Showing posts with label Camouflage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camouflage. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Flames of War - V1 Flying Bomb - Showcase

Here is my V1 set up in a terrain piece I made earlier, the field with crops using herbs.

Some other good news, my hobby stuff has arrived from overseas and I will be operational again in a few days!!


Friday, 19 July 2013

Flames of War - V1 Flying Bomb - WIP


Now onto the actual flying bomb part. After painting it Field Grey I carefully applied a black/brown mix wash into the  joints.

I then painted a slightly darker version of Field Grey over the top part as a base for the Camouflage, careful to leave the wash showing in the joints.

I mixed in a Dark Green to the Field Grey mix and applied a further coat to the top.

I then cleaned up the bottom with the original Field Grey base again careful to leave the wash showing in the joints.

Next up the finished product.

As mentioned previously I am eaking out my saved posts till I can get my hobby area up and running again.


Saturday, 13 July 2013

Flames of War - V1 Flying Bomb

Next on my list to paint was my V1 Flying Bomb with Launch Pad. I started out with a black primer for both pieces.

Then I used Field Grey for the base coat of the V1 and a equal mix of my custom Middlestone and Chocolate Brown for the Launch Ramp.

I painted the Launch ramp next with a coat of Middlestone.

I then applied a Dark Brown Wash.

Using Middlestone again I cleaned up the Ramp leaving the wash in the recesses.

Next I painted the camouflage. The base brown camouflage was a 50/50 mix of Middlestone and Chocolate Brown and a 70/30 Chocolate Brown and Middlestone mix for the center part of the camouflage. The green was a 50/50 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone as a base then a 70/30 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone for the center of the camouflage.

Last was to finish with a drybrush of Bone or Ivory (not shown yet).

Next post, painting the V1.


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Flames of War - Stug - Finished

I set about painting the camouflage as per the Open Fire video guide on the Official website.

The base brown camouflage was a 50/50 mix of Middlestone and Chocolate Brown and a 70/30 Chocolate Brown and Middlestone mix for the center part of the camouflage. The green was a 50/50 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone as a base then a 70/30 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone for the center of the camouflage.

The trick is to 'feather' the edges of the camouflage to help the next step of blending the camouflage into the tank with a drybrush of Middlestone, followed by another drybrush of Middlestone and Bone or Ivory.

The last step was to paint the details of the stowage and tools.

On a personal note, the model is covered with about 8 layers of paint due to my rookie mistake with the black prime and basecoat followed by the Middlestone layers not covering it enough. Secondly the drybrush finish is not the best I've ever achieved on a model again due to lack of coverage of the paint mix.

Anyhow here are the rest of the pictures for your enjoyment.
