleh tahan, bila ketinggalan tak boleh kejar."
Itu senantiasa potong keluhan dia. "Eh engkau ni.... Malaysia main ok apa"Kalau kita tak sokong sapa lg"
Aku punya sokongan ikut priority..Malaysia, Kedah, Argentina.. Mai lah MU ke Chelsea ke,kalau lawan Malaysia.. takdenya aku nak sokong Mu Ke Chelsea.. Hari tu macam aku sorang je sorak bila Owen miss the chance. Tempat aku duduk semua mamat ni pakai baju MU.. Masa lawan Malaysia tu!!!
Tapi sekarang ni aku tgh survey nak sokong team mana kat EPL. Biasakla semua org ada epl team aku pun nak sokong jugak.Nak associate dgn team la konon. Tapi sampai la ni aku tak jumpa dan melekat di hati. Games yg best aku layan ja. Apa kata aku sokong team EPL yg menang..ok tak? Lantak aa .. hahahah
Masa sukan Asia.. aku ada nukilkan kat blog aku kat sini masa Malaysia lawan China..Yang penting harapan tu tetap ada..and boleh masuk second round pun.
Aku punya idea is that kalau nak buat tornement mesti panggil team yg ranking dekat2 dgn Malaysia. Tapi mesti atas dari Malaysia. slowly beat them and climb the ranking. Ni panggil team yg "gap" nya jauh dari segi ranking mmg la tak leh tahan. Contohnya masa Merdeka Tournament tgklah negara yg ranking dia atas sikit dari Malaysia, Invite them,, build the confident first..
AFF Suzuki Cup? Aku tak nak cerita kat sini sebb semua org lagi arif. Mungkin selepas Malaysia menang nanti aku tulis la apa yang patut…
Panjang pulak pasal bola dalm tanak taknak tulis ni… Lantaklah ni blog aku...huhuhu
Hari Jumaat lepas aku pi Terenggganu . Terenganu lagi… Lepas ofis bertolak pi sana.. Uneventful journey . Tak "jam" pun walaupun esok krismas.. Sempat hello abg aku yg baru sampai KT. Iring rombongan kenduri. So aku ambil peluang pg kenduri and g umah ipar duai/ biras kat sana.
Dinner about 9 at Cherating. Sedap jugak la.. mungkin lapar kot…jalan non stop. Landing kat Restoran Baging ( apa maknanyo eh).. quite reasonable. Siap pekena sotong goreng tepung lagi….
Smpai Paka @11.30, anak2 aku yg naik dgn kereta pakciknya tak sampai lagi. Call2 tak dapat. Tak la hairan sangat sbb memang yg sorang ni susah nak angkat phone…
Aku punya biras tak ada.. g bincang sal bisnezz depa pasal besi2 nih.. Aku agak blur. Wish depa suksess sajalah. Lg pun tak involve dari awal..
Ssampai saja jak g pantai ambik gambar sebb dia Nampak ada reflection bulan kat laut… Dgn mata kasar nampak cantik lo. Nak terjemah dalm photo aku rasa tak mampu kot.. Kena guna “bulb” and tripod… hantam sajalah. Aku night foto ni tak reti sangat. Tak habis menuntut lagi...Flash pun cinonet ja.."cls" ( creative lighting system) pun tak boleh buat….
Hasilnya hancussss…..



Itu senantiasa potong keluhan dia. "Eh engkau ni.... Malaysia main ok apa"Kalau kita tak sokong sapa lg"
Aku punya sokongan ikut priority..Malaysia, Kedah, Argentina.. Mai lah MU ke Chelsea ke,kalau lawan Malaysia.. takdenya aku nak sokong Mu Ke Chelsea.. Hari tu macam aku sorang je sorak bila Owen miss the chance. Tempat aku duduk semua mamat ni pakai baju MU.. Masa lawan Malaysia tu!!!
Tapi sekarang ni aku tgh survey nak sokong team mana kat EPL. Biasakla semua org ada epl team aku pun nak sokong jugak.Nak associate dgn team la konon. Tapi sampai la ni aku tak jumpa dan melekat di hati. Games yg best aku layan ja. Apa kata aku sokong team EPL yg menang..ok tak? Lantak aa .. hahahah
Masa sukan Asia.. aku ada nukilkan kat blog aku kat sini masa Malaysia lawan China..Yang penting harapan tu tetap ada..and boleh masuk second round pun.
Aku punya idea is that kalau nak buat tornement mesti panggil team yg ranking dekat2 dgn Malaysia. Tapi mesti atas dari Malaysia. slowly beat them and climb the ranking. Ni panggil team yg "gap" nya jauh dari segi ranking mmg la tak leh tahan. Contohnya masa Merdeka Tournament tgklah negara yg ranking dia atas sikit dari Malaysia, Invite them,, build the confident first..
AFF Suzuki Cup? Aku tak nak cerita kat sini sebb semua org lagi arif. Mungkin selepas Malaysia menang nanti aku tulis la apa yang patut…
Panjang pulak pasal bola dalm tanak taknak tulis ni… Lantaklah ni blog aku...huhuhu
Hari Jumaat lepas aku pi Terenggganu . Terenganu lagi… Lepas ofis bertolak pi sana.. Uneventful journey . Tak "jam" pun walaupun esok krismas.. Sempat hello abg aku yg baru sampai KT. Iring rombongan kenduri. So aku ambil peluang pg kenduri and g umah ipar duai/ biras kat sana.
Dinner about 9 at Cherating. Sedap jugak la.. mungkin lapar kot…jalan non stop. Landing kat Restoran Baging ( apa maknanyo eh).. quite reasonable. Siap pekena sotong goreng tepung lagi….
Smpai Paka @11.30, anak2 aku yg naik dgn kereta pakciknya tak sampai lagi. Call2 tak dapat. Tak la hairan sangat sbb memang yg sorang ni susah nak angkat phone…
Aku punya biras tak ada.. g bincang sal bisnezz depa pasal besi2 nih.. Aku agak blur. Wish depa suksess sajalah. Lg pun tak involve dari awal..
Ssampai saja jak g pantai ambik gambar sebb dia Nampak ada reflection bulan kat laut… Dgn mata kasar nampak cantik lo. Nak terjemah dalm photo aku rasa tak mampu kot.. Kena guna “bulb” and tripod… hantam sajalah. Aku night foto ni tak reti sangat. Tak habis menuntut lagi...Flash pun cinonet ja.."cls" ( creative lighting system) pun tak boleh buat….
Hasilnya hancussss…..
lepas breakfast, yess nasi kerabu. Zoom g kuala trengganu. Set GPS Gong Tok NAsek sampai depan sekolah dia org dtg amik. Then terus g rumah pengantin dibawa oleh pengantin lelaki. Pelik aku, mana dia pengantin pompuan. Rupanya adat kat situ pengantin pompuan pagi2 dah pegi rumah mertua. Dia sorang saja duduk kat tilam beralas kat pelamin sambil diperkenal atau memperkenalkan diri pada makcik2 yg datang kenduri.. Oooo cam tu la pulak.
Pertama kali aku jumpa adat macm tu. Bila salam dengan makcik2 ni ( biasanya makcik2 lah yg dating) diorang hulur la duit kepada pengantin perempuan. Biasanya kat tempat aku yg buat macm ni bila ada berkhatan di mana tetamu sedekah duit kat budak yg disunatkan.


Apa pun, aku belajar benda baru la kat tempat org. After all,life is about learning..cewah.
Lepas tu semua nak pegi Arfa batik. Aku tak pasti belah mana ingat2 lupa. Then ke Payang Market. Punya ramai makhluk.. Nasib baik askar aku 4 org tak ikut..
Aku offer wifey nak beli kan kain selai dua. Tapi kami tak beli apa pun sangat. My wifey kata baru ja beli kain kat situ bulan 3.. Tak payah lah, Kalau nak beli best kalau lama2 sikit baru boleh borong.. hari tu pun tak buat baju lagi..
Aku cepat2 bersetuju. Hahahah….. Praktikal wifey aku ni..aku pun tak ingat aku beli berapa pasang masa tu.
Balik pg amik kereta Naza brother aku yg econnya rosak.. Kopak RM800. Tukar cooling coil and compressor dan lain2..
Dia org nak pg losong and masjid Kristal. Time about 5.15. Aku minta diri chow dulu.. bergegas ke Paka.. Diorang nak wat BBQ.. Sampai tempat keropok lekor 008 kat pantai kelulut pun aku tak singgah.
Malam sampai saja siap BBQ. Timing tepat. Then mandi jap lepas tu dinner….Then keletihan, baring jap sambil layan bebudak tgk movie.
Pastu bincang pasal project wallet. Sound convincing… Finally agree to become partner. Now looking for land around there.
Esok pg pantai yg diaorng newly discovered. Diaorg yg duduk kat situ pun je tau.. Photonya ada kat posting yg lepas..
Pegi dgn anak2 yg penatnya kita. Diorang dgn panas ke apa bukan pedulik. Aku dgn kamera aku snap gambar dekat 400 keping….
Pukul satu balik and siap2 ke KL. Along the way singgah Pantai dekat Masjid Geliga. Kalau tak silap nama dia Pantai Tok Mak NIk. Aku ckp sama wifey,, Tok Mak Nik ni pun disempenakan nama dia kat pantai ni. Mesti sumbody ni. Tak payah Datuk ke Tun ke…
Pekena satar kat Gerai Aziz Satar seperti biasanya kalau aku ke belah2 sana mesti singgah.. Just for satar sbb otak2 dia kureng sikit…Pekena lagi sotong goreng .. Cost me about Rm62.00 ringgit for 2 car punya makan which is very reasonable…..But mostly miuman je la yann bebudak ni order.
Aku pekena nasik jugak. Org Kedah mesti kena nasik punya………..
Then pegi beli kopok cap Intan… ada saja brand feveret.. Aku mana2 pun makan. Tapi kalau ada brand tu ok ja….. semua org nak ada brand kan.. NAk associate with brand….
BErtolak dari Pantai Telok Mak nik ( telok ke tok aku pun dah ingat2 lupa) @ 1630 hours. Gps estimate sampai pukul 7.18. Aku rasa pukul 8 la patut sampai. Sbb bukan GPS tu yg bawak kereta , aku yang bawak!
Sampai kat kesas, kawasan Endah parade stadium 7.56 mlm. Sure sempat sampai umah 8.15 the most. Sampai ja kat simpang seri petaling, jalan jem…walaupun org dah masuk stadium tapi kereta yg dipakir menyempitkan highway. Alamak,
"Jem" tak lama. Akhirnya 8.20 sampai umah . Gegas angkat barang.. cari remote terus on dan keputusan memberangsangkan.. Moga boleh tibai kat Jakarta biaq Indon ( bangsa yg tak berapa reti bahasa) kena 2-0 lagi…
InsyaAllah. Malaysia Boleh!
Pertama kali aku jumpa adat macm tu. Bila salam dengan makcik2 ni ( biasanya makcik2 lah yg dating) diorang hulur la duit kepada pengantin perempuan. Biasanya kat tempat aku yg buat macm ni bila ada berkhatan di mana tetamu sedekah duit kat budak yg disunatkan.
Apa pun, aku belajar benda baru la kat tempat org. After all,life is about learning..cewah.
Lepas tu semua nak pegi Arfa batik. Aku tak pasti belah mana ingat2 lupa. Then ke Payang Market. Punya ramai makhluk.. Nasib baik askar aku 4 org tak ikut..
Aku offer wifey nak beli kan kain selai dua. Tapi kami tak beli apa pun sangat. My wifey kata baru ja beli kain kat situ bulan 3.. Tak payah lah, Kalau nak beli best kalau lama2 sikit baru boleh borong.. hari tu pun tak buat baju lagi..
Aku cepat2 bersetuju. Hahahah….. Praktikal wifey aku ni..aku pun tak ingat aku beli berapa pasang masa tu.
Balik pg amik kereta Naza brother aku yg econnya rosak.. Kopak RM800. Tukar cooling coil and compressor dan lain2..
Dia org nak pg losong and masjid Kristal. Time about 5.15. Aku minta diri chow dulu.. bergegas ke Paka.. Diorang nak wat BBQ.. Sampai tempat keropok lekor 008 kat pantai kelulut pun aku tak singgah.
Malam sampai saja siap BBQ. Timing tepat. Then mandi jap lepas tu dinner….Then keletihan, baring jap sambil layan bebudak tgk movie.
Pastu bincang pasal project wallet. Sound convincing… Finally agree to become partner. Now looking for land around there.
Esok pg pantai yg diaorng newly discovered. Diaorg yg duduk kat situ pun je tau.. Photonya ada kat posting yg lepas..
Pegi dgn anak2 yg penatnya kita. Diorang dgn panas ke apa bukan pedulik. Aku dgn kamera aku snap gambar dekat 400 keping….
Pukul satu balik and siap2 ke KL. Along the way singgah Pantai dekat Masjid Geliga. Kalau tak silap nama dia Pantai Tok Mak NIk. Aku ckp sama wifey,, Tok Mak Nik ni pun disempenakan nama dia kat pantai ni. Mesti sumbody ni. Tak payah Datuk ke Tun ke…
Pekena satar kat Gerai Aziz Satar seperti biasanya kalau aku ke belah2 sana mesti singgah.. Just for satar sbb otak2 dia kureng sikit…Pekena lagi sotong goreng .. Cost me about Rm62.00 ringgit for 2 car punya makan which is very reasonable…..But mostly miuman je la yann bebudak ni order.
Aku pekena nasik jugak. Org Kedah mesti kena nasik punya………..
Then pegi beli kopok cap Intan… ada saja brand feveret.. Aku mana2 pun makan. Tapi kalau ada brand tu ok ja….. semua org nak ada brand kan.. NAk associate with brand….
BErtolak dari Pantai Telok Mak nik ( telok ke tok aku pun dah ingat2 lupa) @ 1630 hours. Gps estimate sampai pukul 7.18. Aku rasa pukul 8 la patut sampai. Sbb bukan GPS tu yg bawak kereta , aku yang bawak!
Sampai kat kesas, kawasan Endah parade stadium 7.56 mlm. Sure sempat sampai umah 8.15 the most. Sampai ja kat simpang seri petaling, jalan jem…walaupun org dah masuk stadium tapi kereta yg dipakir menyempitkan highway. Alamak,
sudah 803 mlm. Dah 3 minit start ni… Call abg aku kot2 ada dlm stadium. Ssaja nak kaco dia. Rupanya dia ada kat umah….
"Jem" tak lama. Akhirnya 8.20 sampai umah . Gegas angkat barang.. cari remote terus on dan keputusan memberangsangkan.. Moga boleh tibai kat Jakarta biaq Indon ( bangsa yg tak berapa reti bahasa) kena 2-0 lagi…
InsyaAllah. Malaysia Boleh!
The time is now Malaysia..........

Malaysia on brink of famous victory 27-Dec-2010
The fiercely competitive and hugely unpredictable AFF Suzuki Cup reaches its climax in Jakarta on Wednesday with the young Tigers of Malaysia looking to protect a three-goal advantage over shell-shocked Indonesia in what is sure to be a pressure-cooker atmosphere in the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium. Malaysia pulled off a surprise 3-0 victory over favourites Indonesia in the first leg of the final before 80,000 fans at Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Jalil Stadium on Sunday. The youthful Malaysian side, full of confidence after beating defending champions Vietnam 2-0 on aggregate in the semi-finals and sensing a first ever AFF Suzuki Cup crown, ran riot during a spellbinding 12-minute period in the second half to take control of the two-legged final.
Goal-machine Safee Sali scored twice with substitute Ashari Samsudin also getting his name on the scoresheet much to the delight of the partisan home crowd. While Safee soared to the top of the scoring charts with four goals, strike partner Norshahrul Idlan put himself firmly in the frame for MVP honours with his alertness and close control setting up Malaysia's first and second goal. He took full advantage of a loss of focus and shape in the previously foot-perfect Indonesian defence to twice wriggle clear of his markers on the byline and tee up Safee and then Ashari for their goals.
The stirring second half performance from Malaysia spoke volumes for the tactical nous of their coach K. Rajagobal who sent on attacking midfielder Ashari after the break. He urged his young charges to be more adventurous going forward, an approach that paid handsome dividends. It will be tempting for Malaysia to park a yellow and black bus in front of their goal and soak up what is sure to be wave after wave of Indonesian pressure in the second leg.
That tactic worked against Vietnam in the cauldron-like My Dinh Stadium when Malaysia successfully safeguarded a 2-0 lead and with the glittering prize within their grasp Rajagobal may go for the pragmatic over the daring. He knows that all it will take to seal the deal is for the in-form Safee to put the final touch to a quick breakaway. Indonesia coach Alfred Riedl has plenty to occupy his mind before the second leg after his team hit the self-destruct button when play resumed after a six-minute delay to allow organisers to deal with the issue of lasers being pointed in the eyes of some Indonesian players. He will have to decide whether or not to stick with striker Cristian Gonzales, who had a quiet game after his goal-scoring heroics in the semi-final, or call in the cavalry and hand the iconic Bambang Pamungkas his first start of the tournament. Irfan Bachdim, the new poster boy of Indonesia football, may also be in line for a recall in place of Yongki Aribowo, who starred in the second-leg of the semi-final against the Philippines but failed to reach similar heights on Sunday.
The fiercely competitive and hugely unpredictable AFF Suzuki Cup reaches its climax in Jakarta on Wednesday with the young Tigers of Malaysia looking to protect a three-goal advantage over shell-shocked Indonesia in what is sure to be a pressure-cooker atmosphere in the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium. Malaysia pulled off a surprise 3-0 victory over favourites Indonesia in the first leg of the final before 80,000 fans at Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Jalil Stadium on Sunday. The youthful Malaysian side, full of confidence after beating defending champions Vietnam 2-0 on aggregate in the semi-finals and sensing a first ever AFF Suzuki Cup crown, ran riot during a spellbinding 12-minute period in the second half to take control of the two-legged final.
Goal-machine Safee Sali scored twice with substitute Ashari Samsudin also getting his name on the scoresheet much to the delight of the partisan home crowd. While Safee soared to the top of the scoring charts with four goals, strike partner Norshahrul Idlan put himself firmly in the frame for MVP honours with his alertness and close control setting up Malaysia's first and second goal. He took full advantage of a loss of focus and shape in the previously foot-perfect Indonesian defence to twice wriggle clear of his markers on the byline and tee up Safee and then Ashari for their goals.
The stirring second half performance from Malaysia spoke volumes for the tactical nous of their coach K. Rajagobal who sent on attacking midfielder Ashari after the break. He urged his young charges to be more adventurous going forward, an approach that paid handsome dividends. It will be tempting for Malaysia to park a yellow and black bus in front of their goal and soak up what is sure to be wave after wave of Indonesian pressure in the second leg.
That tactic worked against Vietnam in the cauldron-like My Dinh Stadium when Malaysia successfully safeguarded a 2-0 lead and with the glittering prize within their grasp Rajagobal may go for the pragmatic over the daring. He knows that all it will take to seal the deal is for the in-form Safee to put the final touch to a quick breakaway. Indonesia coach Alfred Riedl has plenty to occupy his mind before the second leg after his team hit the self-destruct button when play resumed after a six-minute delay to allow organisers to deal with the issue of lasers being pointed in the eyes of some Indonesian players. He will have to decide whether or not to stick with striker Cristian Gonzales, who had a quiet game after his goal-scoring heroics in the semi-final, or call in the cavalry and hand the iconic Bambang Pamungkas his first start of the tournament. Irfan Bachdim, the new poster boy of Indonesia football, may also be in line for a recall in place of Yongki Aribowo, who starred in the second-leg of the semi-final against the Philippines but failed to reach similar heights on Sunday.
Monday, 27 December 2010
Hidden Paradise
Ok we go. Such a nice place...
Bertolak pepagi lepas breakfast..ada org tak jadi pegi sbb semalam dah pegi...Letih katanya.
Lagipun kapacity kereta terhad,xtrail and lagi satu rush. Trajet aku? build for big family.. hahaha. But not big enuff for my family...Nak pg situ alamat tak sampai la..
Takut naik ramai2, tersangkut pulak dalam lumpur atau pasir... Ni dia foto2nya....

Laluan ke pantai...


Bertolak pepagi lepas breakfast..ada org tak jadi pegi sbb semalam dah pegi...Letih katanya.
Lagipun kapacity kereta terhad,xtrail and lagi satu rush. Trajet aku? build for big family.. hahaha. But not big enuff for my family...Nak pg situ alamat tak sampai la..
Takut naik ramai2, tersangkut pulak dalam lumpur atau pasir... Ni dia foto2nya....
Laluan ke pantai...
Heaven on earth...
I found heaven, haven, paaradise..or what ever. But not Jannah as it is in afterlife.
This place is very beautiful,,amazingly protected by nature. Thats all i can say.. Will upload picture soon..... MAybe tonite.
Ive been many beaches in Malaysia.. Well not all beaches but quite a number of it. This one is out of this world..
Being there capturing the beauty of it is the magic moment of my travel to terengganu...
Nearly miss the opprtunity to go there becoz one need 4 wheeler to reach there... or, unless u want to walk about three kilometer. But ,if u ask me.... i will walk there...danggg..
Cakap pun tak guna ..need to upload foto ya!!!
This place is very beautiful,,amazingly protected by nature. Thats all i can say.. Will upload picture soon..... MAybe tonite.
Ive been many beaches in Malaysia.. Well not all beaches but quite a number of it. This one is out of this world..
Being there capturing the beauty of it is the magic moment of my travel to terengganu...
Nearly miss the opprtunity to go there becoz one need 4 wheeler to reach there... or, unless u want to walk about three kilometer. But ,if u ask me.... i will walk there...danggg..
Cakap pun tak guna ..need to upload foto ya!!!
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Do sumthing good such as ....
And u will feel good.....
01. Call an old friend, just to say hi.
02. Hold a door open for a stranger.
03. Invite someone to lunch.
04. Compliment someone on his or her appearance.
05. Ask a coworker for their opinion on a project.
06. Bring cookies to work.
07. Let someone cut in during rush hour traffic.
08. Tell a cashier to have a nice day.
09. Call your parents/brothers/sisters
01. Call an old friend, just to say hi.
02. Hold a door open for a stranger.
03. Invite someone to lunch.
04. Compliment someone on his or her appearance.
05. Ask a coworker for their opinion on a project.
06. Bring cookies to work.
07. Let someone cut in during rush hour traffic.
08. Tell a cashier to have a nice day.
09. Call your parents/brothers/sisters
No matter how perfect you are (continue) step 6 to 10
6. Practice good dental hygiene: Researchers have found that dental hygiene is important for more than cosmetic reasons-it can help you chew food and even avoid heart disease.
7. Drink tea: Be sure to check out the powerhouse of benefits that tea can deliver, which includes improved memory and prevention of ills such as cavities, cancer, and heart disease.
8. Get some exercise: Whether you need to lose weight or not, exercise will have a positive effect on your overall health and quality of life.
9. Improve your energy: If you're feeling sluggish all day, chances are you're just not going to feel good about yourself. So take a few steps to boost your energy, and you'll be better in your daily life.
10. Intensify your workouts: Researchers have found that by doing more intense workouts, you can enjoy similar benefits that you would with a more relaxed workout for a longer period of time.
7. Drink tea: Be sure to check out the powerhouse of benefits that tea can deliver, which includes improved memory and prevention of ills such as cavities, cancer, and heart disease.
8. Get some exercise: Whether you need to lose weight or not, exercise will have a positive effect on your overall health and quality of life.
9. Improve your energy: If you're feeling sluggish all day, chances are you're just not going to feel good about yourself. So take a few steps to boost your energy, and you'll be better in your daily life.
10. Intensify your workouts: Researchers have found that by doing more intense workouts, you can enjoy similar benefits that you would with a more relaxed workout for a longer period of time.
23/12/2010 note
Saturday 18.dec.2010...juz few more days the 2010 will end. COme new year... Maal hijrah has juz begun..
So macm entering new year together2....... Its been an evenfull year in my life. Personal life to be exact....
Career wise? Same old story. Day in day out.. But life has to go on.... Make it better for the next day and next day and so on.... Life is short. At my age it become shorter and shorter....
Sumtime ur got opportunity u dont really realise.... why dont juz grab it ...
any way..on Saturday went to wedding. Before start the car got a call that the host want me to be a official photographer.. luckily i did not go earlier as plan..
quickly grab to kamera and lense and speedlight and go...
But with condition, i said to the host i only available till 2 pm... since indoor wedding not completed ive to pass my camera to others to continue......
done that..!!!
done that and to print photo....
So macm entering new year together2....... Its been an evenfull year in my life. Personal life to be exact....
Career wise? Same old story. Day in day out.. But life has to go on.... Make it better for the next day and next day and so on.... Life is short. At my age it become shorter and shorter....
Sumtime ur got opportunity u dont really realise.... why dont juz grab it ...
any way..on Saturday went to wedding. Before start the car got a call that the host want me to be a official photographer.. luckily i did not go earlier as plan..
quickly grab to kamera and lense and speedlight and go...
But with condition, i said to the host i only available till 2 pm... since indoor wedding not completed ive to pass my camera to others to continue......
done that..!!!
done that and to print photo....
Bowling anyone?
Its been long long time since i played boling. To recap, maybe 6 or 7 years back.. Juz to kill off time , I and my family went to bowling alley just for a fun and to , have fun..yeahhh...
My score was around 100 and the best is 121. That how bad the score is. Anyhow it was fun as too many ball wnet to longkang...........................
Think will go play regularly in the future,,,,,,,
My score was around 100 and the best is 121. That how bad the score is. Anyhow it was fun as too many ball wnet to longkang...........................
Think will go play regularly in the future,,,,,,,
Bior ? Kia?
Hyundai, VW top insurance industry safe car list
Hyundai-Kia, Volkswagen win most 'top safety pick' awards from insurance industry group
WASHINGTON (AP) -- South Korean automakers Hyundai and Kia and German car maker Volkswagen lead the insurance industry's annual list of the safest new vehicles, used by safety-minded consumers looking to buy a new car.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recognized 66 vehicles on Wednesday with its "top safety pick award" for the 2011 model year, the most-ever awarded by the Virginia-based group. The number was more than double the 27 vehicles selected last year.
Hyundai Motor Corp. and its affiliate Kia Motors Corp., and Volkswagen AG and its Audi brand received the most awards with nine, followed by eight awards apiece by General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. The awards, used in advertising to attract car buyers, bolster Hyundai and Volkswagen as they attempt to build a larger foothold in the United States.
Hyundai's Genesis sedan, Sonata midsize and Santa Fe and Tucson sport utility vehicles picked up awards, while Kia was recognized for the Optima midsize car, the Forte and Soul small cars, and the Sorento and Sportage SUVs. Volkswagen won plaudits for the Jetta and Jetta SportWagen, the Golf and GTI small cars and the Touareg and Tiguan SUVs. Audi's A3 and A4 sedans and Q5 SUV also made the list.
Hyundai said the award was particularly sweet for the Sonata, which also received the top score of five stars in the government's crash test program. The combination put Sonata "in a safety position unsurpassed in the industry," said John Krafcik, president and CEO of Hyundai Motor America.
The vehicles were chosen for protection in front, side and rear crash tests. To qualify for the award, the insurance industry group also requires the vehicles to have anti-rollover electronic stability control, or ESC, and receive top scores in roof strength tests.
Institute president Adrian Lund credited automakers for "quickly rising to meet the more-challenging criteria for `Top Safety Pick.'" He said several automakers have requested tests for new models coming out early next year and Lund predicted more winners would be added.
Buick LaCrosse
Buick Regal
BMW 5 series
(except 4-wheel drive and V8)
Cadillac CTS sedan
Ford Taurus
Hyundai Genesis
Infiniti M37/M56
(except M56x 4-wheel drive)
Lincoln MKS
Mercedes E class coupe
Mercedes E class sedan
Toyota Avalon
Volvo S80
Chevrolet Cruze
Honda Civic
4-door models (except Si)
with optional ESC
Kia Forte sedan
Kia Soul
Mitsubishi Lancer sedan
(except 4-wheel drive)
Nissan Cube
Scion tC
Scion xB
Subaru Impreza
(except WRX):
sedan wagon
Toyota Corolla
Volkswagen Golf
4-door models
Volkswagen GTI
4-door models MINICARS
Ford Fiesta
built after July 2010:
sedan hatchback
Audi A3
Audi A4 sedan
Chevrolet Malibu
Chrysler 200
4-door models
Dodge Avenger
Ford Fusion
Hyundai Sonata
Kia Optima
Lincoln MKZ
Mercedes C class
Subaru Legacy
Subaru Outback
Volkswagen Jetta sedan
Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen
Volvo C30
Toyota Sienna
Volkswagen Touareg
Audi Q5
Cadillac SRX
Chevrolet Equinox
Dodge Journey
Ford Explorer
Ford Flex
GMC Terrain
Hyundai Santa Fe
Jeep Grand Cherokee
Kia Sorento
built after March 2010
Lexus RX
Lincoln MKT
Mercedes GLK
Subaru Tribeca
Toyota Highlander
Toyota Venza
Volvo XC60
Volvo XC90
Honda Element
Hyundai Tucson
Jeep Patriot
with optional side torso airbags
Kia Sportage
Subaru Forester
Volkswagen Tiguan
Hyundai-Kia, Volkswagen win most 'top safety pick' awards from insurance industry group
WASHINGTON (AP) -- South Korean automakers Hyundai and Kia and German car maker Volkswagen lead the insurance industry's annual list of the safest new vehicles, used by safety-minded consumers looking to buy a new car.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recognized 66 vehicles on Wednesday with its "top safety pick award" for the 2011 model year, the most-ever awarded by the Virginia-based group. The number was more than double the 27 vehicles selected last year.
Hyundai Motor Corp. and its affiliate Kia Motors Corp., and Volkswagen AG and its Audi brand received the most awards with nine, followed by eight awards apiece by General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. The awards, used in advertising to attract car buyers, bolster Hyundai and Volkswagen as they attempt to build a larger foothold in the United States.
Hyundai's Genesis sedan, Sonata midsize and Santa Fe and Tucson sport utility vehicles picked up awards, while Kia was recognized for the Optima midsize car, the Forte and Soul small cars, and the Sorento and Sportage SUVs. Volkswagen won plaudits for the Jetta and Jetta SportWagen, the Golf and GTI small cars and the Touareg and Tiguan SUVs. Audi's A3 and A4 sedans and Q5 SUV also made the list.
Hyundai said the award was particularly sweet for the Sonata, which also received the top score of five stars in the government's crash test program. The combination put Sonata "in a safety position unsurpassed in the industry," said John Krafcik, president and CEO of Hyundai Motor America.
The vehicles were chosen for protection in front, side and rear crash tests. To qualify for the award, the insurance industry group also requires the vehicles to have anti-rollover electronic stability control, or ESC, and receive top scores in roof strength tests.
Institute president Adrian Lund credited automakers for "quickly rising to meet the more-challenging criteria for `Top Safety Pick.'" He said several automakers have requested tests for new models coming out early next year and Lund predicted more winners would be added.
Buick LaCrosse
Buick Regal
BMW 5 series
(except 4-wheel drive and V8)
Cadillac CTS sedan
Ford Taurus
Hyundai Genesis
Infiniti M37/M56
(except M56x 4-wheel drive)
Lincoln MKS
Mercedes E class coupe
Mercedes E class sedan
Toyota Avalon
Volvo S80
Chevrolet Cruze
Honda Civic
4-door models (except Si)
with optional ESC
Kia Forte sedan
Kia Soul
Mitsubishi Lancer sedan
(except 4-wheel drive)
Nissan Cube
Scion tC
Scion xB
Subaru Impreza
(except WRX):
sedan wagon
Toyota Corolla
Volkswagen Golf
4-door models
Volkswagen GTI
4-door models MINICARS
Ford Fiesta
built after July 2010:
sedan hatchback
Audi A3
Audi A4 sedan
Chevrolet Malibu
Chrysler 200
4-door models
Dodge Avenger
Ford Fusion
Hyundai Sonata
Kia Optima
Lincoln MKZ
Mercedes C class
Subaru Legacy
Subaru Outback
Volkswagen Jetta sedan
Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen
Volvo C30
Toyota Sienna
Volkswagen Touareg
Audi Q5
Cadillac SRX
Chevrolet Equinox
Dodge Journey
Ford Explorer
Ford Flex
GMC Terrain
Hyundai Santa Fe
Jeep Grand Cherokee
Kia Sorento
built after March 2010
Lexus RX
Lincoln MKT
Mercedes GLK
Subaru Tribeca
Toyota Highlander
Toyota Venza
Volvo XC60
Volvo XC90
Honda Element
Hyundai Tucson
Jeep Patriot
with optional side torso airbags
Kia Sportage
Subaru Forester
Volkswagen Tiguan
Sunday, 12 December 2010
weekend note......
Aku tak tau nak tulis apa.. Tak dak inspirasi. Kalau PM kata tak dapat ilham lagi ( nak election bila). Oh ya wat heppen on friday... pg "digital lifestyle expo." Nama boleh tukar bro tapi benda yang sama la kot. Macm pC fair. eh latak lah nama apa pun kan asal barang aku nak survey ada... Aku pi sampai dekat pukul 6 kot. then kawan aku sampai. Aku survey la barang aku nak tgk.
Then tetiba Mak Long yg dok bentong call nak dtg umah lepas hantar anak dia kat stesyen bas bukit jalil. Balik dari Australia cuti terus nak balik kedah. Aku pun tergesa2 balik...dgn laptop dgn kamera apa pun tak sempat survey. Aku kena balik sbb wifey pun tarak kat umah, pg Dsara.
Ok malam ni lak lagi hampehhh. Kedh kalah dgn Kel. Piala Emas Raja2. Member aku dari kel maybe nak sms aku besok atau post kat fb aku. Dia ni siap ajak aku pi tengok kalau kat lembah klag venue finale. Aku accept dan ok ja kdh kiok... adat la kan... tapi FAM ( depa punya owership jugak kat piala ni), kena la pilih padang yang ok sikit. Apa tarak inspection ka??
Kalau dah start main hujan tu lain la.. Awat aku komplen sbb kdh kalah ka? Waima kedah mng pun aku tak puas hati dgn mutu padang.... apa pun kedah kalah sbb penalty, so tak dak kedah mengena dgn padang...
Aku tak puas hati sbb game terganggu lah.. flow macam hambar ja. Dah la mutu ke laut lagi bola Msia ni. Padang pulak mcm tu...
Final kena la padang elok.....
Filipina tarak padang untuk AFF pun kena main kat negara lain...
Aku tak puas sbb kedah kalah ka??? Malam sikit....Kalah tu kalah la....... no hal, bukan tak besa kalah.. Malaysia cup dulu kalah 3 kali berturut2 final. Dengan team sama...gilossss!!!
Then tetiba Mak Long yg dok bentong call nak dtg umah lepas hantar anak dia kat stesyen bas bukit jalil. Balik dari Australia cuti terus nak balik kedah. Aku pun tergesa2 balik...dgn laptop dgn kamera apa pun tak sempat survey. Aku kena balik sbb wifey pun tarak kat umah, pg Dsara.
Ok malam ni lak lagi hampehhh. Kedh kalah dgn Kel. Piala Emas Raja2. Member aku dari kel maybe nak sms aku besok atau post kat fb aku. Dia ni siap ajak aku pi tengok kalau kat lembah klag venue finale. Aku accept dan ok ja kdh kiok... adat la kan... tapi FAM ( depa punya owership jugak kat piala ni), kena la pilih padang yang ok sikit. Apa tarak inspection ka??
Kalau dah start main hujan tu lain la.. Awat aku komplen sbb kdh kalah ka? Waima kedah mng pun aku tak puas hati dgn mutu padang.... apa pun kedah kalah sbb penalty, so tak dak kedah mengena dgn padang...
Aku tak puas hati sbb game terganggu lah.. flow macam hambar ja. Dah la mutu ke laut lagi bola Msia ni. Padang pulak mcm tu...
Final kena la padang elok.....
Filipina tarak padang untuk AFF pun kena main kat negara lain...
Aku tak puas sbb kedah kalah ka??? Malam sikit....Kalah tu kalah la....... no hal, bukan tak besa kalah.. Malaysia cup dulu kalah 3 kali berturut2 final. Dengan team sama...gilossss!!!
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Maknanya ada yg palsu lah tu...
Dari Malaysia Insider: Proton says Group Lotus is ‘the real Lotus’
By Yow Hong Chieh
December 10, 2010
SHAH ALAM, Dec 10 — The dispute over the use of the Lotus name in Formula One shows no signs of abating, with the national car maker Proton today claiming that its subsidiary Group Lotus was “the real Lotus”.
“We are the real Lotus,” Proton chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh told reporters here. “We have the right to go into Formula One and we know exactly what we are doing.
“I do not know about the other party. They know best. What they decide is up to them.”
Renault on Wednesday announced that they would be renamed Lotus Renault GP in 2011 with Proton-owned Group Lotus as title sponsor and eventual co-owners.
The move, following the French manufacturer’s sale of its remaining 25 per cent stake in the team, pits them against Renault-powered Team Lotus entered by budget airline tycoon Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes.
Nadzmi stressed that Group Lotus had every right to be a Formula One title sponsor as it not only owned the rights to the Lotus name but also manufactured sports cars.
Proton has insisted it will resist any attempt by Fernandes to use the name “Team Lotus” in the Formula One season next year, saying it has terminated his 1 Malaysia Racing Team’s rights to the Lotus Racing name for 2011.
The car maker alleged that the licence was terminated over the racing team’s flagrant and persistent breaches of licence, which were damaging to the Lotus brand.
Proton maintains that wholly owned subsidiary Group Lotus owns the rights to the iconic name for the team that was launched by Lotus founder Colin Chapman.
However, Lotus Racing chief executive Riad Asmat has disputed Proton’s claims, insisting that the Lotus Racing name belonged to Team Lotus Ventures, which is a part of Fernandes’s Tune Group.
Tune Group had bought over Team Lotus Ventures in early September.
Riad, a former Proton general manager, further claimed that his old company had tried to buy the rights of Team Lotus Ventures from its owner David Hunt but was unsuccessful.
Insiders have however pinned the dispute on Lotus chief executive Dany Bahar, claiming that he is responsible for influencing the recent decisions of Proton/Group Lotus.
Nadzmi, in response to a question, today denied that he had given the green light to Group Lotus to enter F1 to spite Fernandes. and said he had good ties with the Air Asia founder.
“We do not get any compensation when we allow them to use Lotus,” he said. “So that’s how good our relationship is.”
Proton managing director Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir said the decision was made purely for business reasons and was not personal.
“We have a lot of respect (for him) . . . but we’re making a decision that’s relating to Lotus here,” he said. “It’s nothing personal.
“It’s a company that we’ve owned for about 13 years. We’re duty-bound to shareholders to revive and turn around the company. There’s nothing personal to anyone.”
Group Lotus is a wholly owned subsidiary of Proton and runs Lotus Cars Limited, which has two operating divisions — Lotus Engineering and Lotus Cars. Lotus Engineering is an internationally recognised automotive engineering consultancy based in Norfolk, the United Kingdom.
Fernandes has so far refused to comment further on the latest developments between Proton and his Lotus Racing team.
He has also asked the British High Court to declare that Tune Group owns the rights to use the Team Lotus name.
By Yow Hong Chieh
December 10, 2010
SHAH ALAM, Dec 10 — The dispute over the use of the Lotus name in Formula One shows no signs of abating, with the national car maker Proton today claiming that its subsidiary Group Lotus was “the real Lotus”.
“We are the real Lotus,” Proton chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh told reporters here. “We have the right to go into Formula One and we know exactly what we are doing.
“I do not know about the other party. They know best. What they decide is up to them.”
Renault on Wednesday announced that they would be renamed Lotus Renault GP in 2011 with Proton-owned Group Lotus as title sponsor and eventual co-owners.
The move, following the French manufacturer’s sale of its remaining 25 per cent stake in the team, pits them against Renault-powered Team Lotus entered by budget airline tycoon Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes.
Nadzmi stressed that Group Lotus had every right to be a Formula One title sponsor as it not only owned the rights to the Lotus name but also manufactured sports cars.
Proton has insisted it will resist any attempt by Fernandes to use the name “Team Lotus” in the Formula One season next year, saying it has terminated his 1 Malaysia Racing Team’s rights to the Lotus Racing name for 2011.
The car maker alleged that the licence was terminated over the racing team’s flagrant and persistent breaches of licence, which were damaging to the Lotus brand.
Proton maintains that wholly owned subsidiary Group Lotus owns the rights to the iconic name for the team that was launched by Lotus founder Colin Chapman.
However, Lotus Racing chief executive Riad Asmat has disputed Proton’s claims, insisting that the Lotus Racing name belonged to Team Lotus Ventures, which is a part of Fernandes’s Tune Group.
Tune Group had bought over Team Lotus Ventures in early September.
Riad, a former Proton general manager, further claimed that his old company had tried to buy the rights of Team Lotus Ventures from its owner David Hunt but was unsuccessful.
Insiders have however pinned the dispute on Lotus chief executive Dany Bahar, claiming that he is responsible for influencing the recent decisions of Proton/Group Lotus.
Nadzmi, in response to a question, today denied that he had given the green light to Group Lotus to enter F1 to spite Fernandes. and said he had good ties with the Air Asia founder.
“We do not get any compensation when we allow them to use Lotus,” he said. “So that’s how good our relationship is.”
Proton managing director Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir said the decision was made purely for business reasons and was not personal.
“We have a lot of respect (for him) . . . but we’re making a decision that’s relating to Lotus here,” he said. “It’s nothing personal.
“It’s a company that we’ve owned for about 13 years. We’re duty-bound to shareholders to revive and turn around the company. There’s nothing personal to anyone.”
Group Lotus is a wholly owned subsidiary of Proton and runs Lotus Cars Limited, which has two operating divisions — Lotus Engineering and Lotus Cars. Lotus Engineering is an internationally recognised automotive engineering consultancy based in Norfolk, the United Kingdom.
Fernandes has so far refused to comment further on the latest developments between Proton and his Lotus Racing team.
He has also asked the British High Court to declare that Tune Group owns the rights to use the Team Lotus name.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Budak upstoppable nak ayat aku....haishhh
Sambung lagi pasal budak multi level marketing tu....
Sebenarnya aku tak paham pun apa dia explain, actually paham la sikit2 . Tp sbb dia nak kelentong, dia kena la pusing2 cakap dia.
Hahahahah.... Basically aku nak tau modus operandi Unstoppable ni mcm mana. Dan dapat tau lah sikit2. Dia orang ni kalau tak join dia tak bagi tau. Tapi aku korek juga..
Bisnezz unstoppable, eh bizness ke. ? Nak bagi nama apa ye.. Kalau aidid kata unstopbebal. Ok lah menatang ni secara dasarnya kena bagi duit dulu baru diaorg nak cerita. Memang la dah kasi duit tu bye bye jelah. Kena lah cari org utuk cover balik..hampehhh..
Budak ni intro tanya aku asb bg return berapa %. Hahaha di awal kalam lagi tanya pasal ASB. Ingat aku tak tau ke ASB punya return. Aku ckp 10 kot. Dia kata 7-9% saja. ok....then...
Dia kata,I boleh bg return 30%.. Wow, teruja nafsu aku..wah2 aku berlakon.
Macm mana: Kena ada ASB 200k dulu then declare...
Bab declare ni aku tak paham.. Aku tanya declare kat mana? dia jawab ada ler.. Bab rahsia ni tak tahan aku. Tak pe aku layan je.... ok pastu?
Then u guna yg extra duit tu join kita org... Yg extra mana mai pun aku tak tau,,,tu dia punya pusing sampai aku naik pening..Extra duit dari mana muncul aku tak dapat tangkap sampai sudah. Tak pe.. aku buat andaian....
'penuhkan asb,,, declare kata dah berjaya,macam tunjuk kat mangsa kita la duit kita dah banyak.... then mungkin buat loan guna cagaran asb ataupun buat loan dulu untuk penuhkan asb. Apapun guna duit asb tu untuk masuk skim cepat kaya ni a.k.a unstopbebal'
ni andaian aku......
dia punya belit pasal asb tak ketahuan punca..ok lantak pi lah...
Ni masuk bab yang best, sekarang join kita orang, dia sebut community,bukan ahli, dalam 32 k dapat beli kedai dalm 11 buah..
wowo, 11 buah kedai tuh.. aku tanya kat mana.?. kat internet jawab dia. Sahih skim cepat kaya ni.. aku layan lagi. Boleh ke dapat geran ke, sijil saham ke, sijil reit ke?
Dia jwb ni kedai maya, beli dalam sistem, Mcm ebay.
Aku teruskan blur aku" so dia org jual barang mcm kat ebay ke"
Tak2 ni malaysia punya sistem, jwb dia. Memang masak budak ni nak kelepet aku.
OOOoo maknanye kita invest kat dia dan dia jual barang dan kita dapat div 7638 tiap2 bulan ke? Aku saja melayan.
Kata dia pulak,,,Tak -tak sistem akan uruskan...
Then i dapat apa.?? U akan dapat pasword n member id. Boleh monitor kedai kat internet, katanya.
Kemudian u ajak org lain beli kedai under u.. Aiikkk kedai dan tanah dan alamat aku tak tau nak suruh aku jual pulak.. keluar la figure aku untung 132 ribu ke berapa tah..manyakk ooo..
Sebelum tu dia kata once aku bayar 32k tu aku aku dapat rebate RM7638.. Aku buat teruja nak join dan nak bulan-bulan dividen RM7638 la... Dia cpt2 kata aku dapat sekali saja. Kalau aku tak cari org dapt yg tu je lah.. oh mcm tu.. So aku tanya RM7638 tu dapat dari duit aku 32k la maksud. Korang bayar aku kononnya rebet dari duit aku kan. Dia terkedu...
Aku tak de masa nak layan. Aku nak attack.... Aku tanya u tau tak yg u buat ni salah. Dia defensive kata sijil halal ada. Aku ckp kalau u nak berniaga mesti ada barang yg nyata dan sahih. DIa kata org kita tanak suka berniaga barang... Ni byr ja,, system take care barang...
Gila babat punya cara berniaga. Aku bengang pun ada. Aku terus kata ni sekim cepat kaya., u tau tak. Dia kata dia tau apa yg dia buat yakin tak salah dan halal. Nak tunjuk sijil halal lagi kat aku. Aku ckp duit tu mmg halal, barang memang halal. Cara nak dapatkan ja yg tak betul.
KAlau kena cari org dan bayar, cari lagi dan upline ambil dari dia punya payment, bukan skim cepat kaya ka. Sistem tu tempat berselindung ja.. Tak de sistem pun aku boleh lukis kat kertas kata tu kedai u ke sapa ke. DIa terkedu.still insist kata dia yakin sistem i tak salah..
Aku ayat baik punyaa... Sis u tak yg u ni menipu org atau pun u tak tau yang sistem u masuk ni cepat kaya.
Dia kata dia well aware apa yg dia buat..
U berfikirlah semasak2nya, kalau u dalam denial pun,, u amiklah masa untuk fikir hasil income u ni.Menipu org ke tak, atau u been blinded by money,,,cewahhh.
banyak lah juga aku fire ( slow punya fire)..last2 dia kata dia tak de choice... Siap tanya boleh ke aku bagi dia kerja?? Kalau dia tak buat keja ni..
Maknanya dia tau yg dia buat tu salah tapi tak de pilihan.... Dan dia kata akan cuba berhenti.. Bab tak de pilihan tu aku malas nak komen,,, kalau sedap dapat duit mudah dgn menipu org, tak de pilihan yg lebih baik ke? Dia ni mcm educated ja.. tentu boleh wat keja berfaedah..sedangkan indon yg tak de spm pun boleh keja...
sekurang2nya dia muhasabah diri yg selama ini dia syok ja jual kedai yg tak wujud dan sedap ja iklan kt fb nak tolong org Melayu.... pada hal nak masuk poket dia...
Lu pikir lah sendri!!!!!!
Nak kelentong aku yea.....
Aku tgh layan budak unstoppable ni... nak tengok akai dia... mcm mana dia nak kelentong aku......
Now aku tau sikit pasal biz bebudak ni.... hahaha...dia masih cuba kelentong aku dan aku masih layan...... dgn chat kat fb aku.... nanti sampai masa aku fire dia cukup2...
Nak buat skim cepat kaya....memang nak mencuri duit org ja kerja bebudak ni....
Muka inesen saja tapi tak sedar wat bizness menipu org... Aku mungkin diorang tak tau yg diaornag involve dalm skim cepat kaya... Wallahualam..
Kalau dia tatau aku nak kasi tau..kalau tak sadar jugak...sendiri mau pikir la!!!!
Now aku tau sikit pasal biz bebudak ni.... hahaha...dia masih cuba kelentong aku dan aku masih layan...... dgn chat kat fb aku.... nanti sampai masa aku fire dia cukup2...
Nak buat skim cepat kaya....memang nak mencuri duit org ja kerja bebudak ni....
Muka inesen saja tapi tak sedar wat bizness menipu org... Aku mungkin diorang tak tau yg diaornag involve dalm skim cepat kaya... Wallahualam..
Kalau dia tatau aku nak kasi tau..kalau tak sadar jugak...sendiri mau pikir la!!!!
No matter how perfect you are...(1)
No matter how perfect you may think you are, the fact this there's always some small way you can improve upon yourself. Whether it's broadening your knowledge or reducing your impact on the earth, there are seemingly endless little things you can do to make a change for the better. Here, step no.1 to 5, and how you can go about doing them.
Good health is the foundation of a good life, so make these improvements, and they'll resonate out to the rest of your life.
1. Eat breakfast every morning: Eating breakfast is important for your health and mental power, supplying essential vitamins, minerals, and energy for your day.
2. Get a good night's rest: You just can't have a happy and productive life if you're tired all of the time, so get some quality shut eye.
3. Drink water: Step up your water intake to lose weight, feel better, and improve your skin.
4. Eat slowly: Slow down when you eat, and you'll find that you consume less while still feeling satisfied.
5. Cut down on junk food: Junk food has a nasty way of bringing your health down, so avoid it whenever possible, opting instead for healthy food like fresh fruits and vegetables.
Good health is the foundation of a good life, so make these improvements, and they'll resonate out to the rest of your life.
1. Eat breakfast every morning: Eating breakfast is important for your health and mental power, supplying essential vitamins, minerals, and energy for your day.
2. Get a good night's rest: You just can't have a happy and productive life if you're tired all of the time, so get some quality shut eye.
3. Drink water: Step up your water intake to lose weight, feel better, and improve your skin.
4. Eat slowly: Slow down when you eat, and you'll find that you consume less while still feeling satisfied.
5. Cut down on junk food: Junk food has a nasty way of bringing your health down, so avoid it whenever possible, opting instead for healthy food like fresh fruits and vegetables.
100 basic English Word
Essential English Words.
Basic Verbs, Prepositions, Articles, Pronouns, etc.
1. come
2. get
3. give
4. go
5. keep
6. let
7. make
8. put
9. seem
10. take
11. be
12. do
13. have
14. say
15. see
16. send
17. may
18. will
19. about
20. across
21. after
22. against
23. among
24. at
25. before
26. between
27. by
28. down
29. from
30. in
31. off
32. on
33. over
34. through
35. to
36. under
37. up
38. with
39. as
40. for
41. of
42. till
43. than
44. a
45. the
46. all
47. any
48. every
49. no
50. other 51. some
52. such
53. that
54. this
55. i
56. he
57. you
58. who
59. and
60. because
61. but
62. or
63. if
64. though
65. while
66. how
67. when
68. where
69. why
70. again
71. ever
72. far
73. forward
74. here
75. near 76. now
77. out
78. still
79. then
80. there
81. together
82. well
83. almost
84. enough
85. even
86. little
87. much
88. not
89. only
90. quite
91. so
92. very
93. tomorrow
94. yesterday
95. north
96. south
97. east
98. west
99. please
100. yes
Basic Verbs, Prepositions, Articles, Pronouns, etc.
1. come
2. get
3. give
4. go
5. keep
6. let
7. make
8. put
9. seem
10. take
11. be
12. do
13. have
14. say
15. see
16. send
17. may
18. will
19. about
20. across
21. after
22. against
23. among
24. at
25. before
26. between
27. by
28. down
29. from
30. in
31. off
32. on
33. over
34. through
35. to
36. under
37. up
38. with
39. as
40. for
41. of
42. till
43. than
44. a
45. the
46. all
47. any
48. every
49. no
50. other 51. some
52. such
53. that
54. this
55. i
56. he
57. you
58. who
59. and
60. because
61. but
62. or
63. if
64. though
65. while
66. how
67. when
68. where
69. why
70. again
71. ever
72. far
73. forward
74. here
75. near 76. now
77. out
78. still
79. then
80. there
81. together
82. well
83. almost
84. enough
85. even
86. little
87. much
88. not
89. only
90. quite
91. so
92. very
93. tomorrow
94. yesterday
95. north
96. south
97. east
98. west
99. please
100. yes
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
AFF: Malaysia Layak Ke separuh Akhir
Aku terpaksa sokong Indon mlm ni.. Bila Malaysia leading 3-1 , aku tukar channel tgk Indon ketinggalan 0-1. harap depa seri tapi at last Indon menang 2-1. Malaysia tibai Laos 5-1.
Malaysia layak ke semi. Harap boleh revenge indon masa kat final. Kalau Indon maintain performance macm ni nampaknya sukar la Malaysia. Apapun kena lepas semi dulu. Maybe lawan filipine..
Malaysia layak ke semi. Harap boleh revenge indon masa kat final. Kalau Indon maintain performance macm ni nampaknya sukar la Malaysia. Apapun kena lepas semi dulu. Maybe lawan filipine..
More Motor show pictures....
Pasal motor show lagi...
Memang aku plan tak nak bawak flash, sbb banyak benda kena fikir. Dgn nak kawal 7 beradik lagi. Dgn lens 70-200, berat tul. Tapi bila sampai lagi frust sbb lighting tak cukup. shutter kena low, gegar beb. paling laju pun 1/30. tangan kena steady betul.... last2 tukar lens yg bukak dia besar sikit , i e 2.8, banyak la cahaya boleh masuk.....
lagi satu aku ak reheasal, whether boleh tak bawak semua sekali dalam tempat yg crowded cenggitu.... Aku boleh bawak semua tetapi aku tak leh enjoy sepenuhnya. So aku punya plan nak pergi USS dalam masa terdekat ni kena kansel. opps, postpone mungkin next year. Lagi pun musim hujan. Nak enjoy ride pun mesti beratur panjang. Outdoor pulak tu... MEsti let nih punya.
Ok autoshow balik, bestnya bawak lens panjang ni model sporting, diaorg response and posing ok la. tapi sebb lampu banyak dari atas, muka banyak bayang lor...
Nabila asyik update mama yg abah ni asyik amik gambar model je. Hahaha...
kereta bannyak apa.. gambar diarg pun banyak..gamabr abah je tak de.. Macm biasak lah. Photographer memang tak banyak photonya...
Monday, 6 December 2010
Nasi Uduk SG Udang
aku nak tulis pasal makan lak nie. Ptg2 macam ni memang lapo. Nasi uduk bakar hmmm. Very the indonesian one...
(Eh kenapa ade underline lak ni)
Sabar ye makanan lum sampai lagi... oh ya Lurvy abah ada kat umah.... Arini naik trajet.
Sabar ye,,,,
Angah pedih mata....masak apa tu kat dapur.... Mana order ni

Decoration kat dalam kedai... Aku sampai masa lepas peak hour kot dalam pukul 3. Ada 2 meja ja occupied. Lagi pun kawasan ni kawasan baru......

Nie dia... NAsi uduk bakar and ayam goreng. Simple yet complete per set ada tempe, tauhu goreng, nasi dalam daun pisang, sambal goreng and sup..
Close-up ayam goreng.... Dalam menu ada juga ayam bakar. Aku ada order nak try, tapi yg dihantarnya semua ayam goreng. Dia salah dengar agaknya, ke anak-anak aku bising.hahah...apapun "Goreng pun sodap" .
Yang sorang ni seperti biasa minat yg berkuah. Kalau tak laksa,sup. Kali ni dia order bubur nasi. Sesuai jugak hidangan ni. Angah kata sedap. Bagi aku lak macam biasa , tak ada yg special sangat .. ermm boleh la

Nasi and sambal.. just nice and well cooked. cewah. Maksud aku nasinya tak lembik and tak keras sangat... Layan sambal huhhhh, bestt! Ok ok , aku suka!
(Eh kenapa ade underline lak ni)
Sabar ye,,,,
Decoration kat dalam kedai... Aku sampai masa lepas peak hour kot dalam pukul 3. Ada 2 meja ja occupied. Lagi pun kawasan ni kawasan baru......
Nie dia... NAsi uduk bakar and ayam goreng. Simple yet complete per set ada tempe, tauhu goreng, nasi dalam daun pisang, sambal goreng and sup..
Aku tak pasti nasi tu dibakar mcm mana, mungkin dalam daun pisang tu. Baunya semerbak. Nasinya pula macm nasi lemak tapi tak berminyak. Ok la kalau bebudak macam begitu saja.. Kalau nak makan dgn sup pun ok.
Close-up ayam goreng.... Dalam menu ada juga ayam bakar. Aku ada order nak try, tapi yg dihantarnya semua ayam goreng. Dia salah dengar agaknya, ke anak-anak aku bising.hahah...apapun "Goreng pun sodap" .
Nasi and sambal.. just nice and well cooked. cewah. Maksud aku nasinya tak lembik and tak keras sangat... Layan sambal huhhhh, bestt! Ok ok , aku suka!
Motor Show
Aku berkesempatan ke KLIMS semalam. Ramainya makhluk. Aku tak tau la best ke tak sebb aku bukan arif sangat pasal kereta. Nak survey kereta baru pun rasanya Myvi aku baru setahun jagung. Ehem hm..sebenarnya fulusya pun tarak nak beli yang baru. Aisya panggil kereta Myvi aku tu Lurvy. Asyik gaduh ja ngan danish. Abg dia kata Myvi la, dia kata Lurvy. Lurvy kan abah. ? Dia sebbab sweet ja.Aku jawab dua2 betul. Dua2 happy. Aku pun panggil mine Lurvy. hahaha.
Oh apa yg ada kat situ... Menyimpang lak pasal Lurvy. Ada Bumblebee. Ade kereta. Ada pahlawan melayu 5 saudara.. Yup dinamakan kat kereta. Aku tak tau Proton ada trademark tak nak pakai nama2 sejarah tu. Apa pun ok jugak design dia. Aku miss BAtman car.cess aku terlalu penat.aku takpasti kat mana booth kat mana. Lupa sehhhh. Gila. aku hangkut kamera. Lens 70-200. Angkat anak aku yg penat. Nak amik gambar lagi. kereta kemana aku kemana. kejap2 cari anak2. Takut hilang sebab ramainya manusia.
Kereta bernama TUAH....
Gambar model? klick sini
Sunday, 5 December 2010
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